
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Cómic
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277 Chs

Chapter 86: The Hyuga Clan Takes Over the Police Force!

The Hyuga clan taking over the Police Force?

"Why? Hiruzen, how could you make such a decision without consulting us?" Homura immediately objected, his voice stern.

Koharu and Danzo also expressed their dissatisfaction, demanding that the Third Hokage explain his reasons for choosing the Hyuga clan.

Facing the questioning of his old friends, the Third Hokage remained calm, leaning back on his sofa and explaining:

"There are two reasons. First, the Hyuga clan's strength is not inferior to the Uchiha, and the Byakugan's abilities are very suitable for the work of the Police Force. Among the many ninja clans in Konoha, they are the best choice to take over the Police Force.

Second, during the incident with the Cloud Village's delegation three years ago, the Hyuga clan sacrificed Hizashi Hyuga for the sake of the village's peace. Both emotionally and rationally, the village should compensate them. This would also inspire all Konoha ninjas to continue sacrificing and dedicating themselves for the Will of Fire, just like the Hyuga. What do you think?"

What could they say? Homura, Koharu, and Danzo all understood that the Third Hokage was using these excuses to win over the Hyuga clan and bring them under his control.

In the current Konoha apart from the Uchiha clan, who were uncontrollable, the strongest remaining clans, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, had always been close to the Sarutobi clan and had clearly chosen sides, becoming the Third Hokage's most loyal supporters.

The current clan leaders of these three clans had even been given earrings symbolizing friendship by the Third Hokage, forming an unbreakable alliance.

If the Hyuga also submitted to the Third Hokage and joined this alliance, then Hiruzen Sarutobi's position as Hokage would truly be unshakeable.

Upon realizing this Koharu and Danzo exchanged a glance, understanding each other's intentions.

Although the Third Hokage had his own personal interests, as long as it was beneficial to the village, these two elder advisors would not oppose it.

The reasons given by the Third Hokage were enough to convince them.

So, they quickly expressed their stance: "We agree." Homura still wanted to object, but seeing that the vote was already three to one, he had no choice but to give up reluctantly.

Seeing this, the Third Hokage reassured them: "Don't worry, I won't completely hand over the Police Force to the Hyuga clan, lest they become the second Uchiha.

I have already discussed this with the other clan leaders in advance. Each clan will send ninjas to join the Police Force, and we will also recruit from civilian ninjas, making the Police Force truly Konoha's Police Force.

Speaking of which, this was actually Shisui's idea."

After saying this, the Third Hokage looked at Danzo, wanting to hear if he had anything else to say.

"Hiruzen, just because you're the Hokage doesn't mean you can act arbitrarily. If you do this again, I will resign as Hokage's assistant and disband the Root! You can deal with it yourself then, hmph."

Danzo issued a harsh warning to the Third Hokage and left with a flick of his sleeve.

The Third Hokage's expression changed.

He had been Hokage for decades, and the person he couldn't do without was indeed Danzo. He was truly held by the latter.

After Koharu and Homura also left.

"Cough cough."

The Third Hokage cleared his throat, called in an Anbu, and instructed, "

"Go and invite the Hyuga clan leader."

At the Hyuga clan's residence.

In a spacious and bright dojo, several members of the main family were kneeling upright, their expressions serious, their eyes focused on the center of the room.

Two six-year-old children in black robes were practicing together.

They were Hinata Hyuga, the daughter of the clan leader, and Neji Hyuga, the son of the clan leader's younger brother.

"Please guide me, Neji-nii-san," Hinata said nervously, assuming a starting stance.

Looking at the girl opposite him, Neji attacked without a word, catching Hinata off guard.

As he grew older.

Neji gradually realized his purpose in life: to live for Hinata, to protect the bloodline of the Hyuga main family. This destiny made him resentful.

Especially since Hinata was so weak, whether in terms of her grades at the Ninja Academy or her combat abilities, she was inferior to him in every way.

This made Neji feel a severe psychological imbalance.

At this moment, he was practicing with Hinata, and he had to hold back and take care of the young lady's face.

He wanted to end this boring game quickly.

Thinking this, Neji's eyes flashed, and the speed of his palm strike suddenly increased.


He struck Hinata's chin with a palm, causing her head to tilt back. He then took advantage of the situation to attack her chest and abdomen.

Finally, he grabbed one of Hinata's arms and threw her to the ground.

With a thud, Hinata fell and didn't get up.

Oh no.

Neji came back to his senses, realizing he had gone too far, and looked fearfully at Hiashi Hyuga, worried about being punished by the clan leader.

Hinata also quickly stood up, enduring the pain. She was also very nervous because she was afraid of being scolded by her father for being useless.

However, the two children soon realized.

The usually stern Hiashi Hyuga was distracted at the moment, his attention not on them at all.

Just then.


The door to the dojo was pushed open, and a member of the Hyuga clan led an Anbu ninja in.

"Hyuga clan leader, the Hokage requests your presence," the Anbu ninja bowed to Hiashi Hyuga and said.


Upon hearing this, Hiashi Hyuga took a deep breath to calm his nerves and stood up.

He completely ignored Hinata and Neji, didn't leave a word, and left with the Anbu.

On the way to the Hokage building.

Hiashi Hyuga appeared calm on the surface, but inside he was anxious.

Because he had heard that the Third Hokage had privately met with the leaders of all the clans in Konoha over the past two days, but had not sought him out, the Hyuga clan leader.

Could it be that the Hyuga clan was being ostracized, just like the Uchiha?

In such a state of unease, Hiashi Hyuga entered the Hokage's office.

"Hiashi, you're here. Please, sit."

The Third Hokage was still his usual kind self, inviting Hiashi Hyuga to sit down on the sofa with him.


The Third Hokage took a puff from his pipe, slowly exhaled a ring of smoke, and just looked at Hiashi Hyuga without saying a word.

After about ten seconds of silence just as Hiashi Hyuga couldn't stand it any longer and was about to ask a question.

"Hiashi, tell me honestly, have you been dissatisfied with me as Hokage these past few years?" the Third Hokage suddenly asked.

Upon hearing this, Hiashi was taken aback, lowering his head and saying, "Hokage-sama, I wouldn't dare."

The Third Hokage, being the shrewd man he was, could tell from Hiashi's expression that there was indeed some resentment.

He sighed, looking remorseful as he said to Hiashi:

"Three years ago, it was the Cloud Village ninja who kidnapped your daughter, and you killed him in retaliation. Yet as Hokage, I made the Hyuga clan apologize to the Cloud Village and even sacrificed Hizashi Hyuga. But... I had no choice, Konoha at that time could not afford another war..."

At this moment, the Third Hokage sincerely apologized to Hiashi and the Hyuga clan with a sense of deep regret. After saying these words, he seemed to have aged considerably.

Hiashi, moved by his words, quickly responded, "Hokage-sama, I understand your decision at the time. As a part of Konoha, it is the Hyuga clan's resolution to sacrifice for the peace of the village."

Hearing Hiashi's words, the Third Hokage was deeply touched, his eyes filled with gratitude.

So, he solemnly told Hiashi: "I've always felt guilty towards the Hyuga clan, but now I finally have a chance to make it up to you. I've decided to hand over the Police Force to the Hyuga."

"What?!" Hiashi was taken aback.

He had initially given up hope on this matter, but now things had taken a turn for the better, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

The Third Hokage continued: "Actually, I've always believed that the Hyuga are more qualified to manage the Police Force than the Uchiha. But the Second Hokage decided to give the Police Force to the Uchiha, and as his student, I had to respect my teacher's wishes. However, times have changed, and it's time for a change. Hiashi, would you be willing to become the new captain of the Police Force?"

"I am willing!" Hiashi stood up immediately, agreeing without hesitation.

But after the excitement, he calmed down and expressed his concerns to the Third Hokage, unsure if the Hyuga clan could manage the large Police Force.

Compared to the Uchiha the Hyuga clan, due to its strict internal marriage system and the Caged Bird Seal's control over the branch family members, has always had a small population.

Even if all the clan members joined the Police Force, they would likely still be short-handed.

The Third Hokage's response was: "I've considered this as well. If you don't mind, I hope that other clans in Konoha and some outstanding civilian ninjas can also join in and help the Hyuga manage the Police Force.

At that time, you, Hiashi, will serve as the overall captain, and the Police Force will be expanded to four patrol squads, two of which will be managed by the Hyuga clan, and the other two will be mixed squads of other ninjas. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Hiashi sighed in relief and smiled, "That would be perfect."

But that wasn't all, the Third Hokage then gave the Police Force a big gift on the spot: "Hiashi, I also plan to have Asuma Sarutobi assist you, I hope you don't mind. Asuma will lead ten Jonin and forty Chunin from the Sarutobi clan to join one of the patrol squads."

"It's my honor, Hokage-sama." Hiashi quickly thanked him, while also feeling quite shocked.

The Sarutobi clan, casually able to produce ten Jonin, what a deep foundation they had.

You see, the current number of Jonin in the Hyuga clan was just over ten.

"So, you should go back and prepare. Along with the other clan leaders, you will go to the Police Force building tomorrow to complete the handover with the Uchiha."

Finally, the Third Hokage gave Hiashi some instructions.

"Yes." Hiashi bowed to the Third Hokage and left the Hokage building, filled with excitement.

The Hyuga is the strongest clan in Konoha.

For many years, this has not only been Hiashi's belief, but also the firm belief of many members of the Hyuga clan.

Now, the Hyuga clan has received the Third Hokage's recognition and will take over the Police Force from the Uchiha. This means that the Hyuga clan's belief has come true!

Tomorrow's Police Force handover ceremony will be the focus of everyone's attention and is destined to go down in Konoha's history.

As a ninja clan that also possesses a dojutsu bloodline, the Hyuga clan, who have been suppressed by the arrogant Uchiha for decades, are finally about to fight a turnaround battle and welcome their moment of glory.

In the future, the Hyuga will be Konoha's number one powerhouse, and the status of the Byakugan will surpass the Sharingan, becoming Konoha's number one dojutsu bloodline limit.

Thinking about these things that are about to happen.

Hiashi was incredibly excited and couldn't help but look up at the sky, murmuring:

"Hinata, can you see this? Your sacrifice was great..."

Kakashi passed by and gave the Hyuga clan leader a surprised look.

Just now, his plan to slack off had failed again.

The Third Hokage ordered Kakashi to go to the Police Force and inform the Uchiha that they would be handing over the Police Force early tomorrow.

Why did he send Kakashi? Probably because the Third Hokage felt that Kakashi had a good relationship with the Uchiha and wouldn't be kicked out.

Half an hour later kakashi walked into the empty Police Force building.

He went straight to the captain's office without any obstacles.

However, to his surprise, there was another person in the office besides Fugaku.

Dan was there. Itachi had gone out on a mission today.