

"Sara...Are you okay?"

"Sara, speak something?"

"Do you want to go to the nurse?"

"Sara, how do you feel now?"

As soon as I opened my eyes, they started bombarding me with questions (except for Chris). Chris, stood near the bed on which I was; holding a jug of water. The others continued to ask their questions. I closed my eyes, once again, to talk a deep breath.

"Guyz, just give her some air."- Christina said. Everyone stopped asking me questions. There was an awkward silence.

"What happened to me?"- I asked. My head felt springy. Like I was being hit by a hammer. I slowly sat on my bed. My head hurt so badly. I looked around to find everyone very blurry. Oh my god, what happened to my eyes? I rubbed them hard and looked around. It was still very blurry.

"Sara, can you hear us?"- Ann spoke.

"Yeah.."- I groaned because whenever I made and attempt to talk, it hurt more hardly. I started massaging my forehead, in hope of relief. But nothing worked. And for some reason, the others..just stared at me, without any questions. Finally, Flores broke the silence.

"What had happened to you?"- She asked.

"I don't know."- I muttered, still massaging my forehead.

"Well, you were on the floor when we woke up. You were unconscious. What were you doing yesterday?"- Lavinia asked. That's when I remembered yesterday's events. I remembered how I meet Nicole and how she took me to her world, how I saw them struggling. I also remembered her saying to me- 'Goodbye'.

"I don't remember."- I lied, trying to ignore the throbbing pain that was developing inside my head.

"I guess, she should get some rest."- Ann said and made me lay down. I closed my eyes and that's all, I remember.


"Sara, wake up, you idiot."- Someone shook me hard. I slowly opened my eyes. The pain in my head had completely vanished. Even my blurry vision seemed to be fine. I looked up to see a very angry-looking- Christina. I slowly got up and sat.

"What had happened yesterday?"- She demanded.

"I don't remember."- I lied again and tried to look as convincing as I could. But, Chris was way ahead of me. She smiled sarcastically and replied.

"Oh, is that so? Okay, then...What is this?"- She asked, and produced from her pocket, a small stick....wait, Nicole's stick?

I lunged at her, to grab the stick..But again, she just stepped back, making me loose my balance and fall from the bed. I landed face-first on the ground. I was on the floor for a few minutes, waiting for Chris to come over and help me..But, poor me...She just kept looking at the stick, with some much of interest, that it felt as though she didn't even know that I was on the floor. I slowly struggled and turned over. I didn't make any attempt to stand up...instead looked at Chris with all the hatred I could gather in me.

"Chris, did you see something?"- I asked when at last I lost my temper.

"Uhh..Yeah, I see...This is odd-looking, isn't it?"- She said, still examining the stick.

I puffed my checks out and waited, for her to look down. I waited and waited, and at last, she looked down at me and burst out into fits of laughter. I looked at her in disappointment and said.

"Am your friend.....And friends don't laugh when they see their friend in a tough situation."- I pouted again. She stopped laughing(Though, I could see how badly she was struggling to hide her laughs), she clutched her stomach and started looking me from different directions.

"What are you doing, fool?"- I asked, understanding the least of her actions.

"Nah, I was just trying to look you from the angel in which I will find you, struggling in a tough situation. But, sorry honey...Everything seems perfect. You are alright, aren't you?"- She said, again laughing.

"Funny, very, very funny. Haha, Haha, Haha"- I smiled sarcastically and stood up. I turned to walk away when she again spoke. This time, damn seriously.

"You, didn't tell me what this was, Sara?"

"I said to you, Chris. I don't know."- I lied again. God knows, but I felt it better, not to tell her. But.

"Sara, stop lying..Are you serious? Do you think you can fool me?"

"How are you even here? Where are the others? You have class today, don't you?"- I asked, trying hard to change the subject.

"None of your business. Why don't you tell me your little secret, Sara?"- She smiled evilly.

Okay, now that's enough...I can't make it any longer. I took a long breath and told her everything, from the first.
