
Chapter 2

As Otto got home he immediately locked himself in his room not speaking to his mum or dad about the incident, thinking that they will hear from it anyway. But he exceeded his limit with the amount of exercise he could a day and immediately became sick with a fever. His mum took care of him all while still taking care of Ella. He hated that. But while he was sick he did get a little visit from Ella who timidly came in the room.

"What do you want?" Otto asked weakly but trying to scare her away.

"Umm..." She walked closer into the room and held up a get well soon card with stars on the cover. "I thought last time you probably just don't like flowers, so I made this instead." She said nervously holding it up to him. Otto didn't have the strength to refuse her and just lyed back in defeat.

"Fine... put it on my bookshelf..." With those small words Ella's face immediately lit up and she put the card on his bookshelf. She then stood there with gleaming eyes, anticipating the next thing she can do for him.

"A-are you hungry? I can ask mum to make porridge for you." She said with excitement. Otto lyed there in silence. He honestly didn't want her to do anything but couldn't find the words or strength to send her away.

"Whatever..." He muttered and again Ella's face lit up as she dashed out of the room. It was the first time Otto accepted anything from Ella and she didn't want to mess up. She came back with rice porridge in a bowl and sat down next to him. Otto sat up weakly reaching for the spoon but was then stopped by Ella grabbing it first.

"Today you're the patient and I'm the nurse so I have to feed you." She said. Otto didn't really care all that much so Ella began feeding him. In that entire day, Ella took care of Otto finding different ways to be useful to him in getting rid of the fever. The next day, however, Otto had to go to the hospital for an injection. Ella couldn't go so she decided to find out something about him that she didn't know. While he was in the hospital she found some astrology books on his bookshelf where she had the card. She began looking through them getting absorbed in the contents of it. But she was too absorbed in it that she didn't hear the door open and Otto come in.

"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed looking at the mess she made and her sitting in the pile of books.

"I just wanted to know more about you so-"

"So you trash my room?!" He looked over in anger. "I never gave you permission to come in did I?! I knew this was a mistake, get out!" He shouted making Ella leave his room straight away. After that day they became distant again. The gap Ella thought she closed, grew bigger and bigger by the year but she couldn't do anything to close it anymore. However, she was still interested in astrology and stars that she began buying her own books.

"Honestly I think you were too harsh on her. She's your little sister, you're lucky. I don't have any siblings so the least you can do for me is treat her better." Callum said while Otto was listening to music in his room with headphones on and trying to ignore him. Callum instantly moved his headphones away from him and stared at him sternly.

"Hey! Why did you-"

"Are you even listening to me? How old are you now? For almost ten years you've been bullying her and just when you were getting close you had to put a wall there again." Callum said with stern eyes. "Why do you hate her so much?" He asked gently. Otto couldn't answer cause he didn't know the answer himself.

"I... I don't know... I mean," He hesitated with a complicated expression. "Before she came along it was only me mum and dad. But now she's here and it feels like it's only her, mum and dad... no room for me." He said as if the words weren't coming out properly. Callum gave a slight sigh as if knowing the problem.

"Ok, I get it... and honestly I don't blame you. I guess that's to be expected if you have been pampered for most of your life and then all the attention falls to another." He said patting Otto on the head. "But that doesn't give you the reason to bully your only sister. You better make things right, look at her in your parents perspective." Callum said then stood up and left the room. Otto was left in a quiet room to just think about what he had been doing until now.

I guess I was pretty terrible to her. But ever since she was born she got most of the attention from mum and dad. Otto thought as he left his room to get something to drink. Just then he saw his mum in the kitchen making lunch.

"Oh, Otto. Something wrong?" She asked with a smile.

"No, I just came to get a drink." He said getting a glass of water, then slowly began drinking.

"You know, a little birdie tells you are having trouble with your sister?" She said casually but Otto, out of surprise, spat the water out without meaning to. "Look honey," She began taking Otto a guiding him to a seat, she sat opposite him. "Only because I help Ella more than I help you doesn't mean I love her more than you. You are both my children and I love you both equally, there's no replacing either of you, so please try to get along, in this world you only have each other." She said with an encouraging smile. Otto couldn't respond to those words but when his mother said something a little unexpected to him, he immediately ran to Ella's room a little pale but unsure of what he would say, how he would act, or if she ever wanted to see him.