

SAVANNAH just want a family that will love her and be with her.... but the one thing she wants is verry hard to achive.. that is where JAY and ALLEN a gay couple a dual cultivator comes to rescue..... will SAVANNAH conquer the time and the world she lives with her new found DADDIES.. What if that little happiness she got will be taking away??... will SAVANNAH can contenue her life?... will SAVANNAH Trust and give love again... Join me in this journey and pls.. be patient in me.. I'm just a newbie but i want to share this story to you.. and thank you for understanding esp. in those typos.. and spelling and some bad vile language... Thank you...

ravhianyza · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1. Mrs. Anderson

This is it Vannah.. this is your day CONGRATULATIONS... You are already Mrs. Anderson... whoah.. im so happy... for you today you claim him and titled to be Mrs. Anderson... Thanks.... I feel nervous and happy and afraid its a mixed feelings.. thats all i can say to my friend Micah..Im so happy gurl am i in heavens paradise? haha... no your not... but anyway im so happy that I can be free from you hahaha.... brat... your the one who push me into this and im thankful to you that you are always there for me... she keep blabbing on how, when, where, and what. that goes on like for years.. but me?. while I listen? I also got so many things on my mind on how did it comes to this?.. when did it start?.. where should i begin? what is really happining?.. Its a joyous day in my life but I feel something.. is this normal to those newly wed? well... my mind goes somewhere... hmmm.. wait...

I haven't intruduced myself Am I? haha.. My story starts with just ordinary regular original girl from a tiny town called Ravenwood... Im Savannah Carson, 24yrs old, working at a little conveniet store I own.

My parents own a little farm.. doing this and that everyday jsut the same as the neighbors in this little town.. but my love story starts with when my freind micah keep on pestering me to join with her in going to the concert of her fave Idol/ Actor namely Mark.. so there I go with her and gave in into her whims... so when the day comes as early as the birds Micah came into my house, and brought me to the hotel venue... Micah is the daughter of our town councilor so basically she's rich.. well.. that is to say to my friend.. she is a kind friend that wont leave you just because of who you are.. thats why our friendship last longer... so back to the reality im inside the hotel room waiting for micah to come fetch me and bring me to the concert hall.. so i waited for three whole hours for her to come... What took you so long? I ask... Aiyahhh im sorry for bieng late because i bump into an online friend and intruduce me so her friends and we got somehow lost in time.. but keep that story for tommorrow thats not why were here... ahhhhhh... do you know why im so happy? right now? No.. Ahhh come on... ask me?... hmmm...hmmm... (dancing the eyebrow with sparkling eyes) ... ahhh. alright alright... why are you so happy? ( w/pokerface) hahaha.. i meet a friend that is a friend with mark and he said mark is already in this hotel.. whaaaa i want to see him this instant.... whoah.. hold your horses beshes.. anyway were going to his concert in the VVIP seat anyway you can see him tommorrow for the meet ang greet session, patience my dear... while dragging her out of my room going to the venue for its time already for the concert.. when we were there ecxactly the concert starts and my ears starts to hurt also and I cant stand the noise and the ringing of my ears.. micah... micah... i shout MICAHHHHH... what????? im going out a bit.. okay.... ah.. its already dark outside me while walking in the corridor and looking for a quite place then at the most corner part there is a little balcony.. wow I like this place I can see down the streets, the stars in the sky, far most buildings and busy crowded places.. but when i look on the right side there is something in there so i look closely there is someone in there already i almost jump startled from the person who just laugh it out... Hi Andrew by the way im 120% human 27 yrs old, I do have girlfriend but i guess it wont take long to break-up coz she is with someone right now so can you lower voice hmm.. Im speechless of the sudden intruduction and long speech.. but when i look at the place where he was watching the whole time i saw a pair making out in the open without care whose watching.. and when I look back at him although its dark but i can sense that he was hurt.. for bieng cheated or hurt for bieng betrayed she was his girlfriend and he was his friend thats what he said in our conversation. I got pang on my chest also... believe.... it watching your GF with your so called friend it really hurts but he was there looking intensely, Im wondering he was looking because he was curious of what comes next or he was waiting and hoping that this didint happen. but then.. what can I do just hurting myself for pity i guess he does'nt need that.. You know we've been lover's for five years.. do you think they're been doing that the whole time? I don't know.. my reply because if you are my boyfriend and your friend is my lover... if your asking me I wont do that i will choose my lover and be with him breaking my ties with you so that I wont be hurt at the end of the day.. I still believe in the Word Karma.. she is a B**ch why the H*ll she do that? i was enrage in that instant my hair is rising if you can see the air there is a smoke going out of my nose already that girl is something i want to slap her back and front to let her know that not all girls is like her ah... that girl need some good talking ah and that guy... he needs good beating.. but there he go again talking without giving a headstart i got startled again.. my ears hurt from the noise my heart almost stop from the startl. what is it again? pardon? can you come with me to drink? you know.. to wipe all the bad air and give you energy again... Okay lets go.. but since its you who invite me.. its on you okay..