

Keshav, a flying creature, lives in a haunted ruin. In the eyes of everyone, he is a demon or a wandering soul, but in reality he is of a calm nature and he is very much in love with flowers. One day he meets Vrinda who is allergic to flowers . Both fall in love with each other in spite of adversity. will they live together... ************ "I don't know... I don't know... but I have to be brave. I have to go inside. I want to see who is he?" Then she started to move in fear, she looked here and there. She could not see anything, she took a sigh of relief and started moving forward. She went further inside the building. That creature was sitting on a big tree nearby. He looked like a human in appearance. His eyes were just yellow. Tears of blood came out from his eyes. The teeth were also a bit big may be canine. He had black marks on his shoulders, probably tattoos. Vrinda was still thinking a lot. "Maybe he's a monster." ********************* JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kalakshik/?hl=en

sharmakalakshi913 · Fantasía
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324 Chs

Fly away

Here, Vrinda and Keshav came out. Vrinda was satisfied to see the relief on Keshav's face. Keshav said looking at her

"You love that I'm here!"

Vrinda started looking into his eyes. Keshav spoke

"That's what your brain waves are telling you."

Hearing this, Vrinda lowered her eyes and smiled slightly.

"You are very nice, Vrinda."

There was a slight redness on Vrinda's face. she said

"You too…"

Then started thinking about something. Vrinda asked Keshav

"How will you go home?"

Keshav spoke

"How else. Fly away."

Vrinda said

"from here? It's a crowded area. If anyone seen you?"

Keshav spoke

"Don't worry. You just tell me such a deserted street where people rarely come. It won't take long to fly."

Vrinda pointed

"There were some government quarters behind here. It's closed. Repair work is going on so that street is empty."

Keshav spoke

"Ok. I will go. You go home, it is not safe for you to stay outside for a long time."

But Vrinda still started walking with him. When he reached that street, Keshav said

"Now I myself will go ahead of it, it is not right for girls to go in such streets. you go home."

When Vrinda started leaving, Keshav stopped her and said

"Thank you thank you very much. I felt great today. It is because of you that I have become such good friends after a long time."

Vrinda spoke

"Why Thank you. You are also my best friend."

Both kept looking into each other's eyes for some time. Vrinda said in her mind

"Your beautiful yellow eyes can make anyone swoon and I'm probably one of them."

Keshav spoke in his mind

"Now I don't care about anyone else. Just our friendship never ends."

Keshav went into the dark a little more and in one stroke opened his dreaded huge black wings. Within two moments he was lost in the sky. Vrinda started coming back. Vrinda started smiling. then asked himself

"Why am I smiling?"

She started looking at the sky when Tushar came from behind and placed his hand on her shoulder. She got scared right away. she said

"You just scared me."

Tushar spoke

"Am I scared? What are you doing out on such a night out?"

Vrinda said

"Where has it been all night?"

Tushar spoke

"It has not been so many nights, but it has become dark. It is not right for girls to go out in the dark. The era is very bad. And what were you doing near that street?"

Vrinda turned to house

"Nothing. lets go."

Tushar had seen something flying from that street but he could not see properly. he asked vrinda

"Where did Keshav go?"

"He went home. He was getting late, wasn't he?"

Tushar spoke

"Good then let's go!"
