

They said that he's a robot - cold and emotionless. Some women find it cool and some find it annoying. In Hana's case... "Isn't it your day off today? Why are you here?" Jacob was glaring at her but she ignored him and just looked for a seat where she can see him from afar. "Are you here to sketch me again?" "Of course. Isn't it obvious? Are you becoming dumb now?" she retorted back while arranging her art materials on the table. Among all the cafe staff, she's the only one who's got the courage and guts to talk to their boss. Jacob crossed his arms on his chest while watching her helplessly. "I don't care about you sketching, drawing or painting me. But don't you fall in love with me." "Heh! Are you serious? Did you think this is some kind of novel plot where a CEO makes a contract with his girl? Seriously?" Hana rolled her eyes and started flipping through the pages of her sketchpad. "Don't worry, I can assure you that it won't happen." "I'm holding you accountable with your words." Jacob said before he left her alone and continued to do his work. "As if I'd tell you that I've fallen in love already." Hana smirked at the thought. MEANWHILE... "Your Majesty, aren't you sorry for your own daughter? What if the Queen, her highness, comes back and finds out that you've banished your daughter?" the small wind diety Airiaj, asked with concern while looking at the huge water mirror in front of them. "Hmp! It would be better if she really comes back." The Cerulean King sneered without any care that his daughter was going through difficult times. If her mother didn't ran off somewhere, Hana wouldn't have a hard time in the mortal world. She would've gotten married already! **** cover isn't mine ORIGNAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN FROM: "Holy Chef, Crazy Empress" -a comic owned by LINKSURE it's edited by a friend https://discord.gg/XkurxZGR

_frieyaVida · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
246 Chs


It was Rio who was standing behind her with his hand stretched out to give her back the small stuff toy that she hangs on her sling bag. "I know this is important to you."

Hana received it and put it back on her bag. "Thanks." She didn't have any intention to introduce him at all but, Jacob just had to ask her and her failed relationship was exposed.

"Who is he?"

He didn't even wait for Hana to answer, Rio introduced himself instead. "I'm Rio. Hana's ex-boyfriend."

Jacob raised his eyebrow and his eyes turned dark. He was looking coldly at him making his opponent felt uncomfortable. "Thanks for breaking up with her. My name is Jacob, her boyfriend."

Hana whipped her head to look at him. She blinked her eyes, twice and thrice but she was still having a hard time digesting his lies. Jacob pulled her hand and had her stand right next to him as if they were a real couple.

"You are her boyfriend? I don't think so." Rio chuckled before shifting his gaze to Hana. "If you are, she wouldn't have to hide somewhere just to wash her handkerchief."

"Rio!" Hana glared at him angrily. "What I was doing is none of your business. Don't act like you have an upper hand. At least Jacob won't barter my feelings for a mere sports car."

The man didn't say anything anymore. He turned around and walked a few steps before stopping once again. "I will find you again." He left after saying these words.

When he was gone, Hana noticed that everybody was silently watching her and Jacob. They must be wanting to know if what their boss said was real or not. Knowing the temper and coldness of their boss, they decided to seal their mouth.

Hana didn't want to be misunderstand though. "Alright, don't believe what the boss said. I don't have any relationship with him."

"Really?" They were still doubting her words and would oftentimes shift their gazes towards their boss.

"I am telling you guys the truth. Is there any boyfriend who will deduct the salary of his girlfriend and accuse her of flirting?" With the recent issue between them, they believed what she said and shut their mouth.

"Do you really have to bring that up?" Jacob asked feeling guilty about his accusation.

"It's the only way I know to make them believe me." She was looking around to find a spot to put up her own tent. "Hey, didn't you guys leave me some space?"

They also looked around and indeed, there wasn't any space left for her. "Why don't you just share with me?" Lily volunteered since she was sharing a tent with one other female colleague and her space was a little bigger.

"Thanks for the offer Lily but, I can't share with anyone. I move a lot when I am asleep. It would be very inconvenient to you. I'll just look for a way." The truth was, she would often get a nosebleed at night and it would be bad if someone would see her all messy with blood.

"Just use my tent. I'll share with Liam." Jacob suggested.

"Are you sure boss? I can actually find another spot to sleep."

"Just use it. You can mess it up however you like." Jacob whispered before walking away to check on Liam's space.

'Why is he being nice to me all of a sudden?' she asked herself while watching him walk away. 'Boss is really getting weird each day.'

So, it was decided. Hana placed her things inside Jacob's tent and made herself comfortable. Since Liam brought a lot of things, Jacob had to keep his bags on his tent and would just find Hana to get something inside. It was another way for him to spend time and communicate with her. It was like, Hana was the one keeping his personal belongings for him. Like a wife, guarding her husband's things. This thought made Jacob smile.

"Anyone wants to go for a swim?" Lily asked since she had changed into a short swimming shorts and her swimming brassiere.

"Let me tag along."

"Me too.

"I've been waiting for this."

One after another, all women, except Hana, ran towards the enticing waterfall. The fresh and clear water was soothing their tired and exhausted body. It was worth the hike they had.

"You are not joining them?" Jacob asked her when he saw Hana playing with her phone.

"Nope. I have been walking and still tired. I'll take a few hours of rest first."

"Would you like to eat something? I can cook for you."


Jacob nodded his head and decided to set up their equipment for cooking. Since he was told that what he was feeling was love, he was giving himself a chance to understand what love is. He wanted to know more about Hana and see if nothing would change his feelings.

"Boss, is there anything that I can help?" Hana asked since she would be eating the food anyway.

"Can you help me cut the vegetables?"


Side by side, the two of them worked harmoniously. They looked good together and sometimes they would laugh about some things that they talked secretly.

"Isn't that Hana?" a woman who came with Rio in that camping asked. They were situated somewhere near the falls and forest area to avoid being hit with direct sunlight. She went somewhere earlier so she didn't see her talking to Rio. "I wonder who that man is."

"That's her boyfriend." Rio stated, the words tasted bitter in his mouth and he really hated it.

"They looked good together. Don't you think so?" the woman added to his pain, making him want to strangle her. He didn't say anything anymore and left her to go somewhere, away from their sight, away from the pain.

"Rio, wait up." No matter how much that woman called, he just ignored her. "Tsk! Does he still like her?" But there's no one who could answer her question.