
Savage Fiancée

Yu Yan, a shy woman whose about to be eighteen got engaged to a man with the arrangement of her family. But before getting engaged, she got into a car accident and got to the hospital. She woke up with another personality but they never knew that another person's soul was already inside her body.

Mellow_Byte · Ciudad
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1 Chs


Yu Yan was having trouble breathing, and it was very uncomfortable. She wanted someone to help her, but she couldn't speak because her throat hurt terribly. The car interior became blurry, and her vision was dark. A tear fell down her cheek as she sank deeper and deeper into unconsciousness.

Yu Yan felt a hand grab her and carried her for a while away from the burning car and lay her on a safe spot on the road.

The man then proceeds to reach into his pocket and get a phone.

While he was dialing and talking to the telephone, Yu Yan lost her willpower and slowly closed her eyes and fainted.



The doctor who came in at the nurse's call went to the patient and checked on her vitals. He took her blood pressure, pulse, and temperature and then started doing scans on her head, which he deemed not good.

After taking Yu Yan from the room, the man told the doctor that she had been in a car accident.

She wasn't severely injured physically but suffered a concussion and several cuts and bruises.

Yu Yan was taken away by ambulance to an undisclosed location and was sent to a private hospital where a particular unit had been set aside for her treatment.

After a few days of intensive physical therapy, she could walk again and be allowed to stay at the facility until her recovery.



Sunlight shone on Yu Yan's closed eyes, waking her up.

"Ouch, my head hurts!" Yu Yan touched her head and complained; she slowly opened her eyes and saw a hospital room with apparatus surrounding her bed.

She tried hard to remember how did she get here. All she can remember was loud crash noise and a man talking to the phone and then... nothing.

She wandered her eyes around the room and decided to sit up. The door then opened, and a nurse saw her regain consciousness.

"How are you feeling?"

She asked kindly. Yu Yan looked up and looked at the nurse. Then ask something.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the Hospital. You were driving home late last night and you hit a bump. Your car flipped over and crashed into a tree. It was too heavy, so we had to transfer you to the Hospital softly," the nurse told Yu Yan.

Then the door opened, and an older man and woman entered hurriedly. The older woman saw that Yu Yan was awake and ran to hug her softly.

"Yu Yan! why are you killing us with worries!" the elderly woman cried out while holding Yu Yan's hands.

"I'm okay mom. It really was just a small accident and there are no major injuries." Yu Yan tried to reassure her mother.

"Yu Yan don't try to lie to me. If you were in an accident and if you weren't in good condition the doctors would never allow you to be discharged from the Hospital. So please stop trying to lie to me. Don't think I won't find out." the elderly woman told Yu Yan.

Yu Yan looked at the floor as she heard her mother's words.

"Mom, you have a point. How much longer do I have to stay here?"

"Not much longer, dear. Soon you will be able to go home." the elderly woman said.

Yu Yan nodded her head. "So I can go back to my apartment after a week?" The elderly couple shook their heads and left the room, leaving Yu Yan alone to rest and recover.

Yu Yan closed her eyes and relaxed.

When she was sleeping, she saw flashes of light. They were coming from above her, and she didn't understand why.

She turned around and saw nothing except darkness. Suddenly, a stream of blue winds and clouds surrounds her, and a white beaming light hits her head.

"Oh? It works." a mumble of words comes out of Yu Yan's mouth while breathing deeply.

She sat up and looked around, and then suddenly she felt a pumping inside her head and felt a headache,

"sss! Ouch." she touched her head and whispered. "Yu Yan, huh?"

She then breathed profoundly and meditated. The wounds on her body miraculously began healing at an impossible speed.

She lived deep and looked at herself in the mirror behind her bed. She sees her body looking like it was glowing with the blue light; she touches her chest and sees two marks appear on it.

She felt the mark that was above her heart. Her body began heating up, and the scars disappeared.

She yawned, held stretched her body, and started to go back and lay in bed.

She looked at her hand and saw a black mark.

"Mimi, can you scan this world?' Yu Yan says her in mind while looking at the black spot.


Yu Yan then closed her eyes to rest, and after 30 seconds of silence, she heard Mimi's voice.

[Showing Data...confirm?]

Yu Yan opened her eyes with a glint of red hue and said in her mind, 'confirm.'

A blue screen started to appear in front of Yu Yan's vision, and she saw a bunch of data. Yu Yan then started to brush and scroll down and absorb the new information she got.

"Earth huh... oh what's this? muk...bang?" Yu Yan's eyes glowed, and she decided to sit up to watch mukbang videos...

Yu Yan..... watching mukbang videos after transmigrating..


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