
Sukeki Village (Part 3)

The woman looked surprised, what kind of person asks that type of question, especially when being interrogated by the person who you're making the request to

"Why do you want to join the village anyway?"

Interrupted Ayami while Shu slowly stood straight, looking at her for a few seconds before turning his head to the woman

"Is it not allowed?"

Shu questioned while scratching the back of his head

"No, it is allowed. But before that, what did you say your name was?"

The woman questioned with a serious tone and a serious expression as her violet eyes stared deep into Shu's

"Himura Shu"

Replied Shu with simplicity as the woman widened her eyes in surprise

"You aren't lying.."

Said the woman in disbelief, as her eyes became watery getting off of her throne dropping her pipe as she walked over to Shu, holding his cheeks with both of her hands

"Yeah, of course, I'm not lying, why would I be?"

Shu questioned as the woman, who was surprisingly somewhat tall leaned down, caressing Shu's cheeks with her thumbs as she leaned her forehead against his

"M-mother what are you doing!?, why are you crying?"

Was all that Ayami could ask as she saw her mother caress that boy as if he were her own.

"I guess he wasn't lying, honestly, what has that old man been doing? suddenly having a kid and letting him explore the land like that? has he gone crazy?"

Said one of the men in the room, specifically the one with his hands behind his back, while the one with the scar opened his eyes, his pupils were white indicating a blinding illness, he slowly separated his hands watching the boy

"No, that isn't his son, I can tell from his aura alone, if he was master Yorujo's son he would be breaking this room apart just to prove a point"

Said the the scared man while chuckling to himself

"That kid is Sonma's son"

Said the man with the scar on his forehead as he looked at the crying woman with a smile on his face

"What's your problem lady"

Shu exclaimed while staring at the woman feeling a bit uncomfortable

"Shu... are you really a Himura?"

Ayami questioned while looking at Shu in disbelief

"Of course he is, the Eyes Of Truth wouldn't lie to me about something as serious as this"

Said the woman while hugging Shu tight as Shu was getting more and more uncomfortable, as Ayami couldn't help but watch

"Hey lady, can you let go of me?"

Questioned Shu while trying to rid himself out of the hug as the woman simply hugged him tighter

"Call me Auntie Elena"

Responded the woman now known as Elena as she breaks the one-sided hug, letting the boy breathe as she then smiled, kissing his forehead before sitting back on her throne

"I'm so glad you're alive, as soon as adam's spirit contacted me, I headed here immediately but I couldn't find a way to climb the mountain, it was far too high for me or any of us to do so, so I had no choice but to remain here for a year until we figured something out"

Explained Elena while looking at Shu with a small smile on her face as one of the men handed her a new pipe, as the first one she dropped was ruined on impact

"Adam? who's that?"

Questioned Shu while Ayami just looked at him with a bit of disappointment

"Adam is the father of humanity, how don't you know that?"

Replied Ayami while sighing as she turned away from him, facing another direction

"No, it's fine Ayami"

Said Elena while Ayami simply sighed shaking her head in disbelief how can someone be so disrespectful and so dense, was all that crowded her mind

"So you were somewhere else and came here after receiving word of my grandpa?"

Questioned Shu while Elena grabbed her pipe, smoking from it as She looked down at Shu from her throne

"Well Adam's spirit didn't tell me anything about your grandfather all he said was that his eyes of knowledge no longer exist, at least in the mortal world"

She explained while sipping from her pipe before letting the smoke she gathered slip out of her nose

"Well, I was sleeping soundly in my room, before a light shone in front of my bed, it was a bright red, a transparent version of Adam then appeared before me, saying something along the lines of 'My child, the one who bears my wife's Eyes Of Truth, I've come to inform you that my eyes of Knowledge have been destroyed, please don't let the same fate reach my wife's eyes' after saying that, he left"

Narrated Elena while Shu simply tilted his head

"Oh, are you talking about the red naked floating dude?, yeah I've met him before"

Replied Shu which made Elena smile slightly as she tightened the grip on her pipe a bit

"So how's your grandfath-"

But before Elena could even finish her sentence she was cut off by Shu's deep and cold tone of voice

"He's dead"

This statement shut the entire room up, no one made a sound.