
Savage Princess Survival

Luna possessed the body of a young woman in another world. She was forced to survive in a world where monsters, mystical beasts, and human magical abilities exist. She was trapped and lived as a savage in a forest until a Prince arrived and brought her to civilization.

Klara_Bell · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 7

Luna trembles in fear at the sight of a massive gordrock in front of her. It was like a huge lion except that its fur glittered like shiny gold. She would be amazed if its big fangs and hostile eyes are not directed at her. But this beast seemed to devour her. She felt the killing intent of the mystical beast as it slowly stepped toward her. She felt weak.

The mystical beast released a roar that seemed to echo throughout the entire forest. It's the most terrifying sound.

Coco transformed in front of her into his mystical form. He covered her in a protective stance. He growled at the huge gordrock who is twice his size.

The gordrock was surprised at the sight of the young mystical beast. His hostile thoughts quickly stopped.

Young Tetarion? The Gordrock thought.

"Please don't hurt us, we're just lost," Luna begged behind Coco.

Why do you have an uncontracted tetarion with you?

Luna heard its thoughts. She peeked at the gordrock. He's not angry anymore.

"I raised him." She answered.

You can understand me? The gordrock asked in surprise.

She nodded.

You're a summoner?

"Summoner?" Luna asked. She read in the book that it's one of the rare abilities.

Only a summoner can communicate with us. You must be a summoner.

"I don't know."

The gordrock suddenly transformed into its original form. From a majestic creature, it turned into a round fur ball. It looked like he enjoyed eating and sleeping for a long time.

"You look fa..."

She did not continue what she was about to say since he might get offended.

I know. Since my last master died, I just laze around. It's so boring here. The gordrock thought.

"Are you alone here?" She asked.

I'm the last of my kind. Hundreds of years ago, we were hunted by humans. They take our hearts to eat. They believe that they can attain their abilities by eating our hearts. Stupid humans!

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry to hear that."

What are you doing here? You look like a young human. How did you reach this place?

"I'm with my friends. They are looking for you. They want your help to fight a war."

Me? Why would I help them? They killed my kind.

"Don't you want to leave this place?"


"How about an adventure? You can come with us and fight bad people."


The gordrock lay down and yawned.

Luna laughed. She thought about how she would convince this lazy beast to come with them.

"My friend Sir Grey is rich and has a lot of food in his house. He has a lot of servants and loyal knights. Besides, he's really strong and has a magical ability. He won't allow anyone to take your heart."

Are you trying to trick me so that I'll come with you?

The gordrock glared at her but since he looks so cute, he was not scary anymore.

"No way!"

Let me think. You said he's strong?


Then do a contract for us.

"Contract? How?"

You are a summoner. You're supposed to know that.

Luna sighed. She doesn't even know she's a summoner. It wasn't explained in the book.


After investigating the area to see traces of the mystical beast, Grey walked back to the camp. He's worried that they might not able to catch a mystical beast.

From his pocket, he took out a potion. It's a potion to tame a mystical beast. His people had a hard time getting this potion. It can only be bought on the black market in an auction. This is also what the northern barbarian used to tame their beasts. But Luna didn't use a potion. Then it's possible to tame a beast without using a potion. However, her case is different since she raised the beast. The last summoner died hundred years ago so it's impossible to have a contract with a beast.

Grey exhaled in frustration.

He walked around. His eyes searched for someone. She's looking for Luna. The young woman who is always in his thoughts recently.

Somehow, he felt the need to take care of her. She's a girl who was trapped in this deserted place for a long time, and without her memories of her past. At first, he's suspicious of her but he's wrong. She's a capable woman who survives the Murdoklan forest on her own. He actually pitied her now. She became a savage in this place. She dressed inappropriately. She didn't act like a lady of her age but more like a child or a skilled male. But she's clearly a woman...

A memory of Luna in the stream bathing flashed to Grey's thought. Her bright eyes and wet brown hair dripped on her bare shoulder. A part of her round bosom is visible in the clear water. Grey felt his body's reaction to the memory. He immediately dismisses the thoughts and felt embarrassed for even thinking obscenely of the innocent woman.

When Luna told him she was wearing a gold ring and a white dress when she first woke up in this place, he realized the possibility that she is a lost bride. Only a woman who is engaged or married wears a golden ring on the ring finger. It's either she's engaged or married. Strangely, he felt uncomfortable thinking about it. He doesn't like to think much of it.

He is still in awe of her skills. Her quick thinking and fast reflexes. No woman could move and act as her. She's special. Living in this place must have made her tough. There are also things he's very curious about but he doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable. His priority is to help her after he finishes his mission here. Once they returned to the capital, he's thinking of adopting her as his legal sister. That way he can provide for her without being questioned by the nobles. He can enroll her in schools. She can learn virtues and the civilization outside. That way no one will take advantage of her naivety and innocence.

Grey saw Sebastian walking back and forth. His face is gloomy.


The man turned to him. He looked a little surprised.

"Prince..." Sebastian uttered in a worried tone.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Luna."

Grey suddenly felt nervous after hearing the name. He's been looking around for her for a while now and she was nowhere. Did something happen while he was gone?

A loud terrifying sound echoed into the ear. A roar of a ferocious animal.

Grey and Sebastian both look in the direction of the sound with fear in their eyes. They both thought of the same person. Luna.