
Sapphire Noblesse Oblige

"Sapphire" is a thrilling tale of love, adventure, and political intrigue. When Lily and Gami meet for the first time, they have no idea that their lives are about to change forever. As they fall deeply in love, they also find themselves facing down necromancers, demons, and other dark forces that threaten their world. With each new challenge, they grow stronger and more determined to create a better world for all. As Lily climbs the political ladder, Lily must navigate a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and power struggles. But she never lose sight of her love for her husband-until she is abandoned. Lily workS tirelessly to bring fairness and equality to all of the country's citizens. Along the way, she builds a life of power and influence, raising Her children and going on many more adventures. "Sapphire" is a testament to the power of a parents love and the strength of the human spirit. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope and light to be found. Join Gami and Lily on their epic journey and discover for yourself the magic of their love.... and the impact they have on their world.

ItsAAsen · Fantasía
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22 Chs


July 26th, Year 108

As they lay on the carpet floor, Gami and Lily felt the warmth of the sun shining through the window. The room was filled with a gentle breeze, and the sweet scent of the flowers from the garden outside.

Gami looked at Lily and said, "I can't believe how much our lives have changed since we met. It's amazing to think that we're parents now, and we have these two beautiful daughters."

Lily smiled and replied, "I know, it feels like just yesterday we were celebrating my 22nd birthday. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you, and now we have two little ones to love too."

Gami reached over and took Lily's hand in his. "I feel the same way. I'm so grateful for you and our family. I promise to always be there for you and our girls."

Lily leaned in and gave Gami a gentle kiss on the lips. "I know you will. You're the best husband and father I could ever ask for."

As they looked back at their sleeping daughters, they knew that they had a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of them.

Suddenly, the kingdom's alarm from the city's bell tower started ringing non-stop. Gami and Lily could hear the sounds of men in armor running outside and men yelling in the distance. The sounds of fighting could be heard from far away.

Gami and Lily quickly got up and ran towards their window to see what was going on outside. They could see fires out in the distance and knights in full armor running together towards the entrance of the city. Gami knew that he had to act quickly to protect his family and his kingdom.

Shortly after, a knight approached their home's gates and informed their guard, Sam, that the city was under attack by dark forces. The knight requested that Gami come forth onto the battlefield and help lead a squad of knights into battle, as it was his duty as a baron.

Gami knew that he couldn't refuse the call to battle. He quickly donned his armor and grabbed his holy sword, which was imbued with powerful spells. He looked at Lily and their newborn daughters with a heavy heart, knowing that he might not return from this battle.

Lily could see the determination in Gami's eyes and knew that he was doing what he had to do to protect their family and their kingdom. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered a prayer for his safety.

Gami then turned to Sam and the knight and nodded his head in agreement.

Gami turned to Sam and the knight and asked, "Who is attacking our kingdom?"

The knight replied, "It's a surprise attack by the demon country of EirSoul. They've come with a massive army and powerful dark magic."

Gami knew that this was a grave situation. He had heard tales of the demon country's brutal tactics and their desire to conquer other kingdoms. He knew that he had to act quickly to protect his people.

The knight then led Gami to the military commander, Duke Milton. Along the way, Gami could see the chaos and destruction that the invading army was causing. He saw buildings burning, people fleeing, and knights fighting bravely against the dark forces.

When they finally arrived at the military command center, Duke Milton greeted Gami with a grim look on his face. "Baron Gami," he said, "I'm glad that you're here. We're facing a tough battle against the demon army. Our knights are fighting bravely, but we're outnumbered and outmatched."

Gami nodded and replied, "I'm here to help in any way that I can. What do you need me to do?"

Duke Milton replied, "We need your magical abilities and your leadership skills. We need you to lead a squad of knights and use your holy magic to turn the tide of the battle. Will you do it?"

Gami knew that he had to accept the challenge. He replied, "I'll do it. I'll lead a squad of knights and use my magic to protect our kingdom and defeat the demon army."

Duke Milton nodded and said, "Good. We need all the help we can get. Follow me, and I'll take you to your squad."

As Duke Milton introduced Gami to his special operations division, Gami looked at the faces of the knights that he would be leading into battle. They were all strong and determined, their eyes focused on the task ahead. Gami could feel the weight of the mission that Duke Milton had given him, and he knew that he had to lead his team to victory.

Gami looked at each of his teammates as Duke Milton introduced them. He could see the fire in their eyes and the determination on their faces. He knew that he could count on them to fight bravely and to follow his lead.

As Duke Milton explained the mission, Gami imagined the scale of the task ahead. He could see the demons' country, far across the sea, and he knew that it would be a long and dangerous journey. But he also knew that they had to succeed. The fate of their kingdom depended on it.

As Duke Milton asked if he could count on Gami to lead the squad and accomplish the mission, Gami felt a surge of determination. He shook Duke Milton's hand and said, "Yes, you can count on me. We will accomplish this task."

"Alright, team," Gami said, addressing the knights. "We're heading straight for the demons. We need to be on our guard at all times. We don't know what we're going to face out there."

The knights nodded, their faces set in determination. Gami looked around at his team and took a deep breath. He knew that he had to keep them focused if they were going to succeed.

"Alright, let's introduce ourselves," Gami said. "I'm Gami, and I'll be leading this squad. Who's with me?"

The knights stepped forward, one by one, and introduced themselves.

"I'm Sir William," said a tall, muscular knight with a thick beard.

"I'm Sir Richard," said a lean, wiry knight with a sharp nose.

"I'm Sir James," said a knight with a bushy mustache and a friendly smile.

"I'm Sir Thomas," said a knight with a deep voice and a serious expression.

The other knights introduced themselves as well, each one with their own unique personality and style. There was Lady Elizabeth, a fierce warrior with a sharp wit, and Lady Catherine, a gentle healer with a heart of gold. There was Sir Edward, a young knight with a quick temper, and Sir Henry, an older knight with a wealth of experience.

Gami looked around at his team and smiled. They were all different, but they were all united in their goal. They were going to take down the demons, no matter what it took.

"Alright, team," Gami said. "Let's move out. Keep your eyes peeled, and stay alert. We don't know what we're going to face out there, but we can't let it stop us. We have a mission to complete, and we're going to complete it."

The knights nodded, and together, they set out into the unknown.

Gami and his squad of knights rode into the city, their armor reflecting the flames of the fires. They had been sent on a mission to clear the city of demons, and they were determined to succeed.

The first knight to engage in combat was Sir William. He was a towering figure, with a broadsword. He charged towards the nearest demon, his sword raised high. The demon was taken aback by the knight's ferocity, and Sir William was able to strike a fatal blow.

Next up was Sir Richard. He was a smaller man than Sir William, but he was quick and nimble. He darted in and out of the demons' ranks, striking with his rapier and dodging their attacks. He was able to take out several demons before they even knew what had hit them.

As Gami stood at the back of the battlefield, he raised his hands and began to chant. A bright light emanated from his palms, and a shimmering barrier of protection began to form around his knights. The barrier glowed with a holy light, and it seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The knights could feel the energy emanating from the barrier, and they knew that they were protected from any physical attacks.

As the battle raged on, the demons tried to break through the barrier, but they were met with a powerful force that pushed them back. The barrier of protection was like an impenetrable wall, and the demons were unable to get past it.

Lady Elizabeth was next. She was a fierce warrior, with a sharp wit and a sharper blade. She charged towards the demons, her sword flashing against the flames. She was able to take out several demons with a single stroke of her blade.

Sir James was next up. He was a jolly man, with a bushy mustache and a friendly smile. But he was also a fierce warrior, with a deadly aim. He took out several demons with his crossbow, firing bolts with deadly accuracy.

Gami continued to chant, his voice growing louder and stronger with each passing moment. The barrier of protection grew even stronger, and the holy light intensified. It was as if the barrier was alive, pulsing with energy and power.

Sir Thomas was next. He was a serious man, with a deep voice and a sharp mind. He charged towards the demons with his sword drawn, his eyes fixed on his target. He was able to take out several demons in a flash.

Meanwhile Lady Catherine. She was a gentle healer, but she was also a skilled fighter. She charged towards the demons, her staff raised high. She was able to take out several demons with her incantations.

The knights fought on, emboldened by the knowledge that they were protected by Gami's magic. They were able to fight with greater ferocity, knowing that they were safe from harm.

Sir Edward was next up. He was a young knight, with a quick temper and a fierce determination. He charged towards the demons, his sword raised high. He was able to take out a handful of demons swiftly.

Sir Henry was the last knight to engage in combat. He was an older knight, with a martial arts background. He charged towards the demons with his swords drawn, his eyes fixed on his target. He did a front flip over three demons and quickly turned around slashing them all at the neck simultaneously.

Finally, the last demon fell, and the battlefield was silent. The knights looked to Gami, who smiled and lowered his hands. The barrier of protection dissipated, but the knights could still feel its power coursing through their veins. They knew that they had been protected by Gami's holy magic, and they were grateful for his presence on the battlefield.

Together, Gami and his squad of knights were able to defeat the demons one by one until the city was cleared of demons. They had freed the city.