
Chapter 372

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After moving away from the other dragons I started to approach the terrible Hungarian Horntail, sneaking past the tired and stressed wizards who were watching her.

As soon as I got less than 10 meters from the large black dragon she raised her head, sensing my approach.

Looking directly at me she began to growl, and I could see that her muscles hidden by her tough, large black scales were contracting, preparing to attack.

Knowing that unlike the others she wouldn't accept my approach so well I stopped, looking at the chains that held her and seeing that they were firmly attached to the floor.

'Well, I guess this is as far as I'll go' I thought, stopping 5 meters from the dragon.

She could still try to attack me with her claws and tail, or even try to burn me with her fire, but I had confidence in my abilities to be able to dodge any attack she could throw at me.

But luckily I didn't need to prove it, as she just stared at me, even with me under the disillusionment charm, while showing a look of hostility.

"Hi, I'm Ethan" I greeted her, trying to be friendly.

But instead of responding, this great dragon roared at me, moving ferociously and making the chains that bound her rattle.

"Well then I guess that means you don't want to talk to me" I said, and I got a hateful look in return.

"You know, if you're trying to intimidate me with this I'm sorry to inform you that it won't work, I've seen much scarier and more dangerous creatures than you" I commented, thinking about the Basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets and the creature from my dreams.

"In fact, compared to them you seem like a simple harmless and cute lizard" and it seems that hearing this really aroused the Hungarian Horntail's anger.

"You bastard!" she roared, trying to attack me but being stopped by the chains.

'Well, if acting friendly didn't work, then I'll make her talk back to me by annoying her' I thought, and seeing how the black dragon reacted, I could tell that my plan worked.

"How rude" I frowned, "And here I thought we could be friends"

"I would never be friends with a weak creature like you!" she growled, baring her large fangs at me.

"Oh, so you would be my friend if I showed you that I'm not weak?" I asked with interest.

And the only thing the dragon did was laugh in contempt.

"And how would you, a mere pathetic human, show me that you are not weak?" she asked.

"Well, I know a way" I started to say, before straightening up and looking her in the eye, staring at her without fear, "And that way is by defeating you."

"You?! Defeating me!? A small, weak human!?" she laughed, but this time it was an angry laugh.

"Yes" I said calmly, "And we will have the perfect opportunity to do so"

And feeling the curiosity coming from the dragon in front of me, I began to explain.

"In a few days the first task of a tournament that I am participating in will take place, and you will be part of the challenge of this task, and at that moment we will have the opportunity to face each other" I said.

And as soon as I finished speaking I could feel the joy coming from the Hungarian Horntail, who lowered her face to look directly at me with her menacing yellow eyes tinged with shades of red.

"I'm going to love being able to tear your body apart in front of all your despicable human friends" she said with a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

And hearing her threat I just looked at her with a bored look, feeling a little upset that she was talking about my friends.

"Don't worry, I promise to go easy on you" I said in a mocking tone, "I don't want to be known for bullying such a fragile and weak dragon"

And I confess I said that just to annoy her, and it seemed to work, as I could feel her violent emotions surging as she roared.

"Arrrg, you insect!" she said, standing up as she tried to come at me, "I'm going to kill you! I will tear you apart!"

She then started to swing her wings and claws towards me, and to avoid being hit I simply took a few steps back.

And even though she saw that there was no chance of reaching me, she continued trying, being completely dominated by her emotions of anger and hatred.

'Well, I guess our conversation is over' I thought, looking at the out of control dragon before looking back.

Charlie and the other wizards from the camp were rushing toward us because of the commotion the Hungarian Horntail was causing, and seeing this I started to move away.

They then began trying to control her, but seeing that she was more aggressive than normal they had to stun her, with at least 20 wizards casting the stunning spell at the same time.

After seeing the black scaled dragon fall unconscious I sighed, not liking it but knowing it was necessary.

'At least they didn't hurt her' I thought, before shaking my head.

Looking up at the sky I realized it was close to sunrise, and feeling tired but happy and satisfied I started to leave the camp, looking one last time at the four dragons, smiling softly when I saw Saphira, Arya and Mereo lying down, looking at their eggs with care and affection.

"Today was a very interesting and exciting night" I said to myself.

My intention was just to see the dragons and maybe try to use my Beast Talk to create a connection with them, but unexpectedly I ended up discovering that I could speak their language and ended up befriending three of them.

And in the end I still ended up challenging a dragon that belongs to the race that was known for being the most dangerous, violent and deadly of all.

'Well, I guess Harry won't feel bad about me stealing his dragon' I thought somewhat amused, knowing that the boy would probably thank me for it.

'Yes... a very exciting night'


-Hogsmeade Weekend-

It was the weekend, and almost all of the school's students were in Hogsmeade for a day of fun and relaxation.

"It seems busier here than in previous years" Stephen commented looking around.

"It's probably because now it's not just students from our school who are visiting the village" Terry said, seeing that among the Hogwarts students there were also students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

"Well, I'm glad there are more people here, it seems more fun" Luna said, licking a melon ice cream with honey flakes.

"Is this your first time here in Hogsmeade Luna?" Lisa asked the petite girl, who had an excited look on her face.

"No, I've come here other times with my dad" Luna replied, and Lisa looked confused.

"Err... Then why are you so excited?" she asked.

"Because this is the first time I've come with friends" and hearing Luna say that so naturally and with a small happy smile made the hearts of everyone in the group warm.

Even Michael smiled slightly.

"Aww!" and Sue who was on Luna's other side immediately hugged her, "You're so cute! We're definitely keeping you with us!"

"I vote for that" Lisa was quick to agree with Sue.

And the rest of the group nodded, with Stephen saying that Luna was like the group's mascot.

And Luna, who was receiving all the attention, just smiled, feeling immensely happy, already considering this one of her best trips to Hogsmeade.

And as I watched Sue rubbing her face against Luna's I shook my head with an amused smile.

We then continued our walk through Hogsmeade, and at a certain point the girls and boys separated, with us agreeing to meet at Three Broomsticks after 2 hours.

And as the boys and I passed through the Hogsmeade shops I saw the golden trio entering the Three Broomsticks, and shortly afterwards I saw Hagrid and Moody entering the place too.

'Hmm, tomorrow will probably be the day that Hagrid takes Harry to the Forbidden Forest so he can see the dragons' I thought.

'But I think that unlike the canon he must already be preparing to face them, since he already knows that they will be part of the first task'

And thinking about the preparation Harry was doing to survive the first task, I remembered the promise I made to help him.

'Hmm, when we go back to school I'll talk to him to see if he needs my help creating a plan or training.'

