
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · Fantasía
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33 Chs

A Novel Departure

The taxi rattled along the rain-soaked streets, its tires creating a soft hum against the wet asphalt. Sam stared out of the window, raindrops racing one another, each holding a reflection of the somber sky above. He had just come back from the funeral of his best friend, Max, and the weight of grief hung heavily in the air.

Sam's mind was a swirl of memories, a montage of shared laughter and late-night conversations. Max, the brilliant and eccentric author, had left the world unexpectedly, leaving Sam to grapple with a sense of loss he couldn't quite articulate.

As the taxi pulled up to the curb, Sam paid the fare and thanked the driver, his voice barely audible above the rain. He stood before Max's unassuming house, a place filled with the echoes of stories penned by an imaginative mind. The door creaked open, and the musty scent of old books wafted out, mingling with the rain-soaked air.

Entering the dimly lit house, Sam felt a peculiar mixture of nostalgia and melancholy. Max had been a solitary soul, his only family being the characters he breathed life into on the pages of his novels. And now, Sam was left to unravel the aftermath of Max's departure.

As Sam moved through the house, he noticed a soft glow emanating from Max's study. The computer screen cast an ethereal light, illuminating the room in an otherworldly blue. The house seemed to hold its breath as Sam approached the desk, he saw on the screen, a book opened which read-.

Dedicated to my best friend Sam.

The words struck Sam like a chord, unravelling the tightly wound emotions within him. He sank into Max's worn-out chair, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips. His eyes welled up with tears he had held back since the funeral.

With a hesitant click, Sam scrolled through the digital pages of the unfinished story. The narrative unfolded before him, a tale of magic, kingdoms, and destinies entwined. Each word was a testament to Max's vivid imagination, a legacy that Sam couldn't bear to let go.

Yet, as Sam delved deeper into the story, a peculiar sensation overcame him. A message popped up on the screen, breaking the illusion of fiction.

"Welcome, Sam."

At that moment, the world blurred, and Sam felt a surge of disorientation. The room spun, and the sound of rain outside became a distant echo. Darkness enveloped him, and the sensation of falling seized him entirely.

When Sam regained consciousness, he was no longer in Max's study. Instead, he found himself in a room that defied the laws of the mundane. It was a bedroom fit for royalty, adorned with regal tapestries, intricate patterns, and furniture that seemed to whisper tales of centuries past.

Sam rushed to the mirror, his breath catching in his throat. The reflection staring back at him wasn't his own. Instead, a tall, striking figure with brown hair and emerald-green eyes met his gaze.

"Oh my god, you woke up, Master Gale," a voice exclaimed. Sam turned to find a maid, wide-eyed and astonished, standing in the doorway.

It was then that Sam, or rather, Gale, realized that he was no longer a spectator in a story. He had become an integral part of it, a character in a fantastical tale that, until now, he had only read from the sidelines.

Gale, still disoriented and grappling with the sudden transition from Sam to a character named Gale, sank onto a regal-looking chair in the opulent bedroom. His head spun with a maelstrom of conflicting memories, a fusion of the real world and the fantastical tale that now seemed to be his reality.

Closing his eyes, Gale attempted to steady his racing thoughts. The images of Max's funeral, the rain-soaked streets, and the computer screen dedicating the story to him replayed in his mind. Slowly, the plot points of the novel that Max had crafted started to resurface, merging with Gale's own memories.

He recalled the intricate political struggles, the charming yet tyrannical first prince, The naive 3rd prince and the delicate balance Gale needed to strike to rewrite his destiny without jeopardizing the lives of his family in the magical world. A weighty responsibility rested on Gale's shoulders, and the gravity of the situation bore down on him.

As the mental battle raged on, Gale couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He paused for a moment, turning to the readers with a wry smile.

"Why? WHY Max? Why did you have to write such fate for Gale? I liked him. I liked him you know. He was one of my favorite characters. As soon as i told him that he had gone back to his room and changed something and didn't show me."

Gale's complaint hung in the air, a moment of candid frustration directed toward the unseen hand of the author. The blend of real-world emotions and the fantastical circumstances of his existence created a surreal atmosphere in the study.

Needing to organize the swirling thoughts in his head, Gale rose from the chair. With a determined expression, he made his way to a nearby table where an ornate quill and parchment lay. The maid, still wide-eyed from the earlier shock, hurriedly fetched him the requested writing materials.

"Here you go master Gale." She said.

"Thank You. You can go now and please do not bother me until lunch." Gale replied.

Turning to the audience again, "Somehow I know that this is morning time. What can you do, its the wonders of being sucked into a novel you have read".

Seating himself at the table, Gale began to transcribe the plot points that emerged from the depths of his memory. The ink flowed onto the paper, mapping out the key events, characters, and the intricate dance of political power that defined the novel. As he wrote, the memories of both worlds continued to meld together, creating a tapestry of interconnected experiences.

The study became a sanctuary, shielding Gale from the fantastical world outside as he focused on piecing together the threads of his own narrative. The pen danced across the paper, bringing forth a roadmap of his quest to rewrite the story, safeguard his family, and navigate the treacherous political landscape.

In the quiet confinement of the study, Gale's determination flickered like a candle against the encroaching darkness. He knew that every stroke of the pen, every carefully chosen word, could reshape the destiny not only of the characters in the novel but also of his own existence.

As the ink dried on the parchment, Gale leaned back, surveying the written account of his journey. The merging memories settled into a coherent narrative, and with newfound clarity, he understood the challenges ahead. Armed with the knowledge of both worlds, Gale prepared to step out of the study and into the fantastical realm to carve a destiny that would rewrite the pages of his life and the novel alike.

I cannot believe it. I just cannot. Ugh what can I do. Alright, destiny, you've been served your eviction notice. Time for a rewrite.

With that, Gale stood up and looked outside the window contemplating his doomed future. Not knowing what was coming to him and what he had to do to change his and his family's future.

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