
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Cómic
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45 Chs

Chapter 25:Chūnin Training(1)

"I hope I come to the right place." Kakashi murmured, and came to the shop Sakura suggested to buy Anmitsu for her and Naruto after they return from their mission.

"What an unexpected surprise, I didn't thiink you would be here Kakashi." Asuma said, who with Kurenai and both of their teams were having sweets after finishing their mission.

"Shouldn't you guys be in the Chūnin registration office?" Kakashi asked, heard from the 3rd Hokage that they would be registering early.

"Didn't you hear? The Chūnin exam has been canceled, so the next one will be in 6 months." Kurenai replied, still feeling surprised that the Chūnin exam was canceled just when her team was about to sign up.

"Not really, I'm busy with some stuff." Kakashi said, wondering why the exam was canceled.

But he did not thought much, he was not planning to signed his team up anyway as he still could not found 'that' person to safeguard Sakura from Danzo, since false reporting about his team would be obvious, when she and others participate in Chūnin exam and fights with other Genins

After giving his order, he had to wait for a while for his order since a good chunk of sweets was being devoured by Chōji, so had nothing left to parceled to Kakashi.

"So....where is your team?" Kurenai asked, breaking the ice of the awkward situation.

"They are doing their B rank mission." Kakashi said nonchalantly, causing other to choke out of shock.

'Is he sending them to death?!' Everyone except him thought, beginning to understand why some called him an asshole.

But Kurenai, as kind as she was, believed it was a grave misunderstanding and justly stained Kakashi's reputation, so tried to clarified Kakashi's words.

"So, I guess you are really bu-"

"Not really." Kakashi said with the same tone, as if it was nothing serious.

"Huh, then who is le-"

"They are leading themselves." Kakashi clarified.

"Umm... I hope they are doing well without your su-"

"I honestly don't supervise regardless of the situation, I just do my own things in the background." Kakashi again clarified, which made team 8 and team 10 stay silent, secretly thankful their sensei was not of all people!

Asuma eye twitched for a bit before calming down and trying to lighten the situation: "Well at least you your students are not wearing weight riskily like Guy discipline is doing whe-"

"They are wearing them, weighing around 25% of their body mass." Kakashi pointed out.

No one here found Kakashi's words amusing.

B rank mission difficulty level had a huge contrast to a C rank mission, where shinobi fights were involved, so the chance of dying increased drastically.

However, Kakashi did not reveal that he always sends his clone with them and uses reverse summon to send them to his summon dimension if the mission goes south.

And why would he reveal it?

He was having fun messing with them by making his team situation sound worse and even worse.

He was not an asshole just because he maintained his front, he do it for the jest of it, at the expense of others!

"How m- actually never mind." Kurenai cut his own words, already expecting his team to be loyal patrons of Konoha hospital.

"So how is your team doing?" Kakashi asked, which caused their team to stiffened.

Due to their sensei close relationship with each other, they were sent on missions together with some assistance from their sensei if things went bad.

Where they had completed 31 D rank missions and 2 C rank missions, which sound impressive, if you ignore the absurd mission completion of Team 7.

And yes, just like every other team, C rank clients preferred Team 7 and complained about their team a lot even though they were having a good deal by having 6 Genins and 2 Jōnins in a C-rank mission.

"Anyway, what are you and your team going to do now since the Chūnin exam has been canceled?" Kurenai asked, changing the topic so that both her and Asuma's team doesn't get hurt if they answer the question.

"I am thinking of doing a training regime for other Genins in my free time, want your team to join my training regime? Kakashi offered, spooking the hell of their teams as if they saw Satan personified in front of them.

Except for Hinata who was thinking whether Sasuke would be there as well.

"Umm, how could we be there, they must be very b-"

"They are not training with my teams, since my team had already done it within the first month since they became a Genin already and already doing... I think 5 stages of my training regime, so anyway I don't see a problem." Kakashi clarified, cutting out Kurenai words who were trying to excused themselves from the shop.

"We are honored but, how could we join witho-"

"Payment is simple; teach Sakura C-B rank genjutsus you know and Asuma teach C-B rank wind and fire jutsus he knows to Sasuke and Naruto and nothing else" Kakashi said with a generous smile, as if he was willing to have this 'loss'.

Kurenai gave up salvaging the situation, seeing it was not her day today and Asuma helplessly agreed, since his father would scold him for not accepting it later.

Their team glared at their sensei, with a word 'Backstabber' in their mind.

"Anyway, we meet a-"

"Wait where are you guys going? I planned the training regime today and it is like Guy says, the early bird catches the worm." Kakashi asserted with a grin under his mask.

"My team would love to but it's best they train after I and Asuma begin training your team after their fre-"

"Don't worry, they will love to train even after finishing a mission regardless they have freetime or not." Kakashi assured, while preying at their teams which could even send shivers to Obito's spine !


"Hey are you alright?" Sasuke asked Sakura who momentarily paused while they were returning to Konoha.

"Not sure, I suddenly felt shivers in my spine." Sakura professed, having a bad feeling that they would be more exhausted afterwards.

'Well nothing serious.' Sasuke thought, unaware of the impending stress ahead at Konoha.

applogise, for old readers, I didn't notice i write exam, rather than training

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