
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Cómic
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79 Chs


Maybe I've been around it for too long but hiring this money whore seemed like a good idea. I layered down enough schemes to give Kakuzu enough information to be curious. He likely was going to betray me immediately but that restoration load finally cemented his curiosity in me.

Over the years I'd figured out every one likes to have their own interpretation of what save and load is. Tsunade calls it a kekkei genkai, Hiruzen calls my thunder god marks a hiden jutsu, when I use load and heal myself everyone attributes it to medical ninjutsu, and the only one who nailed it was Grandma Mito. She has future vision shenanigans going for her though so I don't think it's fair to give her any credit. Overall my Restoration loads were getting more blatant and others could only attribute it to my medical prowess or a kekkei genkai.

Kakuzus character also wasn't a hard one to understand. His massive power would make one feel he was undoubtedly an arrogant asshole who wanted to rule the world. The reality however is he was calm, methodical, and cautious. The main things he desired from me at the moment more than even money would probably follow in the priority of; Hashiramas necklace, the information I had on him, and now the unique healing jutsu I just used. Breadcrumbs had appeared in front of the guy and he was eating them up.

As we ran back to the carriages previous location we found nothing but an empty location. Good, they actually did listen to me. Soon we tracked their trail and we were slowly catching up to them.

The entire time we were following the trail Kakuzu asked several questions particularly about how I healed the destroyed heart. After my attempts to ignore him and remain silent, I eventually cracked. My annoyance was reaching an all time high so the response was to throw my checkbook at his face. It was kind of a dick move in my part but he was being annoying. For a few moments it looked like we were going to fight again. This time with neither of us holding back.

Kakuzu was naturally curious however as the amount of surprises he'd had lately with this kid were getting to be a constant. So for shits and giggles he opened the checkbook.

I can't prove it but those cold green eyes turned into dollar signs. This world used Ryo though so I was super confused where that came from. Regardless I told him as my treasurer he had to manage and invest that money to make even more money. That "small" account was his test, he would gain access to the larger accounts if he showed his worth. I wasn't entirely bullshitting him either as that was Tsunades gambling account.

While Kakuzu was having what I can only describe as an orgasm. I was planning how to steal his jutsu. Earth Grudge Fear was probably one of the most broken techniques that never met its full potential in the original work. It allowed for the guaranteed integration of body parts, chakra, and affinities of the consumed and merged victims. Those were the intended effects, the bonuses were eternal youth and additional hearts aka extra lives. Which could be replaced if lost. The jutsu was perfection. Basically it was a combination of the chimera technique and Shin Uchihas ridiculous genetic trait.

Originally I intended to rob Takigakure to see if they still had a copy by chance. The only reason I put this jutsu on the back burner is that Kakuzu was the only known user. Acquiring the jutsu at Takigakure was likely a long shot with the fact no one else used the technique.

The Chimera technique on the other hand was used by all of Hirukos lackeys so by comparison it was easier to acquire than the Earth Grudge Fear. With Kakuzu as a direct affiliate however, robbing the technique might be a lot simpler. All that was necessary was a moment of opportunity. Keeping him on the hook long enough was my only goal at the moment.

The investment proposals Kakuzu made were oddly hilarious. Calling them investment proposals is actually extremely kind of me. The how about we hire the guys with big bounties and kill them together thing was hilarious. The messed up part is it really might work but Kakuzu clearly had an aversion to actually spending any of the accounts funds. I'm starting to understand why he went with bounty hunter life instead of being a merchant.

The guy simply did not like the concept of spending money to make money. It was quite entertaining to see someone so obsessed with making money not want to spend any. What was the point of gathering so much wealth to never spend any of it? When given this exact question he said he could spend money if necessary, he simply just wanted to create the highest profit ratio possible.

After a while we finally caught up to the carriage.

The four Root operatives were a bit floored when they spotted the man next to me. The defensive stances they took crumbled upon spotting me cackling with laughter. Unless this was an elaborate prank there was no longer any danger. The question was how did this kid pull this off?

Tsunade who got out of the carriage seemed even more confused than them. Her only thought was: this was the man I saw and heard trying to kill him right? Is something wrong with my Byakugan? Did I fall into a genjutsu?

The only one with a real reaction instead of suffering a mental short circuit was the emissary Karatashi. Who immediately stepped forward and questioned loudly:

" Prince Zuko what is the meaning of this? Are you surrendering to the criminal?"

" What criminal are you talking about sir Karatashi? This is my treasurer and financial advisor, Sir Kakuzu of my new Thirteen Guardian Ninja."

" What nonsense are you saying Prince Zuko! The man is an escaped prisoner and our would be assassin!"

" About that….care to explain to me why you said my name when confronted by the so called assassin?"

" Umm… my prince… this…I mean… ummm."

As Karatashi was left scrambling and looking around panicked with the Root operatives and Tsunade circling him. Kakuzu stepped in close to me, seemingly to whisper in my ear. The actual situation was much different as he loudly belted his words.

" Young master. Financially speaking I feel killing cowards that sell out their lords would be a fiscally responsible choice."

Kakuzu even went as far as bringing out his black bingo book and pointing at Karatashi. Playing along I followed Kakuzu's lead and nodded understandingly.

" See sir Karatashi where else could I find such a devoted financial advisor who gives such great advice?"

" My prince please forgive this old fool and show mercy!"

Cold sweat came like a flood from Karatashis back. He really hadn't thought things out. Not only had he offended this little lord but the fucker came back arm in arm with his would be assassin. What was this bullshit scenario? Do killers have no professional ethics these days!

[ Here's and update on the Item Panel. Aka Duplication and Repair.

1. Hydration Gourd (lady mitos seal inscribed gift)

2. Navy blue coat

3. Pants

4. Shirt

5. Body armor

6. Hashiramas necklace

7. Chakra blade ( Sakumos gift)

8. Right shoe

9. Left shoe

10. Belt (interchangeable)

(Image of Rens look here)

* just white hair and no headband also no Byakugan eyes etc. * ]



https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

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