
Chapter 395

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"Good joke, Greengrass has a crush on Ethan, hahaha" Terry patted Justin on the back.

"If she has feelings for him then I'll eat Goyle's shoes" Stephen laughed, leaning on Megan as the girl wiped a tear from her eye.

"Look, I, like almost every girl, love romance stories where the couple starts out as rivals or enemies, but that couple over there is impossible" Sue said, with almost everyone nodding.

"I agree, and they're not even the Romeo and Juliet type" Hermione said, shaking her head, 'Imagining them together is almost the same as imagining myself with Ron' she thought, feeling sick just imagining it.

And seeing everyone laughing at him made Justin cross his arms while huffing irritably, "Then why are they talking?" he asked.

"I don't know, they're probably saying the ways they would like to kill and torture each other" Michael shrugged.

"With those calm faces?" Hannah asked.

"I've never seen Greengrass with any expression other than that, other than when she's staring deathly at Ethan," Stephen began to respond, "And Ethan... Well, he's scary enough that I know he would be able to talk normally to someone about murder or torture with a calm expression."

And no one could disagree with what Stephen said, but that only made everyone look at Greengrass and me with even stranger expressions.

"Hi everyone" and just at this moment Tori decided to appear, walking towards the group of students with a happy look, "I had something to talk about with Professor Sprout, so I couldn't come to today's session, sorry" she said.

However, she noticed that no one was paying attention to her, with everyone huddled together looking at something while talking.

"Hmm, guys?" she called, approaching them.

"Huh? Oh! Hi Tori" Lily, who was the first to notice the little girl's presence, said.

"What are you all looking at? And what are you talking about?" Tori asked, looking at everyone curiously.

And Terry who heard her didn't turn to her and just pointed ahead, "About that"

And her gaze followed the direction he was pointing, and Tori saw her sister and I talking in a friendly way.

"Oh" she blinked, staring at us open-mouthed.

'Am I dreaming?' she asked herself.

And I, who was being stared at by my friends, frowned, feeling many pairs of eyes on the back of my head.

'Do they know I can hear them?' I felt my right eye twitch.


After my talk with Greengrass ended, she left the library, but I stayed for a while longer to look for some Transfiguration books that Professor McGonagall recommended to me.

And as soon as I found and took the books I was looking for, I left the library, noticing that my friends had already left.

And I was going to start looking for them, but as soon as I walked out of the library doors I ran into Astoria, who seemed to be waiting for me.

"Hi Ethan" she greeted me with a small smile.

"Hi Tori" I greeted her back, "Do you need anything?" I looked at her curiously.

"Oh no, I just wanted to walk with you for a bit and talk" she replied, and I nodded.

"Well, in that case then come on, miss" I said, showing my arm to her, who hugged it with an amused look.

"Of course my kind sir" she said, and I smiled.

We then began to walk through the castle quietly, in calm silence.

And I didn't say anything, waiting for Tori to start the conversation, and after a while of walking she spoke.

"So… Are you my sister's friend now?" she asked me.

And I already suspected she was going to ask me something like that, so I wasn't surprised.

"Well, we've only started to understand each other now, so it's too early to say that she and I are friends" I replied.

"Well, this is better than before at least" she shrugged, "Before you almost hated each other, and I couldn't even imagine you interacting with each other"

"Yes, but you can't blame me" I said, "She's kind of like Malfoy and his group, despising Muggleborns just because they don't have wizarding ancestors."

"She's not like Malfoy" Tori tried to defend her sister, but I just looked at her blankly, "Look, she is like this and has these prejudices only because of our grandparents and also because of the other wizarding families that are involved with our family."

"Well, but you're not like that" I said, and Tori looked at me with a sad smile.

"I'm not like that because I know that having wizard blood in my veins doesn't make me better than others... And in fact, I even consider it a bad thing" she looked down with a sad look.

"Huh?" I looked at her confused.

"And you know, come to think of it, it wouldn't be wrong to say that I'm a real mudblood" she said in a self-deprecating way.

"Your blood isn't dirty Tori" I said with a frown.

"No, but it's cursed, which is much worse" she shrugged, still not looking up.

And hearing that I blinked, realizing she was talking about her Blood Malediction.

'She still doesn't know that her body is free of the Blood Malediction' I thought, and then I looked at her with my Magic Vision, finding no trace of the curse on her.

And I realized that she wouldn't find out anytime soon that she no longer had Marcel's curse in her body, that is, if she found out.

And knowing this I frowned, because even cured she would still think she was sick, and because of that she would never try to live her life normally.

'Things cannot continue like this. I have to tell her the truth' I thought, before looking at her determinedly.

"Astoria... You're not cursed..." I said, looking deep into the eyes of the girl who was a dear friend of mine, and who I treated like a sister.

"You don't need to comfort me Ethan, I already accepted this burden a long time ago" she smiled slightly, and I could feel the sadness in that smile.

"No, what I mean is that you are no longer cursed... The Blood Malediction is no longer chaining you."

And hearing this she looked at me in surprise, since she hadn't told me that the curse she was talking about was a Blood Malediction.

But besides being surprised, she was also confused, and seeing this I decided to explain.

"Haven't you noticed that your body no longer suffers from pain and weakness? That you are now more energetic and powerful than before?" I asked.

And Astoria was still confused, but my questions made her look down with a frown, lost in thought.

And after a few seconds I saw her blink, before she lifted her head and looked at me with her eyes slightly wide in surprise.

"You are now like any other normal girl Tori" I said, smiling slightly, "You will live for a long time to enjoy all the good things in life, you will be able to do everything you couldn't do before because of your fragile body, and you will no longer have to worry about your health deteriorating."

"But I... You... How?" She stuttered, and I could feel her confusion.

"That's not important" I said, dodging the question, "The important thing now is that you are no longer cursed, you are a free girl"

And hearing this, Tori stared at me, and I could feel dozens of emotions and feelings passing through her, and the most powerful were those of confusion, fear, happiness and relief.

She never imagined that she could be cured of her Blood Malediction, and she saw no future for herself other than dying young while suffering from the curse.

But now she realized that she no longer needed to worry about it, and that she could live her life as she always wanted, without fear and worries.

And knowing this made a weight lift off her shoulders, and she didn't know what to say or do.

And with her emotions taking over her the only thing she could do was cry, letting out all her feelings that she had kept inside for all this time.

"Waaaaah!" she cried, putting her hands to her eyes to try and stop her tears from falling.

And seeing her like that, I did the only thing I could do to help her, which was to hug her.

"You can cry, I'm here" I said softly to her, running my hand over her head.

And I started using my Beast Talk to try to convey my feelings of care to her, showing that I cared about her and that everything would be okay.

And I had never used my Beast Talk on a human before, but for some reason at this point I felt like I should do it, and that it would work.

And Astoria, feeling safe and cared for in my arms, grabbed the front of my shirt and continued to cry.

And I could feel my shirt getting wet because of her tears, but I didn't care and kept speaking kind and reassuring words to her.

And at this moment I felt that it was totally worth it for me to have used the elixir of life to cure Astoria, and I was even more determined to break the Blood Malediction that Marcel cast on her family.

'Don't worry Astoria. Neither you nor anyone else will need to suffer because of this curse' I thought, cradling the little girl's body in my arms.

