
Chapter 342

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"When did you find this place?" George asked, walking around the room that mimicked our weird Headmaster's office, touching the trinkets that were on the shelves.

"Hmm, shortly after the start of last school year" I lied.

"Wait, so you discovered this room almost a year ago?!" George exclaimed.

"And it took you all this time to tell us about it?!" Fred said, placing his hand on his chest dramatically, "I feel betrayed."

And even though they were speaking with a joking air I could sense that they actually were a little hurt.

And it made sense that they would feel that way, since when we'd just met they'd shown me their most prized possession, which was the Marauder's Map, and now I'd hidden such an amazing room from them.

"Look, I couldn't show you the room for a few reasons," I said with a sigh.

"Oh, and what reasons would those be?" George asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, the first is that I was hiding Sirius here while he was on the run from the Ministry, before they decided to have a real trial for him." I answered.

"Oh yeah, I remember Ron saying that you met Padfoot when he was still considered a criminal and that you helped him" Fred said, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Your brother really doesn't know the meaning of keeping his mouth shut, does he?"

"When it comes to secrets and food, no," George replied, and I shook my head.

"But well, back to the point, the second reason I didn't show you the room is because I didn't know if it was safe," I said.

"And what could possibly be dangerous in this room?" Fred asked confused.

"Yeah, if this is a room that turns into any room we need I doubt it's going to turn into a room that's dangerous for anyone" George said.

"Of course, unless the person is crazy and asks the room to become a deadly and dangerous place" Fred commented, with his brother agreeing.

"That's true" I said, "But the Room of Requirement has some rooms already defined within it, and among them is the main one, which is the Room of Hidden Things."

"And what is that room?" Fred asked.

"Well, that room is basically a huge storage room inside Hogwarts, and all the castle items that were lost, discarded, or as the name says, hidden, are inside that room" I started to explain.

"And as you know, the castle is a thousand years old, so there are many items in that room, and among them there were many very dangerous cursed or black magic items"

"You said there were, do you mean there aren't anymore?' George questioned.

"Yes. After I discovered this room I already had the intention of sharing its existence with you, but before that I needed to remove and destroy all the dangerous items that were inside it, and it took me almost 1 year to clean the Room of Hidden Things from these items" I replied, and the twins nodded.

"I see" Fred murmured, believing me because he knew that even though I was crazy and always getting myself into dangerous situations, I was still very cautious and almost as paranoid as Moody.

"Well, in that case you're forgiven then" George nodded, and I could feel that their hurt feelings had disappeared.

"Oh, I'm honored," I said, bowing with a mocking smile.

"I know" George sniffed, looking at me with a superior look.

"Sure Malfoy" I said with an eye roll.

"Gasp!" He gasped in shock, looking at me offended.

But ignoring his gaze I looked around the room, seeing that it was exactly like the real Headmaster's office.

"You know, I understand your strategy of pranking Headmaster back in his office, but do you by chance already know how you're going to break into his office?" I asked.

"Err... We haven't gotten to that part of the plan yet" Fred replied as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I noticed that." I snorted, "But well, until you find a way to get in there without the Headmaster being alerted, I suggest you memorize what his office is like"

"Yes, we'll do that" George nodded.

"And when we have everything ready, we're going to make our prank so amazing, wonderful and grand." Fred started to say.

"A prank so incredible and spectacular it will put us in the history books of the greatest pranksters that ever lived" George continued, fist in his chest over his heart, looking straight ahead with an honored gaze.

"We will be eternalized" and Fred, who had the same look as his brother, finished.

And listening to the two I could only look at them with a blank stare.




'I really have a gift for making friends with weird and crazy people' I thought.

And if someone was listening to my thoughts, that person would mock me for my hypocrisy.


-Great Hall – Lunch-

I was currently in the great hall enjoying a delicious lunch, made by the house-elves who luckily didn't have to suffer from Hermione's tireless attempts to free them.

And while I was eating I saw some owls passing by the big windows in the great hall. These owls then came flying over to the tables and handed an edition of the afternoon Daily Prophet to the students and teachers.

And picking up my copy I read the title of the article that was on the front page, and immediately a smile crossed my face.

"Ethan, why are you smiling?" Luna asked me curiously, and I turned to her.

"It's just that I just received wonderful news" I replied happily.

"Oh, okay" she said, accepting my answer before going back to eating her stew.

"Why does his happy smile look so scary?" Stephen asked in a whisper to Terry, who shrugged.

But not paying attention to them I went back to reading the article, wanting to immortalize what was written in it in my memoirs.

On the front page of the front page was a very large photo of a panicked Rita Skeeter being escorted by two Aurors, with Amelia in the background looking at her with a satisfied, vengeful look.

And looking at the title of the article I could read written in very large bold letters the phrase "Rita Skeeter Arrested On Charge Of Being An Illegal Animagus!".

'So Amelia has finally acted' I thought satisfied, 'Now there's one stone less in my way for when the Triwizard tournament starts'

'Now the only thing I have to worry about before Halloween is Harry's Occlumency lessons' I said to myself, looking at the Gryffindor table and seeing that Harry was looking at me too.

He then nodded at me, to which I nodded back.

'Will I be able to teach him well enough so that he can protect his mind at an acceptable level by the end of the month?' I wondered.

'Well, I won't know the answer to that until I start teaching him.' I shrugged.


-Library - Some time later-

As soon as lunch was over I went straight to the library, and now here I was, sitting at a table in the most secluded corner of the library with some books on mind magic in front of me, waiting for Harry to arrive.

And a few minutes later I saw Harry walking through the library doors, with Hermione in tow.

'Hmm, why is she here?' I wondered curiously.

"Hello Professor Night" Harry said with a playful smile that wouldn't look out of place on Sirius' face.

'Apparently having a stupid godfather is influencing Harry more than I expected' I thought, but then I shook my head, looking at him and deciding to play along.

"10 points from Gryffindor for being late Mr Potter" I said in a professional voice.

I then turned my gaze to Hermione who was behind Harry looking at me nervously, something that left me confused.

And noticing my confusion, Harry began to explain.

"Hermione is here because she wants to learn Occlumency too," he said, and I nodded.

"Well, then welcome to my Mind Magic Class, Miss Granger" I joked, and the girl blinked in surprise for a few seconds before smiling.

"Thank you..." she said, and then a mischievous look began to come over her face, "Professor Night"

'Heh, apparently teaching them is going to be more fun than I thought' I thought, feeling a little excited to be able to teach someone about something I know.

