

After hearing what I told, Chris remained silent for some time. She seemed to be thinking very deeply. I shook her from her daydream and asked.

"What are you thinking?"

She looked like she was on the verge of laughing. She calmly placed her hand on my shoulder and said.

"Dear, Sara. Where did you hit your head, yesterday?"

"What?"- I asked, rather doubtfully. I said her about something and she asked about something. What was going on?

"Because, you know...You got a very nice hit that you started imagining people coming out of twigs. Sara, are you a joker?"- She said and laughed aloud. Myself, a dumbass...did nothing but looked at her and stayed quiet. What is this now? I am sure...I wasn't dreaming.

"You know, if you said that the person came out of some portal or something, then it would have been more, you know...Normal. But, this thing..coming out of a twig? That's not normal, at all."- She smiling widely.

"Oho, as if all the things happening to us are so normal, is it? As if, evil souls are just normal facts, is it? I didn't know that evil spirits these days, visited innocent students, just for timepass...You know, from what you say, I guess..all people, at least once in their lifetime surely encounters terrifying ghosts and spirits. If they don't then their life is not- normal- is it?" I asked her with a smirk. Chris stood there, gulping.

"I meant.."- Before she began I cut across her words. I knew she would feel bad, but I had to.

"Okay, I understand, Chris. You like the others, don't believe me. Not a hard fact, for me."- I said, sounding very emotional.

"Nooo...That's not what I meant. I meant, that...You know...It is hard for a person to believe. That's why, okay...At least show Nicole to me. That way...I could make my mind believe that this is true. Please, Sara."- She made a sad and apologetical face, which calmed my nerves down.

"Okay, now I don't know how it worked, but I guess, I have to throw it and then she appears. Don't look at me like that, Chris. Wait, I had thrown this in the dustbin, didn't I? So, come on."- I beckoned her and walked towards the dustbin. I threw the stick, for a moment...there happened nothing. But then, suddenly there came a hiss and a flash of green light. I closed my eyes, to protect them from the intensity of the light. And then I looked down to find the miniature Nicole. I took her in her hands and placed her on the study table. I gave her a mega fist bump, which almost knocked her off her feet. She staggered and stood and flashed a brilliant smile. I turned back to meet Chris's gaze, one of that alarmingly radiant gaze. She raised her eyebrow and asked-

"Whom exactly are you smiling at?"

"Now what? Don't tell me you can't see her, Chris."- I scowled.

"I wouldn't see if I could, would I? I cant see her."- She returned the scowl. Now why, was this happening? Before I could mess up thinking, Minicole(I named her, after..Miniature+Nicole=Minicole) spoke up in her squeaky voice.

"She can't neither see me nor hear me. She cannot even feel my presence."

Holy crap! How will I convince her now??

"What do I do now, Nicole?"- I asked, expecting a positive reply.

"Nothing, Sara. Only you can see me, in this whole school, probably. And no one else. This is the nature of things, neither I nor you can change it." She said.

"Chris, you..you can't see her because you aren't supposed to see or hear her. She's...Umm, her name is Nicole. And right now, she's in her miniature form. Yesterday, she took me to her world---" I had already explained her the stuff, therefore...I continued to Nicole.

"You...Um, you can come all the time? Like whenever I call?"- I asked. Dumb, am I not? Was she some Genie of the Lamp, to come to me each time I threw her stick into the dustbin? She replied in her smile.

"Not always, Sara. I won't come always...Only when the heir needs help from her Minicole."

I flinched at her saying 'Minicole'. I glared at her in a 'How-did-you-know' manner. She smiled at me and I returned a sluggish smile. Well, all this while, I had failed to notice my friend, Chris leaning at the wall, with a furious look. I grinned at her and she sent me a 'You-Insolent-Creature' look. I held her by her arm and said.

"It is okay, she can see you. That's great, isn't it?"- I asked. She nodded quietly. Her gaze seemed to wander over my table, she looked like a blind person, cuz blind people always look away from where you stand. And then suddenly, she seemed to gain back consciousness.

"Ask her, Sara. Ask about Belladonna and about how we can defeat her. Ask."- She patted me. I nodded and asked the same to Minicole...Shit...Nicole.

She chuckled softly and said

"Not all questions, are answered, Sara. Patiently wait, and the answer shall appear before you." She looked at me and smiled. I didn't return a smile, I was processing what I just heard. One moment or so, she just disappeared.

"Mini...Nicole...Where did you go? Oh come on."- I said. But not a response. I looked at the empty table, on which Nicole was standing a moment ago. I thought about her words.

"Not all questions, are answered, Sara. Patiently wait, and the answer shall appear before you." Did it mean, that...It was still not the right time? So were the answers going to be exposed soon? Before more, my friend over here shook me and I came back from my thoughts.

"What happened to you?"- She asked, worriedly.

"Nothing. Just that Nicole's answer kinda surprised me."- And I told her about Nicole's answer. She sighed in relief and said.

"One moment you are happy and you ask stuff to some invisible person on the table, the next moment I see you, standing like a constipated person. You gave me a heart attack, honey."

I smiled.

"But...does that mean, that there is still time left for us to find the truth? Course, you have to go finding for answers, answers would never come in search for you, do they?"- I frowned. I still couldn't digest, the fact that Nicole was still reluctant to let us know about what we could do about Belladonna.

"Sara, everything has a time. Why are you in a hurry? Calm down, things will change."- She assured.

"Is that so? Are you an oracle? Much of assurance."- I replied sarcastically.

"You are a duffer. Come on, now."- She didn't allow me to protest, as she slipt her arms over my shoulders and we walked out.

Hey, guys...The author over here!! Chapters will get interesting soon. Sorry for a simple chapter, but do lemme know ur views through a comment!