
Saturou Kitagawa

A love Story Between Marin Kitagawa And Gojo Saturou, A fan fic story based on 2 characters

riyujinx · Cómic
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6 Chs


As Gojo and Marin returned home from their honeymoon, they were filled with joy and excitement about their future together. They were still basking in the afterglow of their romantic getaway when a sudden curse appeared and threatened to tear them apart.

At first, they didn't know what was happening. Strange things began to occur in their home. Objects moved on their own, strange noises echoed through the halls, and shadows seemed to move in the corners of their vision. They tried to ignore it at first, thinking it was just their imaginations running wild.

But as the curse continued to escalate, they realized they were not alone. They were being haunted by an ancient and powerful curse, one that threatened to destroy everything they had built together.

Despite their fear, they refused to give up. They fought back with all their strength, calling on their love for each other and their unbreakable bond to face the curse head-on. Together, they researched and uncovered the source of the curse, determined to break its hold on their lives.

Through their perseverance, they found a way to break the curse, but not before it had tested them in ways they never thought possible. As they emerged victorious, they were stronger and more in love than ever before.

They knew that their marriage had been tested, but they also knew that their love was unbreakable. They looked back on their experience and knew that they could face anything as long as they were together.

In the end, the curse had brought them closer together, cementing their love and proving that they could overcome any obstacle as long as they had each other.

As Gojo and Marin stood together, having defeated the curse that had threatened their marriage, they were suddenly faced with a new challenge: Sukuna, the cursed spirit that Gojo had long been battling.

Sukuna was a powerful and malevolent force, and Gojo knew that he had to face him alone. But Marin refused to let him go into battle alone, and so she stood by his side, determined to fight by his side no matter what.

Together, they made a formidable team. Gojo's skills as a sorcerer combined with Marin's bravery and quick thinking, they were able to hold their own against Sukuna's relentless attacks. They fought with all their might, calling on every ounce of strength and courage they possessed.

As the battle raged on, they could feel their powers draining, and it became clear that they would need to use everything they had to defeat Sukuna once and for all. With one final surge of energy, they delivered a devastating blow that sent Sukuna reeling.

In that moment, they knew that they had won. Sukuna had been defeated, and they had emerged victorious. But as they stood together, breathless and battered, they also knew that they had been forever changed by the experience.

The battle with Sukuna had taught them the true meaning of love and sacrifice. It had shown them that together, they were stronger than any obstacle, and that they were willing to fight for their love no matter what.

-Next chapter will be soon if we get a good response on the fanfic-

-follow me on instagram @riyujinx-