
Savior Season 1

Jammmmmmm · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The beginning

Sam's Pov

I'm Sam Michaelson I'm 16 and I'm gay. I know pretty crazy right. It was hard to come out to your parents especially when you promise yourself that you wouldn't want to keep a secret from your parents. But when i came out my mom told me that everything about me is perfect. And my dad told the same thing too.

7 years ago my uncle told me some crazy stories about dark creatures. But the only creature that exites me the most. Is the vampire.

I don't know why but. I've always wanted to know if they still exist. Then a crazy thing happened to me. It was almost midnight but i still couldn't sleep. So I ended up watching tv in my room.

Some noise outside my room caught my attention i stood up going to my window to see what was going on.

By the time i got there. I saw a boy maybe 1 year older than me. He looks like a doll and he has beautiful white skin and his eyes is like an ocean, but something caught his attention when he looks back at me his eyes changes color into. Crimson, Red, eyes That night. the boy transformes himself into a bat and flew away. I know pretty crazy right, but it's true.

I wish i could see that boy again...

8 Years later...

It's been 8 years since the last time i saw that boy.

I am now 16 years old and I'm in high school,

3 years ago My family decided to move me to USA cause of me being bullied. Especially when you had a disability. Because of car crash accident Pretty fun right. Let's just say I'm only 7 months in my mom's tummy in short I'm premature. But that didn't stop me from being the smartest student in the entire campus.

My life started to fall apart, when my big brother left me. Cause he has too for senior high. And me... Well, at first it's hard to go without him by my side, because he's my best friend, My Teddy bear, And my protector. He's everything to me.

I got to school without my big brother, some of the students made fun of me. Especially James Smith. They poured pain in my entire body, used me to do their homework, threatening me, and worse of all those guys almost killed me. And that's the time i came out to my parents when i was 13

I've suffered trauma for 3 years i don't eat, i don't speak, i don't laugh or smile, having nightmares every night about those guys who bullied me. my parents tried so hard to make me feel better. But they just can't. Until one day during the 2nd year I've suffered trauma, I woke up in the morning. And the first thing i saw was my brother, staring at me.

I couldn't help it but smile then he sat in my bed and i moved closer to him he leaned closer to kiss my forehead and wrapped his arms around me i felt his tears above my head as i rest my head on his shoulder.

Liam) I'm so sorry for leaving you Sam) it's not your fault. It's nobody fault, you left because you had to. So please stop blaming yourself. Liam) I'm here now. And I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Sam) Wait a minute!

What about school.? Liam) none of that matters right now, what matters is you. You're more important to me. Cause you're the best blessing in my entire life.

Mom and dad told me everything, and i know how much you need me right now. Sam) I didn't say anything. Instead of saying something. I move closer to cuddle with my brother. Laid my head on his chest and i fell asleep.

Liam) My senior high life was quite fun but it makes me feel so lonely. I mean, without Mom and Dad especially my little brother. He's always been my number 1 supporter, my best friend, my everything.

In the middle of my class. My called me.

Mom) I'm sorry honey for calling you, I know you have class right now but I need to tell you this.

Liam) No mom it's okay. So what do you want tell me?

Mom) It's about your brother.

Liam) What happened to him?

Mom) He almost died because of James Smith. And i know it's 2nd year in senior high but he needs you.

Liam) And how is he.? Mom how is he!

Mom) he's getting worse. He barely eats he doesn't talk to us. He's having nightmares every night and he's always looking for you. If there's anyone who can him feel better, that's you.

Liam) I'm coming home now.

Sam) I was having nightmare Please don't! Don't hurt me! Liam) sam! Wake up! Hey.! It's just a dream. Sam) when i woke up, my whole face was wet. And I'm shaking in fear my brother quickly wrapped his arms around me as i continued to cry on his shoulder.

Liam) Seeing my little brother in this situation makes me feel so. Sad

I'm totally gonna make that James Smith pay for his done to sam.

Sam) Liam? I'm scared. Liam) I know. But I'm here now I'm going to get rid all of your nightmare go away cause I'm not going back to school until you're better.

Sam) Thankyouuu Spiderman. Yup i use to call him spiderman when i was 13....

3 year later...

Well. Hello USA.

we drove to where my brother lived.

I saw a school called Anaheim high school university. I tapped my brother's shoulder. Liaml) Yes Sam. Is that the school? Liam) yes it is. You're gonna have a great time there. I promise.

Liam) come on I'll take care of you're things. Sam) thanks. I'm goin out for fresh air. Today. Is Sunday tomorrow's my first day. I was sitting at our porch. Then suddenly a guy who looks 1 year older than me wearing black shirt, black jeans, and black Nike Air shoes. He was staring at me.

Is he the boy i saw 8 years ago. He started walking towards me. Now he's 2 inches away from me. Then we started talking to each other. First he introduced himself, I'm Kevin

Sam) Kevin? If it's not too much? Can i ask you something. Kevin) yeah sure go ahead. Sam) how old are you? And where are you from. Kevin) I'm from here but originally from London. Sam) what made you come here then. Let me guess parents? Kevin) not really. I came here to live with my mom and my older sister. Oh i almost forgot I'm 17. Sam) oh your older than me. Sam) a female voice who calls Kevin. Looks like you need to go. Kevin) yeah. I'll see tonight? Sam) yeah sure. Bye. Liam) i see you made some friends. Sam) yeah. Wait you know him?

Liam) yeah that's Kevin Clarkson. 17 years old from London. Careful because. Some people says he's a vampire. Few minutes later.

After getting some fresh air. And eating dinner with my brother and my bodyguard. I went straight to bed. After 4 hours It was almost midnight again. I woke up because i was so thirsty after drinking water. A crazy unbelievable thing just happened in my room

A shirtless guy just appeared in my room and his eyes were glowing crimson red, and his upper body's beautiful he also had fangs teeth. Oh my gosh. A vampire! Wait a minute it's Kevin Clarkson

Kevin) wait it's not what you think it is I'm not gonna kill you. Sam? Do you remember that night when we were kids. Sam) What night? Kevin) That night...

Sam) you mean 8 years ago. Kevin) yes. Sam) you're that boy! Kevin) yes i am. Sam) you're... A vampire! Kevin) are you afraid of me. Sam) no...

But why are you here? You're gonna drink my blood.? Kevin) I'm here to protect you. Sam) protect me from who? Kevin) a group of vampire they call themselves the Red dragons. I have to keep you safe.

Sam) What about my brother? Kevin if something happens to him. I don't know what to do without him. Or worse, i might kill myself. So please keep him safe... He's everything to me.

Kevin) Don't worry. My sister will take care of him.

Sam's pov.

Sam) so tell me about this red dragon thingy? Kevin) well. They came from the underworld and these guys only hunt in night. Drinking the blood of a innocent man child and even teenagers like you. Drake the youngest and the most dangerous. And attractive guy. He possess lightning power. He could bust in the house of his victim by getting in using the outlets or cable wires.

2nd Nolan the most terrifying guy he's fast and he possess mind control power. Sam) kevin was about to say another name but i got distracted by the noise outside. Kevin) stay here okay. Sam) Kevin went to my window. Kevin) whew. It just a cat.

Another vampire appeared in the back of Sam And it was Drake. Sam was absolutely afraid his entire body was shaking in fear. So drake caught sam and finally drake spoke. Drake) where do you think you're going? I need to drink your blood. I'm starving. Kevin) oles mel tules sate...

Drake) what is this magic? Kevin) paralysing spell. I learned from my sister.

Drake) we're not done here i will return. Drake disappeared into thin air Kevin) Sam? You okay? Sam) yeah I'm... I'm fine. Kevin) your arm. Does it hurt. Sam) a bit...

Sam) it must be drake's grip, i didn't know vampires were that strong. But thanks if it wasn't for you i would've been dead by now.

Kevin) no problem, sam i swear i'll protect you from drake, or those who'll hurt you.

Sam) Kevin that's so sweet... Kevin.

Sam) Oh my gosh after kevin said he'll protect me from those who tries to hurt me. I feel so massively safe around him So I went to my mirror i just realised that I'm blushing. I hope he didn't see it.

Sam) so i guess... I should go back to sleep. Kevin) I uh... Yeah sure go ahead. Um... Goodnight.

Sam) what about you? Do you sleep. Kevin) nah. Vampires don't sleep. Sam) wait you never sleep. Like never. Kevin) yeah. Sam) well. Goodnight.

Sam) You know what let's talk. I'm not sleepy yet. Kevin) Okay. So... Why did you moved here. Sam) I came here because... I was being bullied by a guy named James Smith he's been my former friend but when he found out that I'm gay. He just started to hurt me and almost killed me. My parents told me to stay with my brother.

Because my brother. Well he is always here for me. Supports me. Kevin) Did he also help you coming out? Sam) Liam he is the only person who understands me and he never complains about me he loves me so much.

Kevin) I see. Hey you should probably go to sleep now cause it's already 2:am

Sam) Yeah you're right. Well.... Goodnight. Kevin) sweet dreams sam.

Kevin's pov

After the Drake thingy. Sam went back sleep... I looked at him and i felt my heart beat so insanely fast which i know what that means. I've never been so in love before, but for sam. He drives me crazy. So i sat in his bed i threw my hand and touched the side of his face

few hours later...

It's 5:30am and the sun is shining but before i left. I search for paper to leave a note and i kissed sam forehand. And then i jumped out. His window I didn't bother closing it so that the air would freshen his room,

I got home and just in time for breakfast i went inside and saw my mom she looked up at me with a smile saying.

Good Morning Honey. :)

I smiled back at her and she told me to go take a shower. I went straight to my huge room and took a quick shower while letting the water flowing through my body, i couldn't stop thinking about MY SAM." Yeah! My one and only sam. It pains me a lot to hear about his past.

I feel sorry for sam cause he doesn't deserve to be bullied. And he's still trying to recover from his painful past

If i ever get a chance to avenge him i would totally make that guy pay for what he did to sam. I was cut out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my door!

Who is it? I shout it's me honey. Kevin) I'll be there in a minute mom) Okay don't take too long.

After i got my breakfast, my werewolf friend. Yup he's a werewolf. In fact he's the son

Of an alpha.

rockie texted me telling me to wait for him. When rockie arrived i hop in his car and we drove to school. So rockie. Where's Kara?

Rockie) I don't know? Maybe she went of without us, heng on I'll texts her. Kevin) Rockie can you do me a favor? Rockie) Uh... Sure anything. Do you remember the kid that i use to tell you. Rockie) Yeah you're so obsessed with him i remember, what about him?

Kevin) Well. He's here. Rockie) What do you mean, he is here? Like in this town? Kevin) Yes in this town.

Rockie) And what do you want me to do? Keep an eye on him. Kevin) Exactly. But only in daytime. Deal? Rockie) Okay why do you want me to protect him? Kevin) Because Drake is back! Rockie) WHAT!

And he won't stop until he kills sam, or worse, turn him into a monster.

I can't let that happen to him you know. He has a future that's waiting for him. Rockie) Okay I'll do it. But first can we go to school now?

Kevin) We got to school just in time. But i was the first one to who got in first period. While rockie well, he has this crazy food poison so in other words he's in the Bathroom.

Rockie returns with a forced smile, Rockie) Damn. I just met sam and he's the new kid. And you never told me he's in a wheelchair.

Kevin) Yeah i know right. Let's just hurry up and finish first period. I wanna get out here.

Rockie) Why do you hate our teacher? Kevin) It's not that. it's just. This subject sucks!

Kevin) First period is finally done. Rockie and I went straight to our next classes. Time really does flies fast, i didn't even notice it's already lunch.

Rockie) See if you at the cafeteria. After a few minutes i decided head out for lunch.

Kevin) Rockie is finally here and his with sam. I watched him as he left sam, damn it i wanted to go eat with him but this not a perfect time.

Thanks so much for reading.