
Savage Princess Survival

Luna possessed the body of a young woman in another world. She was forced to survive in a world where monsters, mystical beasts, and human magical abilities exist. She was trapped and lived as a savage in a forest until a Prince arrived and brought her to civilization.

Klara_Bell · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 14

Luna waited the whole day for Grey to visit her but Sebastian said he was busy with the investigation of the syndicate that abducted her. They were able to arrest the people that were present in the auction house but the leader and the person who lured the women escaped. Grey was tracing them and found out it was not just a small-time syndicate but big people might be involved.

"You must eat a lot and gain energy. We will travel to the capital soon. We will leave once you feel better," Sebastian uttered while peeling the apples for her.

Luna glanced up at him. She felt weird about how he was acting toward her. He's been very attentive and visits her regularly to check on her.

"Sir Sebastian, are you sick?"

Sebastian looked confused about her question.

"No. Why?"

"Did you hit your head or something? You've been acting weird."

Sebastian coughed and tried to avert his eyes.

"It's just I got worried when you were abducted. I'm very thankful that the Prince saved you on time. I can't imagine if something bad had happened to you in that godforsaken place." He answered clenching his jaw. He looked angry.

Luna's eyebrows crossed.

"Why? You sound like you love me." She said as she started to eat the apple cuts from the plate nonchalantly.

Sebastian looks surprised.

"It's... I feel sorry that I was awful to you in the past."

Yes, he did. But it's understandable as he's the right hand of the Prince. He was just doing his job.

"It's okay. You don't have to feel sorry. What you said is true. I do like the Prince but it's not what you think so stop worrying about that. Besides, I am from the forest, I lack education and manners like the nobles. And even if I do have that, I don't have memories of my past. The servant in this mansion is even more cultured than me. The prince will never like me or consider me romantically. Like you said before, he sees me as a sister."

Sebastian looks down. Guilt is on his face.

Luna just sighed. She didn't expect Sebastian to feel so sorry for her. Maybe she's reminding him again of her sister after looking at her bare face now.

Early the next morning Luna decided to go out of the room. She regained her strength and would like to see Grey. All the knights visited her yesterday except him.

She saw him talking with some of the local inspectors. It must be about her abduction and the missing women. They were trying to locate them and rescue them.

Grey noticed her and wrap up their discussion.

"Why are you outside? Are you feeling better now?" He asked as soon as he reached her.

"Yes. I just want to speak with you for a moment."

Grey smiled at her and nodded.

"I'd like to visit you but I was busy investigating this case. Sebastian told me you are regaining strength. I'm so glad." He said with a warm smile.

He's always been so gentle with her. Sebastian was right, Grey saw her like a sister.

They walked around the garden side by side.

"Prince Grey, I'd like to thank you for saving me and also apologize for the inconvenience." She uttered.

Grey stopped walking and glanced at her. His smile fades away.

"Prince? You can keep calling me by my name."

She shook her head.

"We are outside of the forest now. All the people around respect and vow to you. I want to do the same."

He looked displeased but just nodded.

"You don't have to apologize for what happened Luna. It's thanks to you we can stop the abduction of women in this town. And you saved me and the knights back in the forest. You did a lot of things for us. And since I brought you outside I will protect you."

A royal prince wants to protect a savage woman he found in the wild. Isn't it like a fairy tale story?

"Thank you." She answered with a smile.

Grey glanced at her ginger hair. His fingers touched the strands of her hair. He's deep in thought. But he seems to realize his inappropriate action and pulls back his hand.

"I apologize."

"It's alright. You must be surprised like everyone else. I forgot to mention my original hair color. I dyed my hair in the forest because it's so bright and I can't camouflage."

Grey smiled.

"Now I understand. It's my first time to know that hair can be dyed to a different color."

"Yes, I can even dye your hair too but black suits you best. You look very handsome." She said with eyes of admiration.

Grey was startled to hear her words. He fake coughing and averted his eyes. His ears turned red.

"It's my first time hearing that."


Hasn't he received compliments before?

"Nobody will admire black-haired men. You might not know this but black hair symbolizes slavery, fear, and darkness. I'm the only prince in history with black hair." He uttered.

She was shocked to hear this. She only noticed that most of the knights have bright hair except him. Most of the maids and servants have black hair. The people in this world are discriminated against based on hair.

"That's nonsense. Black is a beautiful color. It's a symbol of prestige and importance. And you have very beautiful hair. People should envy you."

Grey smiled. He looks very pleased.

"You always surprise me." He uttered.

They continue to walk.

"We will head to the capital in the next few days. It will take almost a month of traveling on land and water."

"I'm excited. It will be an adventure." She answered enthusiastically.

Grey smiled and pat her head.

"I can see that. But you have to be careful next time. Don't talk to strangers and stay by my side."

Luna blushed at his gentle touch but Grey did not notice.

After two days, they started their journey. Luna was surprised to see a carriage for her. Grey also brought one of the maids Mira with her to assist her on the journey. Since they are outside of the forest, they can't let the mystical beasts transform in front of people as it will draw so much attention. She can't ride Coco for a while. She wanted to ride horses like the other knights but they treat her like a precious lady now.

After a day's ride, they camped to spend the night. They grilled meat and sit in front of the bonfire. Luna eat every piece Sebastian gave to her. He cackles while looking at her eating with gusto. Grey also smiles as he looks at her happily eating.

"Slow down or you will get indigestion later," Sebastian said.

She just nodded but continued to eat the meat.

"My lady, Sir Sebastian, and the Prince adores you so much," Mina uttered as she sneakily glanced at the two gentlemen.

"Adore me?" She asked.

"Yes, it seems that they like you very much."

She glanced at the two men who were busy chatting now.

Sebastian is a good-looking man with similar ginger hair to her. He is nice to her because she saved him in the forest and she looks like his sister. Grey also seems to think the same of her. Sebastian mentioned Grey is interested in adopting her as his sister.

"I think they remember someone close to their heart every time they look at me. They like me as a sister." She uttered.

"Sir Sebastian looks similar to you. He's very handsome. You could be his younger sister." Mira said while glancing at the ginger-haired man.

Sebastian is indeed handsome but for her, Grey is breathtakingly attractive. He has an aura of authority when he speaks with a serious expression but he is always soft and gentle around her. Every time he smiles at her, her heart flutters with admiration. He has this charisma that draws her towards him. And even when he gets angry, she adores him.

She sighed.

My ideal man exists but I can't have him.

Grey glanced up and caught her gaze. For a second, her heart jumped. She immediately diverted her attention to the food she was eating.

Grey can't help but chuckle at her adorable expression as she pushes all the food onto her mouth.