
Chapter 56

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


September 1, 1753

A bearded teacher came to my house this morning to take me to school, and I had no idea how he was going to get me there, but I was hoping it wasn't that magic known as apparating, which even though it was amazing, still it was very uncomfortable.

But after a while I found out that the way we would get to school was in a flying carriage! Yes, a flying carriage. When we arrived at the rendezvous point, there were at least a dozen carriages and a few dozen children, who were also going to Hogwarts.

After all the kids arrived, the teachers put us in the carriages and with that we left for school, and the trip was amazing.


When I arrived at Hogwarts, I saw that the castle was amazing and magical, and so grand that it was even surprising. I also saw a Giant Squid in the lake we crossed, and also some ghosts!


Sorting was done by a talking hat, and when my turn came he was in doubt whether I would go to Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but in the end I was selected for Slytherin, the house of Cunning and Ambition.

After the selection, we had a feast with more food than I've ever seen in my life, and everything would be great if it weren't for the stares of my housemates.

I don't know if I was doing something wrong, but they kept looking at me in disgust.


'He went to Slytherin? I thought it was rare for a muggleborn to be in this house... So this will make it easier to know who Marcel is,' I reflected.


The Slytherin Common Room is damp and cold, and I couldn't help comparing the common to my 'home', and just because my 'family' isn't here has made the common better.


My roommates don't seem to like me very much, but I'm used to it since my 'home' life with my siblings, so nothing new here.


I thought I might make some friends on my first day, but it seems like it's almost impossible. Almost everyone I tend to start a conversation with either looks at me with contempt, or asks me if I'm pure-blood and then looks at me with contempt.


After reading some books, since the other students didn't answer me, I found out why they looked at me like that, and it was because I wasn't a pure-blood, in fact I'm not even a half-blood.

And That's why I'm despised by the other Slytherins, as the house has an very closed opinion of the non-pure, and this unfortunately makes me an outcast in the house.

I just hope they don't try anything with me...

Because if they try, I'll have to retaliate.


After I finished reading a few pages of Marcel's diary, I realized that I had lost track of time, seeing that I must have been in the Room of Requirement for a few hours. Wondering what time it was, I cast a wandless and nonverbal {Tempus}, something I could do for a while, but I wanted to get used to my wand first.


"Damn, lunch has already started" I cursed out loud. But then I realized that I hadn't heard the bell ring, and that for me who has very good hearing, it was a strange thing, as I should have heard something, "The room must have silenced any sound that comes from outside so as not to interrupt my reading" I reflected to myself.

"This room just keeps getting better" I said smiling, and I swore I could feel the room was happy with the compliment.

'Strange' I thought. But then I nodded and started to pack my things, putting some of the books I'd picked out in my bag.

'I know there are certain items that cannot be removed from the room, such as books that are only copies of the original in the castle, but I also know that if the book was already in the Room of Requirement, it is considered physical and can go out, like the Half-Blood Prince book' I thought, putting the animagus book in my bag, hoping those books were physically in the room.

After arranging the books in my bag, I used my senses to know if anyone was nearby, and not sensing anyone, I opened the door to the Room of Requirement and walked out.

As soon as I left the room, I quickly checked the books in my bag and breathed a sigh of relief to see that everyone was still there, which meant that before I checked them out they were physically in the Room of Requirement, probably in the Room of Hidden Things.

'I'm glad it was quite simple to find these books in a library. If I had had to look for them in the Room of Hidden Things, it would have taken forever,' I thought happily. So I stopped to think, 'Does this mean that if I ask for a room with the Ravenclaw Diadem, the Room of Requirement will give me a room with the Horcrux? Or has Voldemort charmed him into making this not possible? I know he charmed her to keep her from being summoned, but did he put in more complex protections?' I started thinking, creating dozens of theories in my head.

However, I was taken out of my moment of reflection by the sound of my stomach growling.

'Well I can keep thinking about it after filling my belly'

And then after doing one last check of my bag, I went to one of the seventh floor passages that would lead me to a corridor near the Great Hall. Since I now knew many of the castle passages, I intended to use them to move me, as it would be much easier and faster to go through the shortcuts than to go through the more than 140 semi-sensible and deadly stairs that this castle has.


After walking along the shortcut for about three minutes, I came out into a passage that was in a secluded hallway on Ground Floor. So I started walking calmly to the Great Hall.

As soon as I reached the door of the Great Hall, finding it odd that it was closed, my senses alerted me to something. And then I started looking around, but I didn't see anything and nobody around. I then took a step forward, approaching the door and my senses alerted me again, and I quickly took a step back.

With a frown, I started to look forward cautiously.

So as a test, I took a step forward again, and my senses alerted me again.

'What the hell?' I thought, looking at the big door to the Great Hall. Narrowing my eyes at the door, I couldn't see anything different, so I decided to turn on my Magic Vision.

'Huh?' as soon as i turned on my Magic Vision, i saw that the door had some enchantment about it.

'I recognize this magic…' I mumbled mentally, trying to remember who this magic belonged to.

'I already know! This is the magic of the twins!' my eyes sparkled with realization, 'This is probably one of your pranks' I reflected with a hand on my chin.

'Heh, smart way to prank' I looked impressed at the twins' creativity and cunning, so I started to wonder if I should break the spell or protect myself from it, 'Hmm, I could walk through the door without letting the prank hit me, but I'm curious to know what it does' I know I could get by without getting caught in the prank and see the other students to see what the prank does, but I had no problem letting myself get caught.

I stared at the prank for a while longer, so I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go through normally.

As soon as I opened the door and walked through it I could see everyone in the Great Hall turning to face me. And immediately they started laughing, and the twins, who were at the lions' table, laughed more than anyone else.

Looking at the students in the Great Hall, I could see that a third of them had different beards on their faces, even the girls. And beards ranged from goatee to mustache, and looking down I could see that I also had a beard, a black beard like my hair, long and straight.

Looking over at the staff table, I could see some of the professors laughing openly or hiding their amusement, minus Professor Quirrell who looked terrified and Professor Snape who was scowling at the twins.

Professor Flitwick was laughing happily. Professor Sprout had her hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles. Professor McGonagall was looking grimly at the twins, but as soon as her eyes fell on me she snorted, and I could see the amusement in her eyes. Professor Dumbledore was looking on with glee and a genuine smile on his face.

Seeing people laughing at me and at themselves, I looked at everyone, and then at my beard, and an idea came to mind. And with that idea in mind I turned and walked out of the Great Hall, a mischievous smile on my face hidden from the many eyes that followed me.



(End AN: Hey my dear readers!

I've seen your answers to my questions, and I'm not surprised that most of the favorite characters are Snape, Luna and the twins, nor that the hated ones are Ron and Umbitch.

I have three characters that I really like, with the first place being occupied by our beautiful and dreamy Luna, followed by Sirius, and oddly enough, Bellatrix.

I know Bella is a crazy bitch who likes to kill and torture, but we can't say she doesn't bring a very good crazy tone to the movie as one of the antagonists. And the funniest thing is that my third favorite killed my second... I love you and I hate you Bellatrix.

The character I hate the most is obviously Umbitch, but I think it's the same for everyone. But aside from that insufferable pink toad, another character I don't like is Petunia, Lily's sister.

Another question I ask is: If you could pick a fictional world for isekaied, what would it be?

Well, that's it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)