
Chapter 170

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


It's Morbin time! Here's the new chapter!


The next day after a delicious breakfast, the Flamels took my family and I on a sightseeing tour of the main sights of France, both on the wizarding and muggle sides.

Touring France with the Flamels as guides was interesting.

Every place we went they had a story to tell. There was even a moment when they started to mention the changes that took place in a church, talking about the time it was founded, which was in 1653, about the year it was destroyed in a 4 wizards duel in 1795, until the year it was rebuilt in 1812.

And it's amazing to know that, even being over 600 years old, the Flamels didn't act like old and experienced people, they just acted like anyone would act, sometimes they even looked like a couple of teenagers.

I thought that because they were so old, they would have some old-fashioned custom or style, but actually it seems that they managed to keep up with the modernity of the world.

But changing the subject, the Flamels, to my surprise, decided they were going to teach me some of the things they've learned in their many years of life.

They decided that by seeing that I am good at magic, and by listening to my parents talk about how I enjoy studying and that I am the best student of my year.

They also said that I can consider it a thank you for returning the Philosopher's Stone to them.

I could refuse, but I obviously wasn't going to miss this opportunity to learn more, and even with the Flamels telling me that they aren't as powerful wizards as Dumbledore and even some Aurors and that they just had a lot of knowledge, I wasn't discouraged.

In fact, it just left me with more expectations for their classes, as I don't really need to increase my magic or learn more powerful spells, what I need is knowledge.

Maybe after these lessons I'll even be able to figure out what's missing from my spells.


-Meanwhile at Hogwarts with the teachers-

[POV - Third Person]

-Headmaster Dumbledore's Office-

"Well, with that we're done with our annual meeting" Headmaster Dumbledore said, looking at all the Hogwarts staff in the office, "Does anyone have anything else to say?" he asked.

The professors around him shook their heads no, but he noticed that Filch was a little frowning... well, more frowning than usual.

"Argus, would you like to say something?" the Headmaster asked.

"Grh! These rude brats are making more and more of a mess, every day I have to clean these corridors because of some prank of theirs" Filch grunted grumpily.

As soon as Filch talked about the pranks, all the professors and staff in the office could see that Lockhart shivered a little, and even his self-proclaimed "World's Most Beautiful Smile" ended up fading a little.

Everyone also noticed the satisfied look that flashed across Professor Snape's face as he looked at Lockhart.

"Yes, the pranks..." the Headmaster said, with an amused smile on his face, "Unfortunately we have no way of knowing who the students are who are doing these pranks, and even those that we have discovered, we can't do much about them other than give them some detention and a point reduction, but that doesn't stop them from playing more pranks the next day"

When the Headmaster said this, Filch frowned even more, but he remained silent, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea to tell the Headmaster some of his plans to punish students who prank and mess up his corridors.

"And besides, pranks are usually harmless, and students just do them for fun," Professor Flitwick said.

"Hehe, and they're really fun" Professor Sprout said laughing behind her hand, "Pranks make the school more lively, and even some of the more serious students sometimes have fun with some of those pranks the Three Musketeers do on the Great Hall"

"The Three Musketeers" Professor Snape muttered under his breath, having some negative memories about groups of students who like to prank.

"Hah, that brings back some good memories" Headmaster Dumbledore sighed with a nostalgic look, and some of the older professors shared the same look he did.

"Well, since we can't resolve the pranks issue, so I guess the meeting is over, right?" the Headmaster asked, looking at everyone over the top of his half-moon glasses.

"Actually, Headmaster, I'd like to speak with you privately about a request of mine," Lockhart said, smiling brightly.

"Perhaps you would like to ask Albus for an autograph? I know he is quite famous and a lot of people would like to have his autograph" Professor Flitwick said, for no other reason than to irritate Lockhart, who hates being compared to anyone, and hates it even more when they say that someone is more famous than him.

"Maybe he wants some tips about his upcoming classes, as Albus was already a DADA teacher in his youth" Professor McGonagall said hiding her smile, understanding what Professor Flitwick was doing.

Some professors like Professor Sinister and Professor Kettleburn were trying hard not to laugh, mainly because they didn't expect Professor McGonagall to join Professor Flitwick in making fun of Lockhart.

"Perhaps Professor Lockhart wants to ask some fashion tips from the Headmaster... They both have a fashion sense... similar" Professor Snape said slowly, and no one knows if it was because Professor Snape was the one who spoke or if it was because of the scandalized look on Lockhart's face, but those professors who were trying to hold back their laughter started to laugh softly.

'Hmm, is there a problem with my choice of clothes?' the Headmaster wondered, looking at his red robes embroidered with green flowers.

He then turned and looked at Lockhart's robes, looking him up and down, ignoring or not noticing that Lockhart was looking at him with an odd look, as if he'd just sucked on a very sour lemon.

'My fashion sense isn't that bad' the Headmaster thought, mentally noting to himself that he should cut down on the amount of colorful and flashy clothes he had in his wardrobe.

"Ahem" the Headmaster cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "As none of you other than Professor Lockhart has anything to say, so I say the meeting is over and you can go back to what you were doing before" he said, and with a few brief goodbyes the Hogwarts professors and staff began to leave the Headmaster's office one by one, with some of them whispering to each other.

As soon as the last person left, the Headmaster turned to Lockhart.

"So, what is this request of yours that you would like to share with me?" he asked.

"Well, I'd like to talk to you about a very special day that is coming," Lockhart said, sitting boldly in the chair opposite the Headmaster's desk.

"Oh, and what day would that be?" the Headmaster asked, a little curious.

"Well, my dear fellow Order of Merlin, this special day is obviously Valentine's Day"

As soon as the Headmaster saw the smile on Lockhart's face he knew he was going to regret having agreed to have this conversation.



(End AN: The fourth season of Stranger Things is over, and now I feel a void in my soul.

I wasn't expecting that ending, but I have to agree with some people on social media when they say it was a cowardly ending.

I won't say too much because a lot of people probably haven't seen these last two episodes yet, and I won't say anything that would be a spoiler.

I haven't started watching season 3 of The Umbrella Academy yet, as I'm out of time, but watching it is on my to-do list.)