

When we reached the hostel it was around 7 pm. We jumped across the gates of our hostel, (It was no big deal for both of us) as our hostel gates would be closed by 6 pm. We walked through the lonely corridors and entered our dormitory corridor. All the rooms had their lights on. Now, we were standing in front of our room's door. Christina knocked on the door and Lavinia opened the door. She looked at us from our head to toe. And asked.

"Where were you guys? You people said that you weren't staying back."

"Ohhh!! We thought to stay back when we reached our homes. So we just came back."

She wasn't convinced by the excuse. But she said nothing in reply, instead turned back and walked away. Ohh, we sighed in relief (little did we know that she had left us to encounter Ann).

Ann was on her study table writing down something. She turned back and saw us. As soon as she saw us, her expression widened.

"Hey, Sara, Christina. Where were you, people? Weren't you saying that you were going back to your homes? And from where are you popping out suddenly?"- She demanded.

"Ann, a-actually went to our homes, but then we thought staying back here would be best. Exams are around, aren't they? So we thought it would be good to be here and do extra classes."- This story was made up by me. Christina looked at me and mouthed – You are good at making stories.

Well, that was kinda true. But Ann didn't get convinced with my made-up story. She looked at me, those big brown eyes staring right at me.

"All of a sudden you feel to come back? In Christina's case, it might be right. But for you, Sara. Have you decided to change into a new leaf? Exam is it?? Something's fishy between you both. And, do you people know when the exam starts, huh?"- She asked.

Lords, she was indeed very tough to convince. She could read right through me.

"September last? No November? I mean it is near, right? And, Hey appreciate me, I have decided to change into a new leaf"- I stuttered. I didn't know when the exams were. And there was no way I would turn into a new leaf. Never!!

But Christina knew when the exams were. She volunteered to say.

"It is in December. Starting on 5th, right?"

"They are lying, Ann."- Flores concluded. She was so far standing next to us and listening to all those lies we were spilling out!!

"I know that."- Ann replied. She was looking at me without a wink.

"We have told you, Ann. We went and came back. Now the thing's over. Leave it."- I said.

Well, unbelievable she went back to what work she was doing. Lavinia and Flores followed her suit. Leaving both of us in a pathetic situation.


I woke up late the following day and rushed towards the Mess Hall to meet Ann and Chris. Thank god. Ann seemed alright today. While going back...

I called Christina beside me and said-"We will go to Moscow after three days. Without anyone doubting us. I don't want Ann to know anything about it right now."

"It is alright. But this time what excuse are we gonna make?"—she asked.

"I don't know. We gotta cook up something"- I wondered, what would we say that day?

'Hello, Ann. My gran died. Had to go there.'- I pictured myself standing in front of Ann telling this. The next thing I saw was, she slapping me hard on my cheek. OOh. That was terrible. I won't say that. Then what will I say?

Maybe at that time, I will get to make up something.

The very next hour.

Ann came and asked me what I was putting on my hand, referring to the bangle which Father Candido Amantini gave me.

"Where did you get this, Sara? It so beautiful!"- She exclaimed, trying to keep her hand on it. But I withdrew my hand.

"Christina gave it."- I lied.

"It is so beautiful; it fits your hand very nicely. Would you mind lending it to me for a day?"

Lords, I am stuck. I felt all my insides vaporizing. How can I deny her? And I wasn't supposed to give it to anybody.

"I cannot. I am not to supposed to. I-I mean. Like I am sorry.."

She pleaded with me a lot, but I could do nothing, I couldn't either give it to her or say the truth. Somehow, I escaped from her. And got out of her sight whenever she came near me

That night I was on my bed thinking over and over again about my life. As Ann said, I never opened my textbooks. I never paid attention to my class. I was least bothered about my studies. And now, here I am, in such a pathetic situation. Unable to handle it properly. Nowadays I say dozens of lies. And if it wasn't for Christina, I wouldn't even last a minute.

But my thoughts floated away. Suddenly I thought about my parents. I had never seen them, not in my living memory anyway. All I had of them was a photograph, which I always carried in my backpack. I pictured them in my mind's eye. My aunt always said I looked like my father and behaved like my mother. That meant my mom too was like me, not at caring about studies. No, that can't be true. Aunt Mary said that my mom was a scientist. And she couldn't have reached so far, without bothering about her studies. My father was a very handsome man, I always admired him. In the photograph, my father was in a denim jacket and jeans, he had a good deal of black, thick hair. My mom was in a white dress, long silky hair adorning her shoulders. I had inherited it from her. She was tall and slim, just like me.

The picture faded soon and I slipped into dreams.