

My senses blacked out...

My eyes fluttered open. With a very blurry vision, I tried to understand where I had landed up. A throbbing sensation developed inside my head. I rubbed my eyes. Ohh, it feels better. It was a room, I'm sure bout that fact. Everything was dark and there was a single flash of light somewhere in the middle of the room. I walked towards the light, slowly for I was expecting it to be a trap. I remembered the lady in the other place. Rewinding my experiences in the other room, made everything so confusing.

One moment I am standing in front of blacky, facing her wand...The next moment I am dead and I open my eyes to find myself in a mysterious place, with a considerable amount of light and then a mysterious lady appear. She is just about to reveal herself, when I faint(Why do you always faint, Sara?). And the next time I open my eyes, I am in another mysterious place with just a dim light lit in the middle of nowhere.

I walked further, till I was right under the light. I turned around, in the hope of finding something, that would relieve my tensed self. But my unlucky self found nothing.

It was just a nanosecond before I turned, a loud thunderous scream launched from somewhere behind me.


The scream was more than enough for me to jump out of my skin. I turned behind. I could feel my heart pounding somewhere in my throat. At first, I saw nothing in the dark, but when I concentrated, I saw something approaching me from the dark. I stood there resembling a statue. All of a sudden I had forgotten to walk and to react. It was as though my brain all of a sudden had gone for a vacation and was refusing to do anything.

As it came more under the light, I recognised it to be Blacky. That black cloak and hood, that mysterious mist that was always around her. A mild growling was playing continuously as a piece of background music.

I knew, I was either dead or was going to die. Whatever, I was gonna end up at death.

The more she came near, the louder the growling became. It was right now in close contact with me. I took a deep breath as my knees started to shake. I looked right at the blurry figure that was standing right in front of my eyes. It started to speak so suddenly, that shocked me.


The depth of its anger was evident from the tone of its speaking. Its voice was terrorizing and loud. I stood, staring plainly at it. I knew my face looked emotionless, that was because of the waves of emotions that was washing down me..that my face was unable to bring all those emotions at a go.

A loud growl and it vanished in thin air, leaving me dumbstruck. What is going on? Heck, god...Am I alive or dead or half-dead???

My life looked like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle with many missing pieces. To all people out there who think their life is the most complicated thing ever...

'Guys, have you ever gone through a situation where you don't know if you are dead or still alive. The state of my brain at this moment is unexplainable. So, moral of the story- Don't consider your life to be complicated, understand?"

Okay, let's come back to my life...What am I supposed to do now? Stand still for the rest of my life or move into the dark?

But before my dumb brain could think some dumb idea, a door opened. Or I assume I heard the creak of a door.

As the door opened, a blinding amount of light flooded in. I held my hands up protecting my eyes. Now, what was this door gonna lead to? Which was my next tour destination?

"Sara?"- Someone called and I withdrew my hands to see who it was. And I saw a black figure standing near the door, obstructing the light.

"Sara, what are you doing?- she asked. By voice, she seemed to be a girl. The voice was quite familiar but my dumb brain again failed to work well.

Who is this now? Should I walk up to her? What is happening?



Hey guys, I'm back again with another chapter of my story. Hope you guys liked it.

Sara's life is evidently so complicated that she, herself can't figure out a cure to her headache. Will she be able to understand the reason for all these happenings? It is still not clear if Sara is dead or alive...What do you think? Why was the "blacky" shouting with anger?

Suggestions and your thoughts are most welcome.

If you like this chapter, then please do vote and comment!! Ya know...it means a lot to me!

Lastly, stay tuned for the fresh new chapters.

Author signing off~