
She Is Back

It was morning; ( And school days are too boring!!) all of us were getting ready. Ann approached me, today smelling strongly of lifebuoy soap "Could you please give some clips for my hair?"

"Of course. It is there in that cupboard."- I said pointing to the main cupboard. She walked towards it and opened it. As she was searching for it she came across some of the photos we took. She took one of them. And looked back at me, in an expression of permission.

I said, "Go on, take a look".

Just as I turned back to ask something to Christina. From behind she called me and asked

"Who is this, Sara?"

I turned back to see whom she was asking for. To my horror, she was holding our group photo and pointing at Janet.

"This is Janet. She used to be with us." – I said with tears filled eyes.

"Used to be? Then where is she now? I haven't seen her since I arrived here."

"She is not here, Ann. She is resting in peace in the eternal world. Now please don't ask me anything more. Please."

Saying this I rushed to the bathroom leaving a stupefied Ann there. I knew she was curious but still, It felt so difficult for me to tell her, Janet was dead. It hurt me more than anything. It was time for us to go to our class. Classes without teachers are heaven. At the class, Nancy introduced Ann to everyone. A little while later there came a short plump figure with a bunch of papers in one hand and a fashionable pink bag in the other, it was Mrs Elizabeth, our Biology teacher and she was a NIGHTMARE. She always gave a pile of homework unnecessarily and impositions for almost everything, and there was always an exception-Nancy. She would never scold her. (I don't know why?).

Anyway, you talk in her class and there she came stamping her foot and saying

"Imposition, write the 4th chapter 5 times and submit it tomorrow"

Her classes were superb boring. Well, to be frank, I never even bothered to pay attention. Ann paid attention just for the sake of paying attention, and Christina was no different from us, her hobby during Biology period was to read Chemistry textbook and complete her notes and kinds of stuff. I think that now you people understand how boring the class was. And for me, scanning around was really fun, especially in boring periods like Bio: students showed the upmost funny things that even the best clowns can't do.

To my side Nancy was sitting and doodling in her lecture notebook and pretending to be writing lectures, towards my left, Justin was making paper rockets and doing funny sorts of things with them. In front of him, Jessa was trying to tie Anna's hair. Percy was eating food from under his desk (biscuits, I guess). Bellini was peering out of the window, admiring the beauty and enjoying the cool breeze. Catherine was sitting and sleeping peacefully (No one even minded). And towards the side of Justin, his best friend, Abin was... gazing at me half- surprised. Half-doubted, half- laughing. Our eyes met in midair (I don't know if it is an appropriate phrase)...

I felt him sending me a silent message...

'Wow, Sara, you too are doing what I am doing.....great, keep up the good work'

I winked at him and turned back at what I was doing( Looking everywhere of course)


To be continued...Stay tuned

Stay home!! Stay safe!!!