

Keshav, a flying creature, lives in a haunted ruin. In the eyes of everyone, he is a demon or a wandering soul, but in reality he is of a calm nature and he is very much in love with flowers. One day he meets Vrinda who is allergic to flowers . Both fall in love with each other in spite of adversity. will they live together... ************ "I don't know... I don't know... but I have to be brave. I have to go inside. I want to see who is he?" Then she started to move in fear, she looked here and there. She could not see anything, she took a sigh of relief and started moving forward. She went further inside the building. That creature was sitting on a big tree nearby. He looked like a human in appearance. His eyes were just yellow. Tears of blood came out from his eyes. The teeth were also a bit big may be canine. He had black marks on his shoulders, probably tattoos. Vrinda was still thinking a lot. "Maybe he's a monster." ********************* JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kalakshik/?hl=en

sharmakalakshi913 · Fantasía
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324 Chs


After that they all reached Spain. Vrinda asked Keshav in flight

"Are you alright?"

"Do not worry. I'm not afraid of heights."

In Spain, Casillas and his family lived in Barcelona. He had a lot of names there. There was also a very big mansion.

The reception was in the mansion. Many of his friends had come. During the night, all those people were in the upstairs room made in his house. Keshav was wearing the shirt for a long time, so his wings started hurting. Vrinda untied his shirt and helped straighten his wings. After a long time, Keshav was feeling very good by opening his wings. He lay down on the bed. Vrinda ask

"Where will I sleep if you lie like this?"

"Just two minutes..."

"Ok. I come after washing my face, till then you sleep well."

But when Vrinda came, she saw Keshav had slept in the same way. She didn't wake him up and fell asleep on the couch.

In the morning again she found herself in bed.

Keshav again made her lie on the bed.

Vrinda got up smiling. The room was big. The bed was also enough for both of them to sleep. There was a sky in the room. There were dark blue curtains on the windows. There were sofas in front. There was also a TV.

When Vrinda went to take a bath, Keshav went to bed again and lay down. He looked very tired and fell asleep again.