
The creator of his world

Petra was falling from the sky, screaming as she didn't know how to fly like the others

" Oh, that girl "

Shu whispered as he would then leap into the air, catching Petra with ease, only to land on the ground with a smile on his face

" Hey "

He whispered as she slowly placed her hands on his chest, pushing herself off, landing on the ground to then pat her thighs, getting rid of the dirt on her.

She was wearing only a bra and pants meant for sleep, she didn't think she was going to be dragged into a war all of a sudden so it wasn't like she could prepare for it and dress properly.

Now she was stuck with a boy she didn't know in a place she wasn't familiar with

" I could've landed on my feet "

She whispered, turning her face away from the boy to then walk toward the lava, beginning to look around, trying to see if she could find a way out

" Well, you probably could have landed on your feet, but I don't think she could have survived "

Shu replied as he looked up at the sky then back down at the ground, trying to analyze the force of impact of a fall that high

" Shut up, I need to think "

Petra said, as she turned her attention over to the boy who simply stared at her, innocently standing there as all she could do was sigh, turning away from him

" Don't follow me, I'm going to look for an exit, you look for your own "

She added as Shu simply placed his hands behind his head, blinking a few times whilst watching her walk

" You look like someone I know "

Shu said, loud enough for Petra to hear, which caused her to turn to him, tilting her head a little as Shu would then turn his head down, starting to think with his eyes close

" Maybe it's because of your skin color, but I don't know "

Shu said as he then looked up, only to be glared at by the girl, who's eyes were now squinted

" That's racist, I don't know if where you come from you keep people who are different as slaves but where I'm from, we don't so- "

" You're Ean's partner aren't you!?!? "

Shu yelled, as a grin grew on his face, which caused the girl to open her eyes widely, not only in confusion but in surprise

" How did you know? "

She questioned as Shu simply tilted his head, smiling a little whilst her eyes glared at his

" Well, I mean, I can sense him in yo- "

" No that's not what I meant—how do you know who Ean is? "

Petra questioned as the boy would then nod

" Well I mean, I've known him for about two years now, he's the first friend I've ever made "

The boy replied as he looked up at the sky, smiling to himself as he pictured his first encounter with Ean, remembering how nervous he always was

" Oh—wait, I think I know you "

Petra said, as she walked over to him, taking a look at his face, glancing at every visible inch of his body

" White hair, blue eyes, childish expression, short, strong pressure and stupidity——You're Shu aren't you? "

Petra questioned as Shu simply looked up at her, trying to figure what she was trying to say

" Hey! Are you calling me an idiot!?! "

Shu replied, frowning very noticeably which caused the girl to sigh, as she turned away from him

" Well I should've known you were the Shu Ean eagerly talked about everyday, I should've realized the moment the others yelled your name out "

Petra said to herself as she began to look around, continuing her search for an exit as Shu himself couldn't help but continue to think about what the girl just said.

Does Ean truly think he's an Idiot? He knew he wasn't the brightest but wasn't that too much? Also, he wasn't at all short!! Or at least that's what he was thinking whilst following the girl very closely

" Oi "

Petra exclaimed as she turned to look at Shu, who wasn't really paying any attention to her, looking up at the sky whilst continuing to think about her earlier words

" Oi!! "

She repeated herself, which snapped the boy out of his trans

" Huh-What? "

Shu whispered as he turned to look at her, only to frown yet again, remembering what she said

" I don't want to talk to you "

He said, turning away from her like a little boy would his mother after being yelled at

" Ok great but, If that was the case then— "

She paused, taking in a deep breath, only to pat herself on the chest seconds later

" Why are you following me!?!? "

She yelled, only for Shu to close her mouth—his face now completely serious as he began to carefully look around

" Shut up, and stay here "

He ordered, before disappearing in a blur of speed only to appear in the sky, standing in front of a familiar man

" Oh! But if it isn't the champ!! "

The man yelled whilst turning to look over at the boy, which made Shu quint his eyes a little

" It's you— "

Shu whispered as the man's slit purple pupils glared at the boy's black and round ones

" Hello again, Shu Hellgard, or should I say— "

The man paused for a second as a grin comparable to that of a giant's grew on his face

" Shu Himura? "

The man questioned, causing Shu to glare at him, slowly closing his hands, forming fists packed with sanctuary energy which only made the man in front of him smirk

" What are you doing here? "

Shu questioned, causing the man to tilt his head in confusion, which trigged Shu a little

" What do you mean? Why wouldn't it's creator be inside of his own creation? "

The man replied, squinting his eyes and frowning his eyebrows, still confused at the boy's question

" You don't mean what I think you mean do you? "

Shu said, as the man would then chuckle, closing his eyes to then open them, his face now completely serious, causing his snake like eyes to glow

" It's just as you think—I am the god of the world you're currently standing on, I am as strong as I can be in here, there is no equal of mine in this world, and in Romulus's name, I shall burn all of your souls to a crisp "