
Chapter 368 Unexpected Rewards from the Test, Wet Nurse's Descendant_1


[Transport successful!]

[You open your eyes and find yourself in the familiar book room, but you see no sign of 'Flandre' and 'Jinmu'.]

[In the entire book room, it's just you and the 'Librarian'.]

[You quickly walk to the door of the book room, peek out, and find neither of them in the 'Angelic Nest'.]


"What's going on?"

Did the transportation leave Flandre and Jinmu behind? Or were Flandre and Jinmu never transported into the dungeon to begin with...

[Turning to the 'Librarian', you see his slightly awkward expression. "Congratulations, Apostle, you've passed the test," he says somewhat sheepishly.]

[Obviously, as the 'Librarian', he has the power to be aware of the general situation within the test. He knows that you went through an extraordinarily difficult test.]

[For now, you can't deal with his embarrassment as you quickly ask where the two marked characters went.]