
sans system

this is my first story so don't expect it to be any good and don't expect a lot of chapter's because I am really lazy

Exodiathegod1 · Juegos
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2 Chs

chapter 1

Hi I am Max I am a 16 year old going home from school, hoping that I don't miss the next update to the undertale comic dub ya I know I am a loser for only watching the comic dubs but enough about that.

I was going home truck-kun came out of nowhere

Max "son of a b-"

I woke up in a white room and in front of me a table with a person that can't be described

??? "hello Max you must be confused about what is going on"

Max "I just got hit by truck-kun what is there to be confused about?"

??? "I see you are one of those isekai fans that will make this alot easier so as you must have already found out I am God gant you three wishes"

Max "OK my first wish is to have a sans system"

God "OK next wish"

Max "wish to look like g.b.sans but make it look like error' gaster blaster"

God "OK final wish"

Max "I wish to reiterate in the undertale


God "OK bye"


please let me know if I can make any improvements to make this story better in the comments