
Saving Seven Villains Turned My Life Upside Down

【Heartthrob + Ten Beasts in the Arena + All-girls in Love + Crazy Yandere + 1v1 Slice-of-Life Romance (Non-OP Female)】 Staying up late one night, An Yao found herself transmigrated into a beastman Mary Sue otome novel, and to make matters worse, she became an ugly, fat, and despised female cannon fodder, whose male counterparts were all stolen by the pretty female lead. An Yao was dumbfounded, but luckily she was bound to the Villain Redemption System. She gradually became beautiful, excelled in cooking, farming, and building mansions, and even tamed the blackened young masters to spoil them endlessly! When it was time to leave after completing her missions, she was surrounded by seven red-eyed crazy yandere villains, who advanced step by step: "Wicked and vile female, do you not want us anymore?" The Pure and Loyal Wolf King: "She wants to mark me with a slave imprint on my face; it must be because she loves me and can't help but want to claim me..." The Melancholic and Yandere Black Snake: "No female would like a wandering beast, but she made a skirt out of my snake slough, she must be deeply in love with me." The Tyrannical and Protective Cold Golden Eagle: "She saved me when I was on the verge of death, and even personally washed my hands and made soup for me. Such a beautiful and gentle woman, she is my ideal partner." The Sickly and Stunning Mermaid: "Yaoyao, my claws hurt, can you blow on them for me?" The Split Personality Worm Beast: "If she doesn't want me to destroy the world, then she should stay behind and give birth to offspring for my race." An Yao, with a terrified expression: "!!! Don't come any closer!" #How am I going to deal with these villains that I've influenced to turn blackened again?#

COL+Xiang Gu Zi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
200 Chs

Little Wolf Cub Got Bullied! Fight Back!

The soft fish paste and fruit flour were kneaded together by An Yao's hands.

Chopped wild vegetables were added to the fish dough, and she sprinkled in the household seasonings she had bought from the system.

“Splash, splash!”

One by one, the round, snow-white fish balls were dropped into boiling water, causing splashes and creating a lovely sight. The fragrance of the fish balls permeated the house, arousing the appetite of everyone inside.

“So fragrant!”

After three days in this new world, An Yao finally had a satisfying dinner. She patted her satisfied little belly contentedly.

As night fell, the temperature dropped drastically. Stepping outside, the breath she exhaled turned visible white due to the cold.

An Yao placed the remaining fish balls in an outdoor water trough covered with a thin layer of ice, turning it into a makeshift refrigerator.

She planned to wait until her little wolf cubs returned before eating them. The river shrimp and crabs were left in the stone house's water trough to rest for a few days.

Early the next morning, An Yao woke up and used prickly fruit and wild soapberries from the riverbank to brush her teeth and wash her face.

She noticed a group of beastmen heading towards the tribal square, excitedly conversing among themselves.

“Alert, alert—Antagonist Jin is undergoing a process of darkening. Darkening value: 5%, 10%, 20%...”

An Yao's spirits were immediately stirred by the system's alert. She spat out the mouthwash she was rinsing her mouth with and hurried to the tribal square. There, she saw a dense crowd gathered, engaged in heated discussions.

“Jin actually attacked the tribe's beastmen and even injured Huya. According to the rules, he should be expelled from the tribe and become a wanderer!”

A particularly indignant Orc shouted, easily igniting the crowd's sentiment.

“Expel him from the tribe!”

“Jin is a useless waste, unworthy of staying in the tribe!”

An Yao's face turned anxious when she heard her little wolf cub's name. She squeezed her way to the front of the crowd and indeed saw Jin lying on the ground, barely conscious.

The young man was tall, but he was also thin. The intensive hunting over the past five days had left him looking emaciated, invoking a sense of pity.

His body was covered in scratches and bite marks, as though he had been attacked by wild beasts. His thigh and waist were bleeding from missing chunks of flesh.

Even worse off was the tiger-like creature beside him. It was covered in wounds, its head battered and bleeding, making it nearly unrecognizable.

As An Yao observed the creature more closely, she found it oddly familiar.

After studying its distorted, bruised features for a while, she was surprised to realize—it was one of the males who had bullied her little wolf cub a few days ago in the small forest.

“I didn't attack him. He wanted to steal my prey, and I just fought back!”

Jin clenched his teeth, his eyes reddened with anger. His chest heaved violently, trying to defend himself in a way that appeared so helpless.

However, no one believed him. They cursed at him, threw stones at him, and even called for his expulsion from the tribe, leaving him as a pitiful homeless wanderer.

The small heart symbol above his head began to darken as if it had been spilled with ink. His eyes also filled with hatred and anger.

Veins on his arms bulged.

As An Yao observed, she also noticed the body of a plump wild boar on the square. The boar was black and robust, with two exceptionally sharp tusks protruding from its mouth.

The coarse black fur covering its body resembled the quills of a porcupine, akin to blades that could easily stab someone, turning them into a hornet's nest.

Most astonishingly, the wild boar was enormous, resembling a small hill.

An estimate would place it at seven to eight hundred catties!!!

An Yao had never seen such a massive wild boar, even on TV.

Could this be the legendary Pig King?

Wild boar meat was delicious, with a tender texture that was both soft and firm. It was a favorite among female beastmen. Many male beastmen ventured deep into the forest to hunt these boars to win the favor of the females.

However, An Yao also noticed that these wild boars were incredibly large, with both formidable defense and attack capabilities.

Not only did beastmen want to eat them, but the boars also wanted to eat beastmen. One wrong move could result in the beastmen being turned into the boars' prey.


The dignified gaze of the chieftain swept over the crowd, immediately silencing them. He then turned his head to look at the tall male beastmen at the front of the crowd, whose faces tired and bruised, clearly returning from the hunting expedition.

The chief asked them sternly, “This hunting expedition consisted of twenty-three male beastmen. Can any of you testify to the truth of what these two are saying? Who started the fight?”

An Yao saw two of the male beastmen step forward, and they were the same ones who had bullied Jin earlier.

One of them, a leopard-like beastman, glanced at the barely conscious Jin and Huya on the ground.

He spoke with a righteous tone, gritting his teeth, “Huya and I were the first to encounter this particularly fat wild boar. We secretly tracked it for a day and night before finally finding an opportunity to hunt it. However, we didn't expect Jin to appear out of nowhere, trying to steal our prey and even injuring Huya!”

“Are you claiming that this wild boar was the one you targeted? Did you three hunt it together?” The chief furrowed his brows and looked at the two.

The leopard-like creature raised his chin arrogantly and then pointed high in the air. “If it wasn't the three of us who hunted it, could it be that this waste, Jin, hunted it by himself?”

“Haha, don't joke around. How could a waste like him possibly hunt such a massive wild boar on his own?”

Huya, covered in blood, climbed up from the ground, looking ferociously at Jin. While defending the three of them, he also took the opportunity to suppress Jin.

Jin's gaze remained fixed on Huya, regardless of the rumors swirling around him. He firmly insisted, “This prey is mine. You wanted to steal it!”

“Look at the claw marks on the boar's body; they are clearly wolf marks. Moreover, the size of the marks is almost identical to Jin's paw prints. Can't this prove that Jin hunted this pig?”

Hearing this, the chief turned to the crowd.

Among all the beastmen watching the spectacle, An Yao was the only one who stepped forward to defend her little wolf cub.

As her voice fell, the crowd followed her pointed finger and saw the blood-soaked and savage claw marks on the boar's body. Some were undoubtedly wolf prints, while others were traces left behind by Huya and the others.

Huya stared at An Yao with a dark look, wondering why this notorious and malicious female, who usually disliked Jin, was acting so unusually today.

Why was she specifically speaking up for that useless waste?

However, recalling the beautiful figure that lingered in his mind, Huya steeled his resolve. He was determined to claim this wild boar!

“Needless to say, the boar's attack power is considerable, especially for such a massive creature. Even the three of us together would find it challenging to take down.”

“And Jin, this waste, is only a first-tier warrior. Are you suggesting that he subdued the boar all by himself? Haha, who would believe that!” Huya's face was full of mockery.

An Yao faced his threatening gaze without flinching, standing in front of her little wolf cub. She sneered, “Indeed, Jin is just a first-tier warrior, and he's also a lowly slave. He's useless, unable to even hunt a simple wild boar.”

“Who would have thought that this worthless guy could not only injure a powerful second-tier warrior but also beat you up so badly that your face is swollen and you're missing teeth all over the ground?”