
The strongest is too strong

" Is that little blur Ayami? "

Arthur questioned, with fear and hesitation in his eyes, as he slowly turned to look at Fu who simply grinned

" Well, she's more violent than I am, but... I punch harder "

Fu said, ignoring Arthur's question before kicking Shu in the face, causing a burst of wind which sent Shu flying out of the flower ring, making the two other boys look at Fu with fear in their eyes

" Let's continue, shall we? "

" NOOOO!! "

The boys yelled, beginning to run away, tripping over their own feet, getting back up immediately, continuing to run, but unfortunately for them, they couldn't get far, as Fu was already in front of them, thrusting his arm forward in an attempt to punch Ean, but to everyone's surprise

Fu's fist was pushed to a side, causing the pressure to explode toward another direction, the cause of that being Shu, who launched himself toward Fu's hand, kicking it away with both his feet

" I'm starting to get the hang of this! "

Shu yelled, as he slid across the ground, a strong and ferocious aura surrounding him, he seemed to be in his awakened state, pale skin, black hair, and glowing blue eyes.

With quickness and finesse, he would glide on the field, sliding in-between Fu's legs, proceeding to grab both the boys by their wrists, hurling them forward as he then jumped into the air, avoiding one of Fu's downward kicks which created a crater on the ground.

Now in the air Shu would turn to look back at Fu, charging his hands with Sanctuary so much so that they began to glow a neon blue

" Let's have a one on one now! "

Shu yelled, as he began to spin in the air, while falling down toward Fu, spinning so much that to the normal eye he became nothing but a sphere of intense light.

With a smile on his face Fu would look up at Shu, placing his hands on his hip, waiting for the boy to reach him, and once he was inches away from punching his face, Fu would shoot his left fist toward Shu's face, but, yet again, Fu was surprised.

Shu would place both his hands on Fu's knuckles, using his fist as a platform to push his body upwards, doing a few more spins before charging his right leg the same way he did his fists, kicking Fu right on his neck.

Not wanting to get hit, Shu would use the pressure of his own attack to push himself backward, landing on the ground with a smile on his face, before standing up straight, looking at the man with a now more confident expression

" That was really amazing... "

Fu said, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand, smiling as he turned to look at Shu

" Using your small stature, agility, flexibility, and immense physical strength to get your friends out of the way, as well as being able to avoid and land a hit on me, that's pretty impressive, you've gotten stronger since last I met you "

Fu complimented, lowering his hand from his neck as he took in a deep breath

" Well, that's for holding back when we first met, if you were always this strong then you should've- "

Shu couldn't finish his sentence, as fear began to crawl on his spine, the cause of that being Fu, who was already in front of him with a punch almost ready to land on his face

" Shit- "

Shu whispered, grunting as moved his head to the side, though, not quick enough as the knuckle from Fu's thumb slightly scraped through his cheek, leaving a small cut on it.

Shu would sigh in relief, before stomping his left leg on the ground, using that pressure to glide on the ground, in an attempt to move away from Fu's range, but that would turn out to be useless as Fu appeared right in front of him, ready to land a right hook on Shu's cheek

" Gu-Aaah!! "

Ean yelled, as he appeared right beneath Fu's arm, and just like Shu he was in his awakened state, Blue halos surrounding his ankles, wrists, and neck, blue long hair, horns sticking out from his forehead, and finally blue eyes.

Using his sword, Ean would redirect Fu's attack, slicing at his wrist, pushing his arm upward, causing the air pressure to be shot up in the sky making the flowers, or at least what was left of them, shake

" Shu run!! "

Ean yelled, before dashing away from Fu's range, leaving behind a trail of blue energy, not wanting to get hit, Shu imitated the boy, following him, and after a few seconds of running and gliding on the ground, Arthur landed on the ground, but the two boys didn't stop, running right past him.

Ean and Arthur nodded at each other as Ean continued to run, Shu, of course, saw this, understanding that both of them had come up with a plan while he fought Fu

" Hmm "

Arthur exclaimed, glaring at Fu. Arthur was also in his awakened state, his entire body but his head covered in an armor made out of blue ice, though every joint was engulfed in blue air, he had now had blue skin and his hair turned into an intense blue fire

" Hmmm!!! "

Arthur repeated, but now in a more rough and loud way, as both his arms were covered in blinding and hot blue fire

" Apollo's domain!! "

Arthur yelled, thrusting his arms forward, causing all the fire from his arms to move toward his hands, seconds later flying out of his palms, duplicating in size as it covered half of the ring of flowers, engulfing Fu's entire body who seconds before could only help to stare at the great flame

" Shu!! Ean!! Hurry!! That won't stop him for long!! "

Arthur yelled as he jumped backward, giving the other two space to run toward the man, jumping and sliding on the ground to do so

" Shu take the high ground!! I'll go below!! "

Ean yelled as he disappeared in an intense blur of speed, appearing right beneath him

" Midnight Dark, Blue King of Death; Crescent Moon!! "

Ean screamed, his sword being engulfed in a blue fiery like aura. After just a second he swung it upwards, hitting Fu's armpit with the blue energy, which shot him up in the air.

Normally floating in the air would mean that you'd be by yourself, but for Fu that wasn't the case, as Shu appeared right above him

" Karate Style, Himura Palm: High Five!! "

Shu yelled, thrusting his right hand forward, which was coated with blue sanctuary energy so much so that it glowed in a neon fashion.

" Arthur get ready!! "

Ean yelled as he turned to look at Arthur who had his right hand engulfed in a huge blue fire.

" I already am!! "

Arthur replied as he dashed forward, leaving behind nothing but a burst of air and a crater

" Haa!! "

Shu screamed, landing his attack, hitting Fu right on his chest with his palm, which caused a gigantic burst of air, sending the man flying toward the ground, being met by Arthur's fist

" Prometheus Punishment!! "

Arthur yelled as he punched the man right in his face, causing a giant explosion of blue fire which sent not only Fu flying but Ean as well who was a few feet away from Arthur.

After a few seconds, Shu would land next to Arthur and Ean would walk toward him, the three stood next to each other in silence, they had nothing to say, waiting for the fire to vanish, which it did after half a minute

" That was some pretty good teamwork, but.. "

Fu's voice was heard, as the blue fire completely vanished, burning all the grass and flowers in the field, and in the middle of it all, was Fu, seemingly unscathed

" Not quite good enough "

Fu continued, ending his sentence, as the three boys sighed, turned around, beginning to walk away

" Hell Nah!! "

All three yelled as they began to run away, leaving behind blue traces of energy, making Fu sweat comically