
Chapter 109

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"I-in my-my class a-all the students are-are very go-o-od, e-even though t-there are so-so-some w-who find it di-difficult to-to p-pay attention i-in class." Professor Quirrell said, with his usual stutter.

"And in my class I have a lot of talented students this year, but none can compare to Mr. Night," Professor Flitwick said, almost bouncing in his chair in excitement, "The boy is a born and utter genius at Charms. He might as well be in his third year of studies"

"Serious?" Professor Sprout asked impressed.

"Yeah, and I don't think he's even trying. And I'm pretty sure his favorite subject is Charms," ​​the little professor said, saying the last part while glancing at Professor McGonagall with a smug, competitive look.

Professor McGonagall, who heard what he said and saw his smug look, looked up at him with her lips a thin line and her eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure? I always see him having a lot of fun in my classes. He even stays after class sometimes to ask about Transfiguration for me" she said back, with an even more competitive look, and if it was an anime, it would give to see the rays in your eyes or their Ki colliding.

"Sometimes he pops into my office to ask about the lessons and about spells too" Professor Flitwick replied, ignoring the amused look of the other professors or the analytical and amused look of the Headmaster.

"Maybe it's because of your cupcakes... Just maybe," the feline teacher said, looking away innocently, ignoring Professor Flitwick's mock scandalized glare.

"Cough. Good to know you've found such a talented student in your subjects" the Headmaster spoke in an undeniably amused voice.

"A student at Ravenclaw," Professor Flitwick muttered under his breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

And with that phrase Professor McGonagall turned to him with narrowed eyes, giving the feeling of a feline about to attack its prey, something that didn't intimidate the little professor.

"Well, what about you Minerva? Any interesting students?" the Headmaster asked, trying to alleviate the staring competition from the two teachers.

"Well, besides Mr. Night who is a prodigy at Transfiguration…" Professor McGonagall began, ignoring the surprised look from the other professors, as she never said that any of her students were a prodigy, "I have to say that Miss Granger and Mr. Zabini are two very talented students in my subject, with Miss Jones not far behind"

"What about some students who caught your attention in a less-than-positive way?" the Headmaster asked.

"Hmm, there's Mr. Malfoy who likes to tease his Hufflepuff classmates in class, and Mr. Corner who seems to spend more time staring at Mr. Night and Mr. Goldstein than paying attention in class... .But other than those two, I don't have any other students who are drawing negative attention," Professor McGonagall replied, ignoring the smug part of her mind at seeing the annoyed look on Professor Snape's face when she spoke of one of her Slytherins.

"Hmm, looks like this year we have a lot of promising students, especially the first year" the Headmaster said, and no one knew if he was talking about all the students or specifically Potter, "Well I think with that we ended our annual meeting" he said, leaning back in his chair with a happy expression.

"Does anyone have anything else to add?" he asked, and seeing no one answering he nodded, "Well in that case the meeting is adjourned and everyone can go back to what they were doing before" he said, in a polite way of telling the other teachers to go away from your office.

In the end, the teachers left their office and headed to their own offices. But some of these teachers probably didn't expect that, upon arriving at their offices, they would find some presents that were left on their desks by a smart, playful, and sexy boy, obviously we can't forget the sexy.


Meanwhile in the castle - Nyx and her adventures!

'Damn it! How can she find me so easily? And where can I hide?' they were the thoughts that ran through the head of a certain man/rat.

'Why doesn't this damn thing want to leave me alone?!' Pettigrew thought, passing through yet another secret passage, trying to lose the cruel being that followed him.

When Pettigrew walked out of the passage, he turned to look back and sighed in relief to see that there was nothing else following him. However, before he could relax, he felt a breath on his back.

Turning mechanically forward, he saw that, in front of his face, was a black cat with blue eyes, which is the same cat he had been trying to lose since early morning.

'How did this cat get here so fast!?' he screamed in his mind, while outwardly he trembled in panic.

The cat was none other than our dear Nyx, who decided to stay at the castle for Christmas.

Nyx has found a lot of fun things to do in the castle, the main one being scaring the other pets by showing her superiority, as she can't let her human be the only amazing thing in the castle.

But as she walked around the castle looking for some distraction, she encountered this strange rat that gave her a feeling of contempt and disgust, and to pass the time, she decided to terrif... Cough! Educate this poor rat.

And now, after managing to corner this little insect that had dared to run away from her for so long, Nyx started to move closer, causing the rat to go backwards, until it hit a wall.

However, when Nyx was about to teach this humble creature a lesson, a voice was heard, a voice that angered Nyx but sounded like a saving grace to Pettigrew.

"Scabbers! Get away from him you stupid cat" Weasley, who was coincidentally passing through this hallway with Potter, quickly took Pettigrew in his hand. He then looked at Scabbers/Pettigrew to see if he didn't have any wounds, and after seeing that the damn rat... Cough! I mean, the little rat didn't have any wounds, he sighed in relief.

Weasley then turned to the cat, intending to curse her, only to find the cat already looking at him with her indifferent but fierce feline eyes, and anything Weasley was about to say caught in her throat.

Nyx then looked at Weasley for a while longer, making the boy even more nervous. She then took one last look at Pettigrew/Scabbars before turning and walking down the hall, walking as if she hadn't been chasing a rat animagus in a while.

As soon as she turned the corner into the hallway and disappeared, the boy and the man/rat managed to breathe again, ignoring the Potter boy who was looking at them strangely.

''Who owns that monstrosity?'' Weasley and Pettigrew thought, with the boy wiping the sweat from his forehead as the man/rat trembled in fear.


[POV - Ethan] - December 25th

Today is Christmas, the day to give and receive presents, and I couldn't be more excited, as this would be my first Christmas after entering the wizarding world, and I wanted to know what presents my friends would give me, in the same way as I would like to know if they would like the presents I gave.

Today I was also going to visit my paternal grandparents' house, as it had been a long time since my family visited them, and my grandmother is always calling to say she misses us a lot.

"Ethan!" Cele called upon entering my room, snapping me out of my thoughts, "It's Christmas! Presents!" she said happily, jumping on top of me.

"Urff...yeah...I know" I said, catching my breath after she jumped on my belly. I then lightly pinch your nose causing her to wrinkle it cutely, "But what did mommy say about the presents?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That the biggest ones are mine?" she asked innocently.





"I think I'm corrupting you" I said feeling feelings of exasperation and pride, "And I meant the ELSE thing Mommy said"

"Hmm... else thing?" she repeated, looking down and frowning in thought, "Oh, who can only open presents with the whole family?" she said, looking at me with big inquisitive eyes.

"That's right!" I congratulated her, ruffling her already messy hair.

"Yey! Cele got it right" she celebrated. She then stopped and started thinking, "So I have to wake up Mom and Dad too!" she exclaimed, and without giving me time to say anything, she dashed off to my parents' room.

Seeing this little ball of joy excited about Christmas, I got a wry but happy smile on my face.

'Sigh...I don't think the world is ready for Cele' I thought fondly.

"Daddy! Daddy" I heard Cele's voice coming from my parents' room.

"Hi my little—Pff!"

"Honey, you can't be jumping on people like that... Unless it's your dad, of course."




(End AN: How are you, my beautiful and amazing readers?

I was reviewing the Harry Potter movies, and I noticed that in one of the movies Harry uses magic (Lumos) to read a book, and I've never seen anyone commenting on underage magic laws at this point... It's just something unimportant that I realized, hehe.

But changing the subject entirely, I would like to ask you if you happen to pay attention if a word is British English or American English.

I confess that I don't have the slightest idea of ​​the difference, unless I do some research.

Could you give me examples of words that exist in both types of English, but are different?

I think this is a great way for me to learn English :)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)