
Savage Girlfriend

The mystery Sharon. A lady who approached Zach one night as he enjoyed himself at a new place. He didn't not know why she chose him but that sunday night changed him and his entire life positively and negatively.

Martin_Mulinge · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five

 And so my "friend" was the most cunning person I knew as a young man, he did the worst and made me sleep with a prostitute. I wish I could call it rape for it was more of it than procreation though for a point it was sweet something I don't believe am saying but again, it is the truth. I used to believe that the worst moments occur to people at their childhood stage but this day proved me wrong without any reasonable doubt to believe otherwise.

 I would say she was good at her job although she was young, at her late teenage. She proved to the world that age isn't a factor when it comes to experience. She broke my virginity if to say though we met years later with change all over each one of us. It is a story ill publish later this year in my novel "BROKEN" but she became the first mother of my first-born son who I met later as i grew up, more handsome than his father.

"Are you okay" Tasha asked after a long silence.

"Yea…yea…I am totally fine", I lied as I walked away from her, went out of the bathroom then sat on the bed. Its when I noticed I was not hard anymore. The thoughts about my past and how much breaking virginity can be a lifetime huge and heavy load on our lives, had took away my desire to break the promise I had made to this beautiful and wonderful young lady. From the look of things and the smell of the atmosphere, she was prepared to give me her priceless dignity as gift.

" I am sorry, I did not mean to disappoint you in anyway", she said as she knelt down in front of me as apologetic as she can be. Her apologetic face made her more beautiful and that made me more fascinated and thrilled by the facts of our true love. I  wanted to kiss her, lay her on the bed and tear her apart with breath-taking copulation with suicidal intimacy, but where will be my honor. Not that I was an honorable man but I was not going to avenge what my "friend" did to me on her. I wanted her first to be the best and unforgettable. It should be a memorable day in the most dashing and sparky way possible.

"No…no…no…it is not on you", it is just that you are so beautiful", I loudly whispered

"And why did you stop? Why did you run away?" she was more concerned by the fact that I let her down.

She was not worried about the fact that I was about destroy her dignity,  for as I said earlier, I was not an honourable person and she saw that but she was not willing to accept it no matter what. Yes, I had feelings for her but I was not sure they were going to last for as long as I  wanted them to, for I had had the same feelings before and they did not end well for either parties. I did not want my lust to take over and over-take our deeper feelings for each other. Feelings to be with each other, to be at each other's side no matter what. It was what we all longed for.

"I want to explain but I fear you won't understand", I exclaimed holding her cheeks with my hands.

"Try me", she snapped. "I am sure I have endured much than you think, so spare me the pity of thinking I don't know anything about love feelings, I have enough love experience to know what I want." she continued to say as her voice ascending.

"It might be what you want but are sure it is what you need?" I asked kissing her on the forehead.

She stood up, walked slowly to one side of the window then stood there holding a towel over her breasts to cover her naked body. I am always a romantic guy but this one was getting out of my control, this was over my paygrade.  I had no words to make her feel better. I just sat on the bed, naked as she stood on the window listening to the melodious sounds made by the birds as they were retiring to their resting places.

"I need love Zach, love is what I need and that's the only thing I need from you", she opened her mouth to say without turning back to look at me. "So spare me the pleasantries, look me deeper into my eyes and tell me whether that is too much to ask",  she sounded sure and really concerned.  

I stood up slowly walked in a steady pace to where she was standing. I hugged her from behind as I kissed her on her neck.

"You are special Tasha", I began "and that's why your first day to make love should be special not just random." I said

"I am sorry Zach, do not misunderstand me, please", she turned back to face me,  her eyes directly fixed on mine. She looked more vulnerable and eatable than before but the happiest and sexiest thing was how love covered her face. She meant what she was saying and she was sure and meant each word that came out of her mouth. I even envied her calmness and her fine method or portraying her true love.

"You are so beautiful, and lucky is the man who will marry you", I said without any knowledge of where the words were coming from but I was happy that it was the truth. The mouth is just like a spokesperson for the heart when it comes to love matters.

"I lied to you about my love life", she said seriously, truthfully and concerned.