
Sandaime Hokage

Crossing as Hiruzen Sarutobi before the Uzumaki genocide The new Sandaime don't want to follow the path of the old Hokage. "Protecting the Village and it's people from all dangers without a fail. That's what Hokage is, and that's also my Nindo!" "The Ninjutsu Professor Sandaime Hokage, This, is who I am!" The model of the system used by the MC is taken from [Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again]. It's a pretty well written ff on Naruto

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9 Chs

First Changes

Because this Konoha wasn't the Konoha of 40 years later, there were a considerable amount of powerful people, so it more than 30 minutes to gather them all to the Consult Room were important decisions were made with the high level members of Konoha.

During that time Hiruzen wasn't being idle at all. First of all the first thing he did was separating many shadow clones for his plan.

Because Hiruzen received the muscle memory, fighting instinct, and battle awareness of the 69 years old Sandaime, he wasn't too worried about not being able to fight.

But the problem was that the body he took over was already a kage level powerhouse. So logically with this additional power boost he should have become much stronger right? But it also means that he had to train a little bit to adjust to his new powers.

The second thing was about his [Domain of Vitality]. After receiving the skill he learned that the seal had two form.

One of those form was like the Yin seal of Tsunade, after forming the seal a mark of his choosing will appear on his face, except that the Domain of Vitality couldn't hold any Chakra. The seal only work as a converter.

When the converting was done, the newly formed Yang Chakra gather on his hand. Because it was pure Yang Chakra without anything else involved everyone could absorb it without problem. The only troublesome thing was the fact that he had to use that Yang Chakra immediately otherwise it would disappear.

For Hiruzen, that form was actually very suitable for battle. For iryo-Ninja this seal provide them with a ready made Yang Chakra for them to heal people. For Hiruzen himself it would be a way for him to use Yôton (Yang release) jutsu without hurting his vitality.

As for the second form of the seal, Hiruzen already decided, it would be use to make the Village stronger.

The second form of the seal acted as a transparent circular barrier. By fueling the seal painted on a ground the barrier absorb natural energy outside to convert it into Yang Chakra inside the barrier. Because the Yang Chakra gather only inside the barrier and it couldn't be move, the only solution for the person inside was to absorb it and that's it.

Fortunately the benefits of having Yang Chakra were many: like a longer lifespan, healing more quickly, getting sick less, more vitality, stronger body etc...

But obviously, be it the marking seal or the barrier one, the amount of Yang Chakra you could obtain depend entirely on how much of your own Chakra you gave to the seal at first.

Because of that, many of Sarutobi's clones start to search for an empty building or place near the Hokage Tower so serve for his plan regarding the Domain of Vitality.

In the mean time the main body start to think about reform and amelioration that he could do right now.

Hiruzen, didn't have any illusion that the moment he meddle in the war between the Uzumaki and the three Nation, it would start the 2nd Ninja war immediately.

And after the war start even if he had ideas, the Village wouldn't be able to implement it in time of war.

Speaking of war, there was one thing would never do like the old Sandaime : recruiting children!

While he knew that in the Ninja world, people mature quickly, sending 10 years children to fight a war for Hiruzen it's sounds like a joke! So he decided to set a bottom line : 14. Everything under will be forbidden of anything looking like a war.

On this subject, Hiruzen was very determined. No matter what situation Konoha will be in, no Ninja under 14 will be sent to fight.

As Hiruzen ponder on the other things he would discuss with the other, they, started to arrive inside the Consul Room one by one.

While the 'old' Hiruzen already met them, for him it was indeed the first time he saw them.

Nara, Akimichi, Uchiha, Hyuga, etc... One by one they start to enter, each casting a different look or saluting Hiruzen very differently. Some nodded at him normally or with respect others straight up ignore his presence and went to speak with other patriarch and Jounin. And Hiruzen knew very well why it was the case.

Everyone knew that if it wasn't for Mito Uzumaki support, it would be very difficult for Hiruzen to sat as Hokage.

When Tobirama named Hiruzen as Hokage he was just an elite Jounin, and had almost no background. Sarutobi clan? What is it position in front of Senju, Uchiha, and Hyuga? Nothing!

Actually for the new Hiruzen, he understood that if the old one wanted to sit firmly on the Hokage position, he had to suppress those various big clans. But annihilation, for him it was to much!

"Hokage-sama, everyone is here." said the Anbu tiger.

I nod at him before letting my eyes slide over this assembly of Ninjas. As I look over them I started to recognize many familiar, making me smile a little inside.

"I will start by thanking you for coming quickly for this urgent and important war meeting. Because this is what it is." I started by started by stating the subject of today meeting.

This revelation caused many solemn and incredulous faces appearing among the crowd, but the one Sarutobi was interested into was Danzo, and he didn't disappoint.

While Danzo was surprised, Sarutobi could feel that it was wasn't because he told them about the incoming war. Because adding his surprise was also caution and fear. But Sarutobi know that Danzo is never afraid of war. Which mean that he hid something.

"Before talking about the incoming war and reasons we will provoked it, I will first talk about a decision I took about the Hokage's position."

If the talk about war made the atmosphere somber, when Hiruzen talked about the Hokage sit, every clan leader eyes became dangerous as if to warn Hiruzen not to say the wrong words. But when he continued his speech it made everyone surprised.

"To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the upcoming War, I would have resigned as Hokage this year after implementing some new reform to improve the Village."


"Old man, Why?!"


Yes, this was Hiruzen decision when he learned who he became and which year it was. You know Hiruzen Sarutobi became Hokage at the age of 22 and he was right now already 42! Meaning it had already been 20 years since he became Hokage.

Why the old Sarutobi complained in his heart that he couldn't do anything because of Mito presence, but the new Sarutobi on the contrary wanted to thank her. Otherwise who knows if Sarutobi and Konoha F4 would sink Konoha earlier.

Actually when Sarutobi knew that it has already been 20 years since he took the throne he really wanted to complain.

You know in the country of his old world, Presidents had to get out after 5 year! And even if there were unwilling, they also understood that the longer you sit on the chair the more mistakes you will make.

Look at how many mistakes and scandals presidents on earth make in 5 or 7 years of mandate! If they had 40 years like the old Sandaime, wouldn't they burn their country?

So Hiruzen was determined. After the war, he will implement his reform and then resign!

"I know that many of you are surprise, but this decision is actually for the betterment of the Village." I explained after the crowed calmed down.

"During my years as Hokage, as I do my best as Hokage, I noticed something important. Power corrupt. The longer someone has hold on it, the less inclined he'll be to let it go.

So in order for me to not fall in this trap I decided to resign. At the same time because I don't want for those who succeed after me to fall into it too, I decided that from today onwards except for war time or situation exceptional all Hokage can only sit in this position for only 20 years maximum!"

If Hiruzen's resignation surprised them, and the explanation earned respect from the majority, the order, really caught them off guard.

You know before today in the heart of the ninjas and common people in general, a kage could only die in his seat or by resigning after getting too old like Daimyos. Because for them that's what a Kage was, another type of Daimyo but with supernatural powers!

And now you tell them that after getting the position you could only rule your village until nth year?

After that annonce, two kind of reaction appear. The first group composed of more wise people approved very much that new law for obvious reasons.

Like Hiruzen said, power corrupt. Up until now no Hokage did too outrageous actions, but can you garantie that the next one won't? Obviously no! So for them imposing a mandate is the right move.

As for the other, the reason why they were dissatisfied with the decision was was also for this and their ambitions. This group composed of Danzo, Setsuna Uchiha, Hyuga Kazuya etc... Who all had their eyes on the Hokage sit were all angry.

The reason why they wanted to become Hokage it was so nobody could tell what to do how to do it and when to do it. For them the best thing was even if you didn't agree and wanted him to get out, it wouldn't work because they would decide themselves when to resign.

Unfortunately for them, now they couldn't. And the worst thing was that they couldn't oppose to this new law because everyone present knew how beneficial it was for the Village.

Seeing those frustrated face made Hiruzen want to laugh in front of them, but because of the occasion he just smile, before getting serious for the next topic.

"Next I will talk about today focus. Today I received some heavy news. I learned that Kumo, Kiri and Suna are going to attack the Uzumaki clan."

The explanation of Hiruzen seems to explain why the 2nd Ninja war will be set, but at the same time it triggers a chain of reaction between those jounins, because they all understood what Hiruzen mean. And he himself confirm their thoughts.

"So the reason I gathered you in hurry is to prepare to help our allies. The enemy will arrive there in four day. Because of the precarious situation, I will personally come for the upcoming fight. Next I will need a resume of how many elites and normal Ninja we can gather in the shortest amount possible without endangering the Village."

Normally if it was another country facing annihilation, they will first consider if saving them was worth it or not. Then how many people to send without hurting themselves.

Then now the problem come: the Uzumaki clan wasn't a normal ally of Konoha at all! They and Konoha have been wearing the same pant since they build their respective villages, and the friendship with their founder can be traced back to centuries.

So for Hiruzen action of omitting the first step of worth was understandable, but not acceptable for many. And for many reasons.

First of all, strictly speaking the Uzumaki caln was ally with the Senju clan not Konoha. If it was before Mito's death, maybe they hesitate for fear of offending her, but now she's dead.

Then the second point came. Kumo, Kiri, Suna! Three great Nation against a small island show how determinate they were for this genocide. Meddling in that like Hiruzen said was just provoking the 2nd Ninja War on the spot!

Uzushiogakure wasn't their country or land. Why risking offending so many country for a single clan?

Many of them were unwilling, and it showed on their face. And after a few minutes of murmur between them, Danzo finally couldn't help but stand up.

"Hiruzen, I think you should calm down a little. If it was a normal situation i won't say anything else, but this time I think we should think carefully before making any drastic decisions. After all that's three great nation, not some cabbages!"

Danzo intervention received many nodd from clans head which made Hiruzen face go dark. At the same time the latter confirm his previous thought.

'So you knew after all Danzo! If it was the previous owner of this body, he would indeed side with you on this after some persuasions, unfortunately for you I am not.'

After reviewing Hiruzen memories he came to understand that the decision on Uzumaki genocide was what make Hiruzen fall. Because before that, he indeed the wise and kind leader that Tobirama saw in him, but after the Uzumaki incident he gradually fall into darkness.

Actually the old Sarutobi also wanted to save the Uzumaki clan but he also knew that he wasn't strong enough to stop it.

Don't think in the 1st, 2nd, and Ninja War Konoha repeatedly did a 1V4 so a 1.5VS3 should be piece of cake. Because in reality those 1V4 weren't a 1V4 at all. While those four great country did fought Konoha together, but they also fought against each other at the same time. Meaning they have never fought Konoha together at the same time at full power.

Besides, while he didn't tell them, those three country won't be the only one who'll take part in the raid. Many other small country will join.

And that's what made the first Hiruzen give up the rescue. But this time not only his strength reach peak level Kage, but with the Domain of Vitality he had a chance to create a kage powerhouse on the spot and awaken the Senju clansmen Kekkei genkai.

If a 3 tomoe Sharingan garantie you a jounin Ninja at the minimum, a mokuton Ninja also did the same, Yamato being the best exemple.

So that's why Hiruzen was confident and also the reason why he ask his clones to find an empty building.

Actually his clones already found such a building near the Ninja academy and were currently working together to create as many Domain of Vitality seal as they could.

Which made Hiruzen more determinate. The problem was that after Danzo spoke, other took it as a signal to express themselves.

"Sandaime-sama I also think that we should talk about it first."

"Yes, that's seem like the most appropriate thing to do."

"I also think that.."


With Tsunade outburst Hiruzen finally decided to act.


Before any of had the time react, following the broken table came Hiruzen huge Chakra pressuring on the crowd indiscriminately, some under the pressure directly kneel because of it.

While Hiruzen didn't possess a monstrous Chakra like Hashirama yet, with the strengthening he did possess a tail beast like Chakra comparable to Matatabi or Isobu.

So even though some of them were already Half-kage or so in strength, the pressure brought by Hiruzen made them all obediently shut up.

"Like I said earlier I want a report of how many people are still in the village and combat ready. There is nothing else to discuss on the subject."

This time Hiruzen was strong. He wasn't going to accept any rebuttal and the strong aura he was releasing also told them a message : I am the Hokage. I make the rules.

Before today, Hiruzen always had Mito help so nobody dare to rebutte Hiruzen, but after her death, his control over the various clans began to slip away little by little all because of the same thing : they just didn't think Hiruzen Sarutobi had what it takes to make them submit obediently.

So today even if he did want to save the Uzumaki clan he also wanted to make them understand, 'Until I actually retire, I Sarutobi Hiruzen will be your Hokage, and if you want to refute I'm going to clean you up today!'.

And that threat they all understood today that Hiruzen had the strength to act upon it.

Unconsciously all those who accepts his enthronement half-heartedly didn't have anymore dissatisfaction with him.

After seeing that no other fool tried to jump again, Hiruzen finally release his pressure on them making them feel like they could finally breath properly again.

As the crowd start to regain their bearing, everyone started to look at Hiruzen with fear, respect and reverence. Taking this as a cue Hiruzen continue and give them some face.

"I'm not a fool, I know what you are worried about. That we will accompany Uzushiogakure in their destruction. And when you know the country allied to make it a reality it is understandable to have some reservation and fear, but you don't really think that I will go there unprepared right?

I am your Hokage and as such it is of my responsibility to protect this village. In regards you can trust that I won't make Konoha suffer. But the Uzumaki clan is half our family and it is of our duty to help them like they helped us build this village.

Besides, aren't you ashamed with your frightened faces? We are Konoha! We are the strongest military power in this world, just three poor country that we've already beaten to the ground make you afraid? If so don't you have any shame of calling yourself Ninja of Konoha?! Do you know that if we don't fight this is the message we will sent to our enemies?"

While Konoha Ninja were in majority peace loving, they also attach a great importance to their reputation and sense of honor. So when Hiruzen utter those last sentences, it arouse everyone hunger of blood for the enemy.

Calling us coward when we beat you up to the ground? Calling us unhonorable when we were known for never abandoning our camarade? For Konoha Ninja that was unacceptable because the last point directly touch upon their will of fire and that wasn't something other could attack casually.

"Sandaime-Sama is right, our ally is waiting for our help, how could we sit there indifferently? Konoha never give up on their compagnons! It never had before and it shouldn't today either! I says let's fight!"

Unsurprisingly it was Jiraya who gave that impationate speech, but because of it sincerity it worked very well.

Nobody was thinking about doing nothing anymore, all people present infect by Hiruzen show of power and Jiraya enthusiasm began to cheer and clamor for a rescue operation.

Profiting of the mood, Hiruzen started to arrange the troops that will be coming with him, Taking mostly the Aburame, Senju, Hyuga and the Uchiha Clan with him.

After that, before dismissing the meeting he called Tsunade and the Clan leader of the Kurama clan to gather their clansmen who'll participate in this operation as well as other individuals. And meet him near the academy.

After receiving their work everyone quickly dispersed to spread the news or attend to their duties, leaving in the room the infamous Konoha F4.

Like always Danzo couldn't help it.

"Hiruzen, do you realize how danger..."

But this time Hiruzen didn't want to hear his nonsense and cut him off which caught the latter off guard.

"Danzo, did you know?"

"W-what? What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to play with me. The Uzumaki attack, did, you, know?"


That silence was the best answer, but it shocked Koharu and Homura. It was as if they saw the true face face of their friend for the first time.

"Danzo how could you...?"

"That's Mito-Sama's family!"

Because of his friends gaze and judgment, Danzo wanted to justify himself.

"You all don't understand!! Uzumaki Mito is dead! Do you why those countries want to destroy Uzushio? Because of their fearsome abilities in sealing technique and the fact that they are the perfect host for Bijuus!

Today while they are weak they are still our allies, but who can tell if tomorrow it will still be the same? Don't forget that now Mito is dead! Nothing can prevent them from breaking the alliance anymore!"

"So you prefer to exterminate them, Danzo?" asked Sarutobi with anger. But this time Danzo didn't flinch under his gaze because he firmly believe that he was in the right.

"Yes, because doing so will erase a danger for Konoha. Uzushio is not part of Konoha Hiruzen they are just our allies!"

This sentence utter by Danzo was enough for Hiruzen.

"Danzo, maybe what you said is true. Maybe it's not, but until then Uzushio IS our ally. Furthermore, it's not your decision to make if they can live or die, it's mine. Danzo this time you overstepped, You are fired from the Root, and it thereby disband."

"You can't do that Hiruzen! everything I do is for Konoha!"

"I can do it Danzo. Don't forget that I. AM. The Hokage."


There are many explanation given on why Uzushiogakure was destroyed by so many countries. My favorite theory was the dissatisfaction from the Daimyos who didn't want a country without one of them at their head. At first I going to go in that direction, but then it would mean that Hiruzen would have to confront them, and because they are the ruler of countries if he kill them the story will basically be over except if I wanted a world conqueror MC. But that's not what I want at all so I throw away that idea.

And yes Hiruzen really won't be Hokage for long, I think that the best way for him to not mess up is for him to resign XD. But more seriously I wanted to tell the story of a retiring Hokage (noting Retiring Hokage, not Ninja) and Hiruzen one because I've never seen it yet.