
Chapter One: Miko Yuan Lopez

Miko's PoV:

Another day, another battle. If others were so happy that they woke up, But for me, it is not the case. My life is always a routine. Wake up, eat, go to school, work, go home and go to bed. Always! I am so tired of it. In school I always hear the whispers, gossips of other students, When will this end?

"MIKO! GO TO SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!! YOU'RE ALWAYS SPACING OUT. IF YOUR GRADES WILL GO DOWN I'M GONNA KILL YOU, UNDERSTAND!" says my Dad. Maybe you are wondering why my father was reacting like that. It is because I am an illegitimate son. I am the son of my mother's first love and first husband. Sad to say, my most caring and loving father was gone. He died because of a car accident. Ever since that I come here and met my step-father, It is always been hell. Dad always makes me do things that he only likes. He is the most selfish person I know! He never asked me if I am okay with this kind of thing. He wants me to be the top student ALWAYS. But my first love is music. I love music more. Music is my escape from this cruel world. Anyway, what would I expect from my father? He is not even my biological father. How I wish that my real father was still alive so that I will not experience this kind of hell.

When I go down to the kitchen, I saw dad reading his newspaper with a coffee on the table. Beside him is my mom. She is just looking at me with a concern in her eyes that says: Can you be more patient with your dad. I know soon, everything will be alright. Then I saw another reddish mark on her face near the eyes and swollen lips. I sigh, My mother has been a battered wife ever since we can come here and I don't know what still holds my mother to stay here.

"WHAT ARE STILL LOOKING AT YOUNG MAN! GO NOW AND MAKE PROUD! I DON'T WANT TO RUIN MY REPUTATION BECAUSE MY SON IS A FAILURE! But by the way after school, go to our company and fix what is needed to fix". Dad.

"But dad! I need to review for tomorrow!"

"Stop that excuses! I don't care about your other activities! I need you to work out on our company".

This conversation is NONSENSE! With that last statement, I just make my wake out of this hell. I promise mom. I will do my best to be the best student and CEO after that, I'm gonna kick .out this old man. I said to myself.

When I step into the school I already saw the disgusted look of my schoolmates. I also hear whispers. With that, I just ignore them and do the usual thing. I put my headset on and turn it on to full volume.

When I finally entered our room. I saw my classmates busy with so many things. Some girls are doing make-up, Some dudes randomly teasing each other.. I said to myself that I need to be ahead of them. I should be the Top student. It's not that I am afraid of that old man but, I am afraid that my mom will have a bruise again because of it. I cannot take that.

After a while, Professor came with the results of the Day 1 Midterms.

Actually, today is the last day of our Midterms exams. I finished the first part of our exam as soon as possible. After that, I ask my professor that if I can come first to the library to review for the last part of the exams.

When I enter the Library, I didn't waste any time. I read and read my notes and ignore the world. I set aside the pain I have because I want to make sure that I will be the top student. This is all for my mom. My mom, my mom who endured everything just to give me everything. I should be confident this time. But why am I still struggling? Since I transfer here to this school I am always the top student. But why do I doubt myself this time? I've come too far and endured the pain but why do I still feel so insecure. I know I am strong but what happened I feel weak?

After being in the library for a couple of hours. I begin to walk to our room and finish my exam earlier than the time allotted. While going to our company, I still have this kind of burden. I don't want this anymore, I don't want to feel the same pain over and over again. I have been thinking about this for a long time. What if I run away? What if I just find a new home? But what about my mother? I know she will be sad if I tell her what is in my mind. Finally, When I enter my office, I just work and work and work. To be honest this day to me is so long. I am so exhausted and I can even feel that I am hungry. I realize that I've never eaten a proper meal this day. Whatever happened, I will just let it go. I just want to sleep a long long sleep that I don't need to open my eyes. But yeah! This is my reality, After all of this, I am just a normal boy who wants a normal life and family. With so many thoughts running In my mind. I didn't notice that I fell asleep. Maybe I will just sleep hoping tomorrow will be fine.