Synopsis: Yan, a laborer, transmigrates into the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. However, the timeline is set three years before the Uchiha massacre. Coincidentally, suspicion and distrust towards the Uchiha within the village reach their peak. Power struggles within the clan, surveillance from the higher-ups, and misunderstandings from the villagers—all unfolding as in the original. If Yan doesn't take action, the inevitable outcome will be the entire clan being sent to their graves by the so-called "the filial son" Itachi! Starting with a deathly opening move, it's better to rely on oneself than others! Yan can only begin to self-rescue! Factional conflicts? Cut off the factions! Higher-ups targeting the clan? Replace the higher-ups! You can't save it from inside? Then tear open a hole from the outside! The Uchiha Self-Rescue Guide begins! Rebuild the glory of the Uchiha clan! Remember, my name is Uchiha Yan! Author: Mengyin Qianqian This is a translation from Chinese fanfiction 拯救宇智波,从掀桌子开始 Read 15++ Chapters in advance