
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · Cómic
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18 Chs

Itachi & Sasuke vs Kabuto!

Scene starts-

[Sasuke initially believes the user is Orochimaru, but on closer inspection recognizes him as Kabuto Yakushi. Confused of the situation, Sasuke demands answers and Kabuto gives him the goal behind the war: by capturing Naruto and B, and using all nine tailed beasts, Tobi plans to resurrect the Ten-Tails, become its jinchuriki, and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on the world. Sasuke also learns that he had been promised as a compensation for Kabuto by Tobi in exchange for his cooperation. Disapproving of Tobi and Kabuto's war against the nations, Sasuke is angry for being used and manipulated all along. Because Itachi's mission is to stop Kabuto so as to end the Impure World Reincarnation, Sasuke tries to end things quickly by simply killing him. Itachi blocks his attack, explaining that the Impure World Reincarnation will not be ended if Kabuto dies and that their only option is to trap him in a genjutsu. Aware of this, Kabuto avoids making eye contact with either of them, instead sending out his snakes to attack them. They counter with their Susanoo, but Sasuke notices that the snakes, as well as Kabuto himself, display abilities similar to Suigetsu and Karin. Kabuto explains that he's altered his body using Orochimaru's research of both of them; he's done the same for Jugo, which has enabled him to enter Sage Mode.]

Scene pauses.

Orochimaru (with a little glow in his eyes)- "Splendid! Both of my students are up to it. One tries to copy me and other tries to take his own path! Now it will be interesting to see who will survive and who will die."

Many frowned after hearing him.

Jiraiya (with a snort)- "Che! One is not even fully gone and here is another snake!"

Tsunade-"Damn you Orochimaru! You are always creating problem and now it happening even when you are dead but you are the reason for it."

Tobirama- "So you are the one who completed it. Although it's not for a good use but I am impressed."

Kabuto- "It's an honor to hear this from the great creator Tobirama himself."

Kakashi- "Looks like they used you again Sasuke."

Shisui (with a sneer)- "I think he is stupid. He made a deal that he will use the edo-tensei but in exchange he will get Sasuke when this is all over. But how is he going to get his demand if the whole world will be under Infinite Tsukuyomi! Very good plan genius! You even fucked up the whole world just because you don't have common sense!"

Others were laughing after hearing this. Kabuto was angry at being insulted but he couldn't do anything. After all his future self is indeed foolish.

Sasuke and Itachi were looking at each other.

Sasuke- "Looks like we are going to fight together again."

Itachi (with a smirk)- "Yes. But try not to get in my way."

Sasuke (with a mocking smile)- "Speak for yourself."

Naruto- "To be honest, he is looking really ugly."

Kiba- "Yes! Naruto is right."

Kakashi- "Yes. But he is just as dangerous. He has achieved something which even Orochimaru couldn't do it. He has fully mastered sage mode."

Shikamaru- "Troublesome. I hope they both can deal with it."

Scene start-

[In Sage Mode, Kabuto shields his eyes so that he's immune to genjutsu. Needing to coordinate, Itachi reminds Sasuke of a mission they went on as children to hunt a boar, which they reenact with their Susanoo against Kabuto. Kabuto avoids them and commandeers Sasuke's sword, which he uses to attack Itachi. Itachi takes the sword back from him and uses it to cut off the tip of one of Kabuto's horns. Kabuto tries to turn Sasuke against Itachi, pointing out that Itachi has been lying to him for most of his life. Itachi admits to having made mistakes in how's he's handled Sasuke, but he promises to tell Sasuke something after they've stopped Kabuto, for which purpose he's already started using Izanami.]

Scene pauses.

Tobirama- "So there is another forbidden jutsu of the sharingan."

Orochimaru- "Hiss! You always have something hidden up your sleeves Itachi. Looks like you lost Kabuto."

Kabuto- "Forgive me for failing, Lord Orochimaru."

Jiraiya- "Seeing this, it feels like Dragon Sage Mode has more advantages than Toad Sage Mode."

Orochimaru- "Of course. That's why it's training is harder than Toad Sage Mode and more risky."

Itachi (with a smile)- "You improved from last time."

Sasuke- "You too. You can fight without any disease."

Itachi- "Yea. It must have felt nice."

Kisame- "To breathe freely without any pain and fight at full strength or battling aside your brother?"

Itachi- "Both of them."

Future Kakashi- "So it was you both who released the jutsu. Why didn't you told me? It could have been use as your defense, decreasing your statement."

Adult Sasuke- "You never asked."

Kakashi shake his head. It should be other way around. Sasuke feeling guilty for not telling and decreasing his own statement. But here is Kakashi, feeling guilty for not asking! And Sasuke is indifferent like always. Kakashi just sighed.

Danzo was smiling cunningly. He has found a way out. He will use Izanami instead of Izanagi on them. But unknown to him Shisui has seen him smile and can predict his thoughts to certain extent.

Shisui goes near Sasuke and started whispering to him.

Shisui- "I saw Danzo smiling cunningly. Be aware of him and most importantly, be ON GUARD. I did the mistake of letting my guard down and see here I am, dead. He might use Izanami so make sure he traps a clone of yours and not real you. And make sure you erase the memories of your clone before expelling him. Don't want to take any chances."

Sasuke- "I will keep that in mind."

Scene starts-

[Kabuto resumes his attack, using a variety of jutsu available to him through Sage Mode and his research of others, namely the Sound Five and even Orochimaru. Because his body is immortal, Itachi focuses on protecting Sasuke from harm while waiting for an opportunity to complete the Izanami. When the opportunity presents itself, Itachi allows Kabuto to take Sasuke's sword again, which Itachi once again takes back and uses to cut off the tip of the same horn. This creates a loop of sensation that is independent of vision, trapping Kabuto in a genjutsu and ending the battle. Itachi then instructs Kabuto to end the Impure World Reincarnation.]

Scene pauses.

Sasuke- "Tsk! Still saving me like I am a child."

Mikoto- "And it should be this way Sasuke."

Sasuke (embarrassed)- "Hump!"

Jiraiya (with relief)- "The main problem is solved. Only that fake Madara is left. "

Orochimaru (with his sly smile)- "You are wrong Jiraiya. There is still Sasuke who wants his revenge."

Jiraiya (angry)- "You always have to be like this Bastard!"

Kakashi- "They finally succeeded."

Kiba- "It's not that big of a deal. Even we could do that."

Shikamaru- "No Kiba. Remember the fight and the limit to not kill him. I can easily say that these two were the only ones who could do it."

They all thought about what Shikamaru said. And it was true, they can't really think of a way to make Kabuto obey and even make him immobilize.

Tobirama- "What an irony. Destroyer is also an uchiha and protector is also an uchiha."

Indra- "And the creator is also an uchiha."

Only future one heard him. Some of them looked at him in confusion.

Indra- "Father has sharingan at first. So he could also be considered as an uchiha."

They nod in understanding after the explanation.

Tobirama just grunted in frustration.

Scene starts-

[As Kabuto does the hand seals, Sasuke tells Itachi that he can't do as Itachi wished and forgive Konoha for taking away his clan and brother. Itachi apologizes for ever expecting him to, remarking that the clan's destruction might have been avoided had he been honest with Sasuke from the start. As Itachi begins to disappear, Sasuke says he intends to destroy Konoha no matter what Itachi says, and Itachi recognizes he cannot change Sasuke's mind. Rather than poke Sasuke's head as he always did, Itachi rests his forehead on Sasuke's and tells Sasuke that he will love him no matter what choice he makes; his soul then departs to the Pure Land. With Itachi's parting words, Sasuke starts to question the meaning of a shinobi, a village, and a clan, and doesn't know what he should do now. When he is found by Suigetsu and Jugo, they inform him that Madara Uchiha (unrelated to Tobi) escaped the release of the Impure World Reincarnation, leaving Itachi's last mission unfinished.]

Scene pauses.


"WHAT! Madara Uchiha was the real manipulator. And we have to defeat him!"

There was an huge uproar. After all, the name Madara Uchiha itself is power. And now they have to fight the man himself. And on top of that, he is an Edo-Tensei! Means he can't die and they have to seal him.

Hashirama- "Madara, why! This moon plan is your?! Why did you do that?"

Madara- "Yes indeed. This is the only way to regain peace."

Many people frowned.

Hashirama- "But that would be fake. Not real!"

Madara- "Trust me, after witnessing that world, no one would want to live in the real world. And they won't even remember that they are in a genjutsu."

Hashirama- "How are you so sure? And even if you are sure, this is not the way. Think again! You should trust future generations."

Madara- "You have seen how powerful Itachi's Tsukuyomi is. This infinite Tsukuyomi will be infinite times more better than it. As for trusting the future generations, the name '4th war' proves that there is no hope for future generations. And as for trusting future generations, even though I already pointed that the village will become vary of uchiha, a part of me still trusted you that you will make sure it will not happen. But it did. I didn't like uchihas because they betrayed me and failed to see what I was saying but I didn't hate them. They are still my people and after seeing what happened to them, I can't stop."

Hashirama couldn't argue with that.

Naruto- "That doesn't mean we should stop trying. This cycle of hatred will only stop when one decided to stop and endure it. And I have decided to do that. And others are also trying. They have already formed an alliance to fight you!"

Madara- "Are you a fool? They are together only because they know they didn't have a change of defeating me alone, it's not like they stand a chance together. And how are you so sure that the alliance will be maintained. As far as I can predict, it will be immediately broken after the threat is dealt with."

Adult Naruto- "You are wrong! Dattebayo. We have achieved piece in the future."

Madara (amused)- "Hahahaha! You really are naive. Look at the history. There is always a pause after a war. They recover and then again attack. And since this 4th war will be greater than the others, it will take a larger time to heal. And even if they mutually agreed to let the alliance be, It's because of fear."

Adult Naruto- "It's not fear! They all have understood the importance of peace."

Madara- "Either you are delusional or dumb, or maybe both. Do you think I can't sense the power from you both. You both are very strong. Even more stronger than me and Hashirama when we were alive. It's not the understanding that is keeping then peace in check, it's the presence of you two. They may act friendly but they all do fear, although they will never admit it because of their ego. I think you also know it deep down but refuse to acknowledge it. Even your subordinates know. It's time you come out of your own illusion."

Adult Naruto- "Hey it's not true! Ask Kakashi Sensei. There is a mutual understanding and the future generations will continue this peace."

Future Kakashi- "..."

Kakashi was thinking how to respond that but gladly he didn't had to, Madara already did.

Madara- "You believe it or not, it's up to you. But there will never be eternal peace. You say you will trust future generations but the future generations will be the one to bring war. Peace create easy times, easy time creates weak shinobi, they create difficult circumstances, it create feeling of sadness, sadness leads to anger which ultimately leads to hate, hate create war, war create hard times, hard times create strong shinobis, strong shinobi bring peace. This will always go on. This world always forget and greed cloud one's judgement and there hunger of wanting more leads to this. This can only be prevented when they have a common enemy who processes great strength. But it can be prevented if you both make your offspring strong and turn them into your legacy. If they even acquire 50% of our power they can maintain this fragile peace on fear. But even that won't help in the long run. They will eventually realise that they had enough and will turn there fear to anger and attack. Or worst case scenario, they will take rash decisions based on fear, which is more dangerous. And if by bad luck your future generations didn't turn out strong enough to stop it, there goes you ideologies. And if even still you don't understand, then I am afraid you have been brainwashed beyond help. Even your subordinates seems to realise that. I would say at least the uchiha knows this by the look he is giving me. If he has accepted it then I believe there is a little bit of hope for your pathetic ideology. Because I know my plan failed or delayed. Your presence is the proof."

Adult Naruto was gritting his teeth in frustration. Even others who were listening couldn't help but agree with Madara. Adult Naruto was thinking of words on how to counter that. But a voice interrupt them.

Host- "Hashirama and both Naruto, please stop it. You all are just wasting time. You can't Talk-No-Jutsu Madara Uchiha. Let's move forward with reaction."

Adult Naruto stopped after hearing this. However, he was still frustrated. Hinata hold his shoulder to comfort him.

Indra (while looking at Adult Sasuke)- "This is why he is still my favorite reincarnation."

Adult Sasuke- "Speak clearly."

Indra- "Don't get me wrong. You are my strongest reincarnation, you even now with training can become 4 times more powerful than you currently are, although that's a different topic. But Madara is my greatest reincarnation. He is the one who actually defeat Ashura's reincarnation. Do not take it to heart little brother. You may be the strongest but you give up with a talk-no-jutsu! And you are the only reincarnation who lose like that. Like seriously, you inherited my intelligence, you were supposed to be a miracle and have a way with words, not the other way around. You are a genius, just not on that level. So at most you can become equal to Madara in ranking in my eyes. But can't surpass him."

Adult Sasuke (with frustration)- "Tsk!!"

He already knows that the way it happened was really embarrassing. It looked good at that time but not know. The last thing he want is the founding ancestor pointing it out. Only relief he got was from knowing that no one really knows the details. Heck very few knows they fought! Based on that they made their own rumors. But the truth is that he never really give up. He say that there is someone who is willing to die for him. He need him, an uchiha, when no one needs him. So he decided to leave everything and help Naruto in his childish dream, which doesn't look childish anymore. Although it still have some loopholes, but it's Naruto's problem. This truth is only known by him and Indra if he gets his reincarnation's memories. At least he didn't point this out.

Ashura- "No offence taken big brother. But you were too harsh. I think you should say something, Naruto."

Adult Naruto- "No. I may be stupid but I am not brainless. I have enough dose today to know that I have to keep quiet."

Ashura- "Why don't you say something? You are his sensei."

Future Kakashi- "No thanks. I don't want my books burnt. I will not even get to see their ashes."

Ashura just sighed.

Adult Naruto- "Why don't you do that?"

Ashura's face lit up after hearing it.

Ashura- "Hey um... How should I call you? Um... young big brother, don't take my old big brother words to heart. And I am sorry on the behalf of my reincarnation. I am thankful that you decided to stop the fight between us."

Adult Sasuke- "Hn. Don't worry about it."

Indra just looked at is brother amused. He was really innocent. He was the one who keeps fighting by chasing him. Sometimes he feels like his father didn't just used him but also used his little brother. Well, even if he did, it doesn't matter. It's not like he is going to reincarnate again that he have to think about this world. Madara was right about one thing, they were the ones who were in reality keeping the world in check. But now that they will not appear, it will really depend on future generations. And he has to say timing was really awesome. Right when there is a threat of Otsutsuki, they both decided to stop reincarnating. Well, it's Ashura's problem. His father has chosen Ashura to protect his legacy. So this time he will actually sit back and enjoy the happenings which will be the consequences of his father's decision. The only responsibility he has is for his brother and his last reincarnation- Sasuke Uchiha. Nothing else.

(Done! Have a great Day/Night!)