

They said that he's a robot - cold and emotionless. Some women find it cool and some find it annoying. In Hana's case... "Isn't it your day off today? Why are you here?" Jacob was glaring at her but she ignored him and just looked for a seat where she can see him from afar. "Are you here to sketch me again?" "Of course. Isn't it obvious? Are you becoming dumb now?" she retorted back while arranging her art materials on the table. Among all the cafe staff, she's the only one who's got the courage and guts to talk to their boss. Jacob crossed his arms on his chest while watching her helplessly. "I don't care about you sketching, drawing or painting me. But don't you fall in love with me." "Heh! Are you serious? Did you think this is some kind of novel plot where a CEO makes a contract with his girl? Seriously?" Hana rolled her eyes and started flipping through the pages of her sketchpad. "Don't worry, I can assure you that it won't happen." "I'm holding you accountable with your words." Jacob said before he left her alone and continued to do his work. "As if I'd tell you that I've fallen in love already." Hana smirked at the thought. MEANWHILE... "Your Majesty, aren't you sorry for your own daughter? What if the Queen, her highness, comes back and finds out that you've banished your daughter?" the small wind diety Airiaj, asked with concern while looking at the huge water mirror in front of them. "Hmp! It would be better if she really comes back." The Cerulean King sneered without any care that his daughter was going through difficult times. If her mother didn't ran off somewhere, Hana wouldn't have a hard time in the mortal world. She would've gotten married already! **** cover isn't mine ORIGNAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN FROM: "Holy Chef, Crazy Empress" -a comic owned by LINKSURE it's edited by a friend https://discord.gg/XkurxZGR

_frieyaVida · Fantasía
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246 Chs


Jacob and Hana were minding their own tasks. She looked so happy slicing the vegetables beside him and that was what Adam saw through his binocular. The pain gripped his heart, jealousy overtaking him but, he knew – he knew that she will never look at him the way she looked at Jacob.

She was always his Her Highness, the Princess of Cerulean Kingdom and he was always her trusted servant, the person who would willingly exchange his life for hers. But in the Mortal Realm, he couldn't even do that. No matter how much he begged to die in her place, no one listened to him. It was as if they were abandoned.

Adam put down the binocular and went back to the resort. Even though he was worried, he knew that nothing will happen to her when she's beside the man she loves for all times. He will unknowingly protect her from danger.

Back to the two who were busy cooking, Hana had the chance to talk to Jacob with just the two of them, the kind of talk where they weren't yelling and she wasn't making excuses of her clumsiness. "Boss, when did you start learning to cook?" She asked out of nowhere, just to know him a little.

"When I was I high school, my parents got promoted with their respective jobs, they got busier and busier each day. My siblings depended on our helpers but I hated it when I kept asking people to cook for me. I mean, I am not a prince or a god that they needed to serve so, I learned to cook from our cook. Day by day, I practiced my cooking skills and cooked my own meals." Jacob stated, the first time he was divulging his personal information to someone. Liam didn't even know about this event in his life. "How about you, what made you decide to work? I don't believe it was because of your parents' strict and overprotective manner."

Hana thought for a while as she sliced the potatoes that Jacob asked her to do. "Half of the reason was my parents. They always worry about me since I am the youngest and I was really frail. They didn't allow me to do house chores at all. When I decided to take the job, they were a little hesitant. After all, I don't know much about work stuff. Another half of the reason was me. I was scared to work well. I am clumsy and I would talk back whenever I feel aggrieved. I don't like it when I am being bullied. You can say that, I've had enough of bullying so now, I would fight back." What she said was just half of the truth. He wasn't willing to tell him about her illness at all. "Hey boss, this may be a little private or maybe a big private matter to you but, not only me, we are all interested why you are still single."

"What do you mean 'why'? Does that need any reason?"

"Of course. I mean, you are handsome, you are successful, you are warm and cold, human…hmm what else?"

"You don't really have to say the last contradicting words, you know."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Many women fancied you even when you look cold and robotic. Why didn't you have one?"

"How about you? Do you fancy me, too?"

"Of course. You are one of the reasons that I chose the café boss." Hana grinned at him, mischievous and silly looking, wearing her heart on her sleeves but the person in front of her just couldn't see it.

Jacob smiled and flicked her forehead. "Stop fooling me. I know you don't mean it. Wipe that grin off your face." Hana still smiled while rubbing her forehead. She just told him one of the facts, but he didn't believe her.

"Boss, can you smile again? It was the first time I saw you smile."

"Did I smile?" Jacob blinked his eyes while he touched his face. 'There's no way I'd smile at her.' He thought but Hana wouldn't let go of this chance.

"You did. When you flicked my forehead, you smiled."

"I didn't."

"I saw it boss. You smiled."

Jacob looked at her, her eyes were shining brightly, anticipating the moment that he would smile once again. "Are you thinking of using it as reference for your sketch?"

Hana nodded her head but in fact, she just wanted to keep this memory in her head. "You've rejecting my works because you don't like your expression. I was thinking, if I could see you smile, maybe I would make a little better sketch for you."

"I see." Jacob was a little dejected. 'The person I like could see nothing but her art.' He added mentally and sighed. "We are all having fun, don't just think about your sketch." 'How about you think of me?' He wanted to add these words but he stopped before he would embarrass himself in front of her.

"You know what boss, you are still young. I know I asked you why you are still single earlier but, in my opinion, that kind of relationship shouldn't be hurried. Don't compromise your feelings just because you wanted to be in a relationship. At the same time, if you find the right girl, don't hesitate to court her or let her know about your feelings, who knows, she might feel the same way about you. If you happen to find a girlfriend boss, you will break many women's hearts."

"Do you think a woman would genuinely like me?"

"Of course. It isn't difficult to like you boss. If you get the chance to spend time with her, she will know that you aren't cold or a robotic person."

"How about you? What kind of man do you like? Is it someone like the guy who came earlier?"

Remembering Rio, Hana just smiled faintly. "I don't like men who played with women's emotions. Few years back, I was stupid and fell in love easily. Perhaps, Rio was my type few years go. Now, I don't have any particular ideal man. I don't want to love again. Adam also agreed with me. He would always look at me with pain whenever I get my heart broken. I know my brother didn't want me to go through it again. So, I am guarding my heart carefully."