

Sauron! The Game of Survival has begun Face the Primeval beings that no Human being would dare take on! Unleash your most primal instincts to survive in this Game of Death! Fight in order to reach the top! Now... Would you dare to play this game? Also, the Cover wasn't made by me.

MikXL_23 · Ciencia y ficción
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4 Chs

Let the Games Begin

This futuristic image that could make anyone in the 21st century Go Crazy was being projected by The Hologram projector In Alan's futuristic watch. He Just stood there, while staring at whatever was happening to the hologram image.

<Hey! Is this thing functioning? Testing! Testing!>

The holographic cubes joined themselves together in order to form the silhouette of a Human Man. Even if you couldn't completely see his face because It was blocked by something, only allowing to show his mouth and chin, you could still Tell by The Voice that It was Probaly a Young Man in his twenties.

Althrough he was completely blue, since he was a hologram, It still couldn't completely stop the feeling of easiness that the Man was transmitting.

With a friendly Smile that could make anyone feel warm coupled with the expensive looking suit and his elegant demeanor. Pretty much anyone already had a good impression of this dude.

Anyone except for Alan. Differently from other people, He didn't Trust this Man from start, actually, Alan was coldly looking at the hologram while also maintaining his alertness. His legs were Ready to Sprint at any time, He's Just wainting for something to happen.

And The reason about why Alan is like this? Well It's quite simple. Alan knows that a person that has surged from the watch that was purposely put in his hand is surely the one responsible for his kidnapping, or at least, It is someone with great power in this organization? Maybe, He isn't certain that there exists a organization for this.

While maintaining the same friendly Smile, the Man finally starts to talk.

<Good Morning everyone. I Hope that You all appreciated the trip. It surely was confortable Right? I am quite jealous of you all hahaha!>

Confortable my ass! You Just knocked me into unconcioness and still dares to ask If I liked this Shit?!

<*Clears throat*. Well, ignore my previous misconduct. My Name is Dinosaur Master, you may call me DM. I'm the GM of this- Pfftts hahaha, get It? Dinosaur Master and Game master! hahahahah. Okay I Will stop it, I'm the GM of the game that You are currently participating...>

"Oh no. Nonononono. Don't Tell me It is what I'm thinking It is..."

Says Alan with a trembling Voice.

<Welcome to Sauron! You are currently one of the players of this game. And your objective? Oh It's quite simple... Survive! This is what you should do...>

"Shit! It's like Hunger games!"

<There is also other players in this Island. Befriend them, kill them. Just do Whatever you want. If you survive, you win!>


<I don't wanna spoil all the Fun and Crazy things in this Island. So I Will Just shut up and start the countdown now...>


<3,2,1... Let the games begin...>

Says the Man with a evil and cold smirk as the hologram starts to disappear bit by bit.

"I Said wait Dammit! What The hell I am supposed to do?! Kill?? Survive??! Give me an answer!! Hey!"

Finally, the particles of the hologram vanishes, like It didn't even existed, returning to Alan's watch-like device.

Althrough alarmed at First, Alan quickly tries to calm his racing heart and emotions, while also trying to think about what he should do next.

Maybe He should check the strange device in his hand, It may have something that Will help him out. Alan uses his left hand to touch the device.

then he suddenly feels a bit of a Sharp pain in the finger that he used to touch the watch. Ouch! After quickly retracting his hand, Alan stares at the strange device, which was now making strange noises.

<Analising Blood Sample...>

<Ding! Current User: Alan Saurion

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Starting display of status...>

While Alan was curiously looking at the strange device. It finally stoped loading the statuses. And with a Ding Sound, It displayed the information for Alan

<Name: Alan Saurion

Gender: Male

Age: 17 years old

Vitality: Green

Stamina: Green

Health: Green

HeartBeats: Estable

Current D-credits: 100

Current DNA Chips: (None)

Current Mutations: (None)>

Alan was carefully analising what those statuses meant to him, while also searching for other functions in his watch.

He finally stopped at an icon with a cartoony velociraptor wearing teacher's clothes. He curiously tapped on It with his finger. When he touched It, It seemed the small dino groaned with happiness, while a screen got projected from his device.

To the flaggerbeastered Alan, It displayed a simple request.

<Would You like to watch the tutorial?>



Humm. Yes

When Alan touched the "yes" option. The sig dismantled itself into countless cubes of light, and reformed itself into a holographic screen.

"So It's going to be a Video..."

Inside the floating holographic screen, a cute and small green T-Rex suddenly appears from the left side of the screen.

It takes small steps until it finally manages to reach the Center of the screen. it opens his cute jaws and says.

<h-Hi. I'm Called Little Rexy, but you can call me Rexy... Umm, I'm the one responsible for helping the users in the tutorial video. S-So I Hope that You Will bear with me until It finishes...>

Says Little Rexy with a flustered expression while nervously holding it's eyes with it's Chubby hands.

"Heh, This is cute"

When Alan heard what he said now, he felt weird.

<S-So, I'm going to start explaining How the device in your arm Works...>

Finally! He was tired of Wainting!

<This Device is called Dino-Device, but to put It shortly, everyone calls It D-Device and some even call It D-D. Just pick the Name that You are confortable with the most.>

<The D-Device has a Lot of functions that Will help you a Lot on surviving and gaining advantages.>

<It's First purpose is to check your status. Vitality is Just what It is Called, when you lose blood or when you get damaged, It Will affect your vitality, when there is none, It means that You are dead. When you are completely fine, It will display the vitality with Green colors, and depending on the levels of damage It Will change colors. Green means, Just like I mentioned before, that You are completely fine. When you get hurt, It Will turn yellow, and when you are hurt even more, the colour Will get even darker. When It reaches red, It means that You are in a critical state, and when It reaches Black...>

Rexy then Said with a cold and emotionless voice.

<It means that You are already dead>

Gulp. Alan couldn't stop himself.

<Now, the same applies for health and stamina. Health is basically the level of healthiness of your body, when you get sick, the colours Will get darker, and The D-Device Will also identify what type of sickness or problem you have. Stamina is your level of breath, everytime you do some sort of activity, your stamina Will reduce, and Just like the other two, the D-Device Will also darken the colours in order for you to understand the levels of your statuses.>

<As for heartbeat, well... I don't even need to explain It.>

Well, of course. What type of person couldn't get It?

<And The D-credits are the currency of this game. You can use It to buy things, like supplies, weapons, equippment and Special itens. The icon for the store is located at this place...>

Alan noticed that an icon was shining with yellow light in his D-Device. It looked like a cartoon triceratops pushing a shopping cart. It was quite the comical sight.

<And you can acquire D-credits by Exchanging them with other players or... Killing them.>

"Well, It makes Sense since It is something like Hunger games"

<You can also acquire them by killing the enemies in this Island, finding bunkers that are filled with resources, completing missions and participating in the events>

"Ok ok"

<And there is also a map function, but Right now it is Probaly useless, so you shouldn't waste your time on It>

Okay, Now I want to know about that DNA thing and the mutations crap. Ah, I also want to understand what did they implant in my spine. Though Alan while holding a gaze filled with expectations towards rexy

As If It knew that It was being stared, Rexy answers with a mocking voice.

<Right now, you are probaly thinking about the DNA Chips and the Mutations Right? Well, Too bad! I can't show this type of information yet, but I assure you that It's going to be a really Special thing.>

Towards the disappointement of Alan, Rexy simply smirks.

<Well, That's It, I'm already tired of explaining, so I am going to end the video now...>

"I hoped that I could acquire even more information. But at least I know a Lot more about this game"

<S-so Did you find this tutorial helpful?>

What The Fuck, This dipshit already changed personalities again!

While ignoring Alan's surprised Pikachu face, Rexy then says with a solemn Voice..

<This is a Death game where only the strongest players can even think of surviving and reaching the top. Get stronger, and surely, why not taking the throne of the strongest for yourself? I believe that You have the potential>

"Wait, this is looking way too real for a video."

<Good Luck. Alan> Is what Rexy said, before the screen suddenly vanishes into the D-device.


Ah shit, It happened again. Huff, what The hell should he do Right now? This is way too confusing.

Well. I should get going Right now. I'm certain that staying in this place is going to end badly for me.

Is what Alan thought, before he starts to walk towards the Beach, since It was the closest of the jungle that he was currently staying.

While he was walking, Alan was also worried about a Lot of things. Survive? Kill? Dinosaurs? Alan was really worried about his situation, is like he has some bad feeling about this.

I pray that I'm not into some really deep Shit.


1 hour later...

Okay, maybe I really am into some really deep Shit...