
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs



As the confrontation reached its climax, the wolf-like figure let out a haunting howl, a sound that echoed through the night. With a sudden burst of speed, it retreated into the shadows, disappearing as mysteriously as it had appeared.


Zede, Paige, and Diego stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, catching their breath. The air was thick with tension as they exchanged glances, grappling with the unanswered questions that lingered.


"What was that thing?" Paige whispered, her gaze fixed on the spot where the creature had vanished.


Zede, his mind racing with possibilities, replied, "May be he was Beowulf Harley, he recently came out from the Savior Society Prison."


"He howled and made your mom and dad unconscious. Hopefully I was there in home to protect them." said Diego while panting. 


(Next evening)

The night air hung heavy with the residue of the recent battle. "Today's mission was so long." Zede was flying with Kylan. "That menacer appeared out of nowhere, and was made up of metallic things." Kylan rested over a rooftop.


Zede and Kylan found solace on the rooftop, the cityscape stretching before them like a canvas of lights. The distant echoes of sirens and the subtle hum of the city provided a backdrop to their contemplative silence.


Zede, still catching his breath, glanced at Kylan, who shared the weariness etched on his face. The monster they just faced, the Menacer, was a formidable adversary, and the scars of the battle were not just physical but etched into the fabric of their thoughts.


After a moment, Zede broke the silence. "Kylan, there's something I need to tell you. About last night."


Kylan turned to Zede, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Go on."


Zede began recounting the events of the previous night—the attack on his house orchestrated by Beowulf Harley, the escape from the prison, and the unexpected confrontation that had unfolded. Kylan's brows furrowed with each revelation, the gravity of the situation settling in.


"Beowulf Harley is a menace," Zede stated, his voice tinged with frustration. "I never thought he'd stoop so low as to attack my home."


Kylan, sensing the weight of the situation, responded, "Zede, this is getting out of hand. We can't let him roam free, causing chaos."


Zede nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We need to stop him before he does more harm. But that's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about."


Kylan's gaze sharpened, urging Zede to continue.


"Before this recent attack, there was another encounter with Beowulf Harley," Zede began, his eyes distant as if reliving a memory. "I infiltrated the PEN association's headquarters, hoping to gather intel on his plans. But it went south fast."


Kylan's concern deepened, realizing the peril Zede had faced.


"He caught me off guard," Zede continued, his voice steady but revealing the weight of the past. "I was on the brink of defeat, and he had this twisted experiment in mind. He was about to pierce my abdomen when a mysterious figure, a Red Shadow, intervened."


Kylan leaned forward, captivated by the tale. "A Red Shadow?"


Zede nodded. "Yes. A silent savior who appeared out of nowhere. He cracked the roof, incapacitated Beowulf, and saved my life."


On the rooftop where they now sat, Zede couldn't help but glance at the spot where that fateful encounter had occurred. The memories of that night lingered like a specter, and the enigmatic Red Shadow had become a symbol of an unsolved mystery in his life.


"He left me here," Zede continued, gesturing to the rooftop. "Without a word, without a trace. I've never seen him again. But he saved me, Kylan. And for that, I owe him."


Diego's small robotic head moved upward, and with a playful leap, he settled himself comfortably between Zede and Kylan. His metallic voice resonated, "Ah, the day Zede decided to leave me out in the cold. I witnessed it all, you know. He thought fighting those monsters was better than letting me in. Martial arts, he called it. Quite the quarrel, indeed."


Diego displayed a mischievous gleam, and he emitted a series of mechanical chuckles. Kylan joined in, the shared laughter creating a moment of camaraderie amidst the rooftop shadows.


"You got me there, Diego," Zede chuckled, ruffling Diego's metallic frame. "But we all know I couldn't resist your charm for long."


Diego's response was a playful beep, and the trio continued to share lighthearted banter under the star-studded night sky.


However, the mirthful atmosphere took a turn when Kylan's pocket buzzed with an incoming message. Retrieving his communication device, he glanced at the holographic display, his expression shifting as he processed the information.


"Hey, guys," Kylan began, a note of regret in his voice. "I need to head out. My AI robotic grandpa just messaged me. Dinner awaits, and he's not one to be kept waiting."


Diego quipped, "Tell him not to forget the oil can for me!"


Kylan chuckled, patting Diego's metallic frame. "I'll make sure to pass on the message. See you both later."


With a subtle wave, Kylan propelled himself into the night sky, soaring away from the rooftop, leaving Zede and Diego alone under the celestial canvas.


As Kylan vanished into the distance, Zede's gaze lingered on the stars. The quiet moments after laughter held a certain serenity, and the vastness of the cosmos above seemed to invite introspection. Diego, ever perceptive, observed Zede's contemplative state.


"Everything alright, Zede?" Diego inquired, his eyes reflecting concern.


Zede sighed, a mixture of emotions flickering across his face. "Yeah, Diego. Just thinking about everything that's happened. The battles, the mysteries, and... the Red Shadow."


Diego emitted a supportive hum, his mechanical frame exuding an understanding that transcended the limitations of his artificial nature.


"We'll figure it out, won't we, buddy?" Zede mused, directing his gaze back to the stars.


Diego nodded in agreement, a silent affirmation of their shared journey. Together, beneath the cosmic expanse, Zede and Diego awaited the next chapter in their extraordinary lives, guided by the constellations of destiny and the bonds forged under the watchful gaze of the night sky.