
Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Wen Qinxi an IT guy at a prestigious gaming company lives a repetitive life, working on an innovative gaming system that is said to change the world. During a routine diagnostic check, he discovers a major flaw that could be detrimental but under pressure from the guys upstairs, the research and development hand over the revolutionary project despite Wen Qinxi citing flaws in the design. The CEO unaware of such a flaw enters the game as a test run before launching the product instigating a chain of events no one expected. manager: Wen Qinxii you have to go save CEO. You are our last hope Wen Qinxi: F*ck! l want a pay raise after this. Thus began the journey of saving the overbearing CEO Please follow @Andru75868404 on Twitter for updates PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER WORKS: Saving the hearthrob frenemy (lin lin's story) Voyage with the Pirate King (COMPLETED) The assassin's enemy lover (COMPLETED) Prince and his fool (COMPLETED)

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
559 Chs

First World: Kissing A Beautiful Mermaid

A lie is like a seed, you can either leave it exposed having the truth show itself immediately or bury it but one day it would eventually sprout and rise above the ground for everyone to see. The same applies to the lie Wen Qinxi told Qie Ranzhe about getting dragon fruit which had him in a panic as he stood right at the edge of the hill. What concerned him the most was Qie Ranzhe's reading too much into his plan and think that he was in cohorts with Zhao Huangzhi. Coincidences like that rarely happened and Qie Ranzhe wasn't stupid, he would eventually piece things together.

"Fuck Jolie can't you help me out here? If he thinks I am associated with Zhao Huangzhi he will get jealous and blacken like last time. Qie Ranzhe is fuckin crazy you know that," said a panicked Wen Qinxi pacing up and down. He didn't want Qie Ranzhe to think he was interested in his soon-to-be girlfriend as she was the reason he had been going nuts in the game all this time.

"You're overthinking this, just relax everything is going according to plan," replied the system while smiling within. Whose plan exactly was going according to plan? Wen Qinxi's or Jolie's?

"Isn't there a fruit tree around here? I can just say that I couldn't find dragonfruit and got another one instead," said Wen Qinxi gently knocking his own noggin while reprimanding himself for coming up with such a weak excuse. The system didn't feel like dealing with the crazy today and so quietly slipped away without Wen Qinxi even noticing. He kept babbling thinking he wasn't alone, "Maybe I can say that I didn't fee-," he paused when he saw Qie Ranzhe running towards him like a velociraptor charging towards a helpless prey.

"What the fuck! AHAHAHAH Jolie his coming to kill," yelled Wen Qinxi with his legs growing weak in fright.

Wen Qinxi turned on his heel to run for his life but had no means to escape. It was either death by Qie Ranzhe's hand or drowning as he still didn't know how to swim. The system watched this hilarious showdown mockingly saying, 'Drama King.'

With beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead and his entire body numb, Wen Qinxi looked like he had just seen a ghost as he braced for impact. "Ran-ge let's talk about this like gentlemen," he said in a shaky tone trying to negotiate with a crazed manic which was pointless. Qie Ranzhe lunged forward grabbing him by the waist as they fell off the cliff heading straight for the bone-chilling lake.

Falling off the cliff was a massive sensory overload for Wen Qinxi with a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins mixed in with fear. Faced with Qie Ranzhe's reassuring smile as he tightened the grip on his waist Wen Qinxi's fear dispersed replaced with an overwhelming sense of trust and so he closed his eyes letting his body free fall. He couldn't even understand why this eliminated his fear but his body was honest surrendering to the fall with no anxiety.

Soon their huddled up bodies slammed into the water with a loud splash diving towards the bottom. The impact was exceptionally strong causing them to separate from each other. Unfortunately for Wen Qinxi, his head smashed against a rock immediately losing consciousness with his body drifting in the cold dark waters.

Qie Ranzhe felt the warmth in his arms disappear forcing him to open his eyes only to discover he had lost his special someone. He began frantically searching for Lin Jingxie with great trepidation. The thought of losing this person caused an endless twisting sharp pain in his chest as he gradually sank deeper into an overwhelming sea of despair with each passing second. Qie Ranzhe had to find him otherwise his life would be over with nothing to live for.

In an infinite dark abyss, a delusional Wen Qinxi saw a hand reach out to him before grasping his arm pulling him up towards the light. He looked up to see who had saved him only to find a divine sparkling turquoise fin swaying in a fluid motion just like a fish. His eyes moved further up to see their face. He was soon met by a gorgeous face smiling back at him with twinkling eyes. 'Wow a mermaid,' he thought hypnotised by her bewitching out of this world beauty.

They soon reached the surface emerging from the dark depths into the warm sun. Wen Qinxi could finally breathe again happy to be alive saved by a dazzling goddess with a fin. The mermaid's fin was instantly surrounded by a shimmering white light before transforming into human legs.

She lifted Wen Qinxi into her arms exiting the water and gently placed him on dry ground as though handling fragile porcelain. "Wen Qinxi are you okay?" she said leaning so close that he could feel her warm breath brushing against his cheeks. He tried to speak but his voice seemed to have shied away faced with such a pure diety so he could only nod. "Let me make sure and test your temperature just in case you have a fever."

Wen Qinxi thought she was just going to feel his forehead or something but she leaned closer and closer till her cold lips touched his trembling lips. His entire body was hit with a pleasurable electric shock migrating from the point of contact to the rest of his body. All of sudden, his body seemed a few degrees warmer craving for more like his life depended on it. She pulled away but Wen Qinxi draped his arm around her neck pulling her closer deepening the kiss while sucking out all the warmth like a gluttonous pig.

With the tip of his unruly tongue, Wen Qinxi licked her lips causing her to slightly quiver but he didn't let her go that easy. He gently slid his tongue past her lips invading her mouth with no restraint. This instigated a barely audible moan as she eagerly welcomed the intrusion. Like a kissing veteran, Wen Qinxi took the lead as their tongues engaged in a sensual dance rousing a docile sensual beast with an erratic heartbeat pulsing through his lips. A sudden burst of feel-good hormones awakened every nerve ending in his body viciously inciting a blood rush towards his joystick south of the border.