
Sasuke: Control the Path of Destiny

[A fanfic about how an ordinary guy, reborn as Sasuke Uchiha, decided to change the pathetic fate that the OC followed, filled with pain, control of his life path and violent influence on his decisions.] ******** P. S. English is not my Native language :D ********

Rikudo_Sasaukage · Cómic
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7 Chs

Ramen Ichiraku.


 When Sasuke woke up, he found that there were birds sitting and chirping near his window, and the wind, like a mother stroking a child, gently passed through the treetops, making his lush green foliage flutter. Because of such a pleasant start to the day, his mood was lifted. And any fatigue was swept away. Jumping out of bed and quite nimbly and without trouble, Sasuke ran to the bathroom. After he finished washing under the cool water, he brushed his teeth and went to the kitchen, where Mikoto, Itachi and Fugaku were already sitting.

 Fugaku just looked at him and then proceeded to sip his coffee while he looked at the newspaper.

 Itachi greeted Sasuke with a smile:

- Good Morning, Sasuke.

 Mikoto was in a good mood too, as always, and seeing him appear, she said to him:

- Good morning. Come on sit down or the food will get cold soon.

 Sasuke, a little distracted, said:

- Good morning. Okay.

Sitting down at the table he wished everyone a pleasant appetite and began to eat.

 After he finished, he said to everyone:

- I'm bored and I want to go and walk around the village and look around.

 Mikoto replied:

- Okay, but only untill the afternoon. After that, come back. And here, get yourself something tasty to eat while you walk around. And if you want, you can treat someone. I hope you'll find some friends there.

With those words, she put a few hundred ryo in his pocket.

 Itachi also did a little digging and gave him about the same amount and added with a smile:

- Right. Besides Shisui, you can make friends with someone else. I think there'll be a few kids your age there. So don't be shy.

 Sasuke already making his way towards the exit says:

- Okay. I'm also curious if I can make friends with someone. I think it would be an interesting experience.

In fact, he's been wanting to get in touch with Naruto for a while now and get his cells to chakra Ashura, stimulate and make a gradual fusion with his Indra chakra. So it would look more natural in the eyes of his kin that he wanted to befriend Naruto after seeing his condition. Not for any other reason. Of course it'll make those old fossils anxious, but it'll be worth it. And they wouldn't be able to harm or hinder him. After all, he doesn't just have Mangekyo for show. He doesn't mind using it once or twice if they start to get annoying. Showing clichéd nightmare horror movies and their peculiarities would be a pretty fun twist. Thanks to those Naruto fanfics for some ideas.

 Finally reaching the exit of the clan, he saw a couple of guys leading a patrol past the grounds and with a nod of polite greeting, he walked past without looking back. He didn't care what they thought of him and they weren't worth the time. After a while, coming out onto the main road, the Hokage's tower was visible. But he didn't care who was in it. Throwing only a fleeting glance at the building, he looked at the people walking along the road and tried to see familiar faces. But aside from a few clan members in police uniforms, the rest were only civilians who were leisurely going about their business. Finding the sight bland, Sasuke decided to go ahead and see what was out there. He finally stopped when he saw the familiar Ichiraku sign.

 Because of his strong memory and all the other perks. He had been able to read for a long time, but he wrote less often, so as not to show and reveal his skills. And when he did write, it was with his left hand. But the way he looked in his past life, he wouldn't have had any trouble figuring it out anyway. Plus he smelled the wonderful aroma of noodles and other ingredients he didn't recognize yet. Other than the basics like tomatoes, onions meat and fish. Starting to almost drool, he took quick steps towards the ramen room. No need to be surprised that he was hungry. The journey actually took more than forty minutes. For he was distracted by various things. That was the purpose of going out. To familiarize himself with the surroundings and not feel like a redneck in the city, not knowing where to start or where to head. (no offense, I'm not a city boy myself).

 Pulling back the curtain, he immediately saw Teuchi and said:

- Uncle, prepare your best dish! And preferably eight bowls!

Boss Ichiraku, seeing such a young visitor cheerfully said:

- I'm coming!

He went to the kitchen.

Sasuke looked around and saw two pairs of large eyes looking at him.

 One belonged to a girl of elementary school age, who looked at him with her coal-black eyes with curiosity written on her delicate and childlike face. She was wearing a beige blouse that looked like a robe. Blue pants underneath, the usual girly shoes and completing the look, a white bandana on her head that covered most of her brown hair. In her, he recognized Ayame. Her current chibi version looked cute and a little comical, especially with those big eyes.

 The second, however, was a boy his age. The first thing that caught his eye was his wheat colored hair and with bright, sky blue eyes, it was an unusual color combination that he was seeing for the second time in his second life. Which amazed him a little. After all, it was the first time he had seen such a person in this reality, who was so distinctive, but the most distinctive feature was the three markings on each side of his cheeks, reminiscent of cat whiskers, which made him look even more amazing and even to say fantastic would not be an exaggeration. But alas, his clothes only consisted of a shabby, light-colored t-shirt with the Uzumaki crest mark in the center and a dark green turtleneck and black shorts. He looked skinny, and his clothes looked like they had been through a dozen washes. Which looked pretty sad. The shoes were plain dark sandals with no socks. Once you see it, you never forget it. To see it on the screen and actually...

 Once again you are convinced that people are nothing more than cattle that are easy to control. Even the simplest words can be turned into a whip, which can be used to drive the herd in the direction they want. And he was even more convinced that this peaceful-looking village was nothing more than an illusion. An illusion he intends to change. But things must go right, lest they go wrong. But just as he thought. He befriends Naruto and at some will have access to Naruto's cells and blood with his permission. Like during the games or something. I could ask him directly and I'm sure he wouldn't mind. There's no point in fooling him. But to keep those old goats from interfering. There's got to be a moment. And now he's decided to start this plan to befriend with Naruto in this begin.

 Sasuke decided to lighten the mood a bit in this silent contest of glances. Raising his eyebrows and jutting out his chest and with his nose up. He said in response to their watches:

- What, you've never seen a boy as handsome as me? Well, now we have. Hn.

And turning back towards the kitchen, watched with the corner of his eye for their reaction.

 Naruto's eyes bulged and he said incredulously:

- N-well. Actually, I thought that you with your white skin and face like a girl, and those pink dimples, also girl, like Ayame, Dattebayo!

Ayame giggled in surprise at that moment, and holding onto Naruto's sleeve she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

Sasuke had black lines formed on his forehead, which made him look funny with that fierce face, and Ayame couldn't do anything about it and fell out of her chair, but continued laughing without feeling pain.

 Sasuke said with a groan:

- I wanted to share and feed some poor kitty, but it looks like he's fed up. Oh well. I'll have to eat everything myself to fill my stomach. And without paying attention, he waited for his order.

 Naruto looked around and asked confused:

- What cat, I don't see him here.

 Ayame stood up with difficulty and panting pointed at him:

- Look at the wall on the left.

 Naruto saw his reflection in the mirror and immediately realized and said with the cat anger:

- Hey! I'm not a cat! You See! I'm Naruto, Dattebayo! And I don't need your help, I can order my own ramen!

But then his stomach responded with a loud grumble, which made him instantly lose his bravado and deflate, sitting down on a chair.

 Ayame, watching this comedy, began to laugh again until tears began to flow. And said through them:

- Enough, enough, eat first, or I'll definitely die from the fun of watching you two word fight. If I didn't know Naruto, I'd think you two were best friends or even brothers who always fight at the sight of each other.

 Naruto and Sasuke exclaimed at the same time:

- "We're not friends!" and added to themselves:

- "Not yet."


- Right. He looks like a cat and is only fit to be a pet, that's why I wanted share with him.

 Naruto closed his eyes nodding furiously, then realizing, said with childish anger:

- What! No! You're TEME, you Girl Face! All white, you must have spent all the stucco on your face. Next time kids they'll think you're a female ghost and all the will run away!

 Sasuke, fanning the flames:

- At least I'm a human being and not a pet. DOBE. Hn.

And turned away as if not noticing anyone.

 Meanwhile Ayame was comforting Naruto by stroking his head and saying:

- Well, well, don't get mad, see, you've already made a new friend too, all that's left is to find out his name and you'll be real friends.

 Naruto snorted:

- Hmm, who wants to be friends with that duck ass. But okay, I'll ask him.

 Naruto turning to Sasuke asked:

- What's your name? I'm Naruto Uzumaki, Dattebayo! Not that I want you to be my friend, but...''

 Added with a sly face:

- Ayame wanted to ask your name. And I being magnanimous will help her with that!

And proudly looked at Ayame with a "look at me and praise me" look. But the only thing he saw was a fist that landed on his head and Ayame with a red face, either from embarrassment or anger. Who angrily wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed the top of his head.

 Naruto whimpered pitifully:

- It-tai, let me out, Barbarian Girl! I wanted what was best for you! After all, you also have no friend except me!

 Ayame still continuing to rub the top of his head said menacingly:

- Who asked to you! You haven't apologized yet, huh?! Who's Barbarian?! You little Rude!

Sasuke was now a viewer with Teuchi and together they watched they fight.

 Sasuke thought with a smile:

- "Well, not a fight, more like a she kicking his ass. Yes, that sounds more correct. And no wonder he would liked Sakura in the future. So that's where came this from. Because of her rudeness and bluntness. It's subconsciously it gives him a sense of closeness to her. Like with Ayame and her father."

 Sasuke acted like Adults and uttered:

- Childrens. What can I take from them.

And after thanking Teuchi, he began to eat leisurely, occasionally glancing at this "brother and sister" duo.

- Boss, your food is incredibly delicious!

Sasuke said it without exaggeration. The food really was wonderful!

 And Teuchi said with a smile:

- I'm glad. Enjoy, while I take these kids apart.

 And heading towards the children, he said:

- Come on, don't fight. You'll scare away all the customers and no one will come when they see you fighting.

They both stopped, stood at attention and bowed their heads and said:

- "Sorry, Old Man. Sorry, Dad. We won't do it again.

 Teuchi with a kind smile:

- That's good! Go and wash yourselves.

Without thinking, they ran through the counter and went to the washbasin inside.

And so ended the scene in Ramen Ichiraku.

I wrote this in one fell swoop while I was in a good mood. I hope it's good. :D

Rikudo_Sasaukagecreators' thoughts