
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Cómic
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293 Chs

Please accept me as your disciple. Ning Rongrong's Edition

"Grandpa Sword, why are you saying such nonsense? Don't say these disrespectful words, how can you afford to offend Mr. Lin?"

Ning Rongrong was taken aback, and quickly stopped Sword Doulou"Besides, I am totally willing to work."

"I can't afford to offend him?"

Sword Douluo suddenly laughed angrily, there are not many people in this world he can't afford to offend.

Although he can't see the depth of Lin Yan's power, he has to get revenge for this hatred!

After all, there is a Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect behind him. This is the source of his confidence.

Besides, how can you work willingly?

Rongrong, this poor child, must be psychologically overshadowed by the abuse she has suffered.

He said solemnly: "Rongrong, Grandpa Sword will protect you, don't be afraid, Grandpa Sword will definitely give you an explanation! You will not work in the future, and Grandpa Sword promises that we will never let you work again! "

"What do you want to explain about? Mr. Lin gave me an opportunity, an opportunity to become a god, don't you dare destroy it!"

Ning Rongrong was in a hurry and wanted to prove herself so she took out several kinds of fruits from the Spirit Guidance Device. Then she ostentatiously said: "This apple was obtained by washing the dishes the day before yesterday. This pear was a reward for cleaning up yesterday morning. By the way, Grandpa Sword, this orange was the one I obtained as a reward for boiling the bath water for Mr. Lin last night!"

At the same time, she pointed at the few fruits in the tray.

"Every time I finish my work, I will be rewarded. I originally got apples from sweeping the floor yesterday. But I couldn't hold back and I ate them. I can't bear to eat them anymore."

Sword Douluo looked at the fruit in Ning Rongrong's hand, and his heart twitched fiercely. He looked away and couldn't bear to look straight into her eyes.

You can't even bear to eat a piece of fruit?

How wronged have you been?

This Lin Yan is not a human!

Sword Douluo was so distressed that he couldn't breathe, and the monstrous anger became real, with killing intent.

"This is the biggest insult to my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!"

"Grandpa Sword!!"


In front of him, a few fruits were suddenly enveloped by invisible sword intent.

"What are you going to do?!"

Ning Rongrong exclaimed, all her soul power exploded to stop him.

But she was still a step late.

The fruit in the tray, she only had time to grab a few oranges. The rest was annihilated by the sword qi, and there was no dregs left.

"My, my fruit!"

Ning Rongrong was so angry that she shouted with red eyes, "You have to pay me!"

"Level thirty soul power!?"

Sword Douluo's focus fell on Ning Rongrong and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"In just a few days of work, you are actually at level 30? You are indeed the genius of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect! Your father and Old Bones will be very happy to hear this news."

However, at this time Ning Rongrong showed her nature of as a witch. She rushed upto him began to pull the sword Douluo's hair, "You pay me, you quickly pay me!"

"Well, let's go back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, you can have everything you want!"

Ning Rongrong was so anxious that tears were almost coming down, "There is nothing over there! I only want my apple!"

Sword Douluo was dumbfounded, is an apple so precious?

Then, he looked at Flender helplessly.

He doesn't know why, Flender also looked distressed.

Flender dare not speak up!

My Opportunity...slap...it's gone.

Ning Rongrong couldn't help crying: "You can't take out this fruit at all, oh oh oh..."

"A joke, my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is known as the richest sect in the world. There may not be other things, but there are many treasures?"

Sword Douluo quickly comforted, waved his hand proudly "Isn't it just a few small fruits, don't worry, I can still get it, let you eat it in the future."

"You are bragging." Ning Rongrong frowned, took out an orange and broke it in half and handed it to Sword Douluo, "You'd better taste it first."

"Okay, I'll try it now, the little princess has grown up, and knows how to peel an orange for her grandpa."

Sword Douluo finally smiled, and put the orange into his mouth casually, "Well, it's delicious,...huh?"

His pupils suddenly widened.

It is like a bolt from the blue.

Because, this piece of orange if turned into soul power, it will be enough for him to cultivate for a month.

How could this be?

What did I just do?

I ruined an apple, half an orange, a banana and some grapes!

I have committed evil!

Sword Douluo really wanted to slap himself twice.

However at this time the few people in the front hall only felt a gust of wind roaring.

Then a red figure came into existence.

This is a big red dog.

"Three...three-headed red devil mastiff! Why are you here!"

Sword Douluo cried strangely. This is his nightmare.

When he was very energetic, he once encountered this soul beast overlord.

"It turned out to be you old boy. I felt that you are familiar. However, I will tell you this, I am incharge of this area. Don't offend my master. okay? Otherwise, it won't be just you, your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will cease to exist."

Da Hei's words fell in Sword Douluo's ears, like a thunderstorm, calming him down.

"Grandpa Sword, you believe me now." At this moment, Ning Rongrong also said crisply.

"Ha. Grandpa Sword? Rongrong actually called that old man Grandpa Sword?"

It just so happened that Lin Yan temporarily put aside his work because of something and passed by here, so he heard Ning Rongrong say such a thing.

He stepped into the front hall, Lin Yan only then looked at Sword Douluo.

White clothes and white hair with aloof temperament. It really fits the image of Sword Douluo.

"Senior Sword, I have admired you for a long time."

Lin Yan came to clasp his fists very respectfully.

" I am just a few years old, it is not worth mentioning."

There was a huge wave raging in Sword Douluo's heart.

Before, he thought it was that Lin Yan got the water by chance and that his strength was exaggerated by Flender.

But now he has the chance to observe him, his opinion suffered a great change regarding Lin Yan.

He is the master of the three-headed red devil mastiff, what kind of character is that.

If Flender said this before he would definitely have no doubts him at all!

Flender must have know about this, but didn't say this just to make a fool of me on purpose.

Only, now is not the time to care about this matter. Business matters must come first.

Sword Douluo said: "This time, I'm here to pick Rongrong back."

"Of course you can take her back." Lin Yan's eyes lit up and hastily agreed.

This little witch being here was seriously affecting the quality of life of his and Qing'er as master and apprentice.

Yes, this little witch is very difficult to deal with.

"No, I don't want to go back."

As expected. Ning Rongrong was the first to oppose it.

Then, she said astonishingly: "Grandpa Sword, I think it's good to stay here, I want to follow Lin Yan as my teacher!"

There was silence as soon as she said this.

Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife. 'As I thought she a thorn in my side.'

"Ms. Ning you must not joke about such matters, you actually want to worship me as a teacher? It's impossible!"

Lin Yan quickly refused. Is this a joke?

Zhu Zhuqing has experienced a difficult life so it's not a problem. But Ning Rongrong was exactly the kind of little princess who has never experienced difficulties in her life.

You can't beat or scold her, let alone let her work like a cow or a horse.

He is alone and is not as rich as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Second, there is no strong cultivator here to gaurd them. He is not even a soul master.

What to teach? Isn't it a misunderstanding?

He looked at Sword Douluo for help.

Sword Douluo was a little startled at first, big boss, what are you looking at me for, how dare I teach you how to do things?

However, Sword Douluo was still witty, and he saw it as if he hadn't seen it.

Lin Yan suddenly understood.

Old guy, you are very good. You are leaving the problem to me!





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