
Real Enhancement

" Alright, in just a three week timeframe you boys have been able to grow and are now capable of holding your swords with no trouble "

Shu said as he looked down at his two male children who were sitting on the floor below a tree

" You've also learned how to hunt, somewhat cook and you kids now know a proper workout routine "

Shu explained as he would then place his arms behind his back, watching his children smile at each other, feeling proud of their accomplishments and rightfully so.

They didn't know it, but in those couple of weeks the boys have grown immensely; or at least those were the thoughts that ran through Shu's head.

" Now, for the next step; this training should be easier than the last ones since it involves sanctuary energy "

Shu then walked toward a tree and surrounded his index finger with sanctuary energy to then carve into the tree a few words, which were 'Sanctuary Energy control '

" Now, you two are familiar with the starting stage of sanctuary control, such as surrounding your limbs and in the energy, but that in it of itself isn't enough "

Shu continued as the kids then leaned forward a little, paying close attention to what their father was doing

" This here is what you boys do "

Shu said as he would then stretch his hand out for the boys to see and suddenly a blue aura surrounded it

" What's wrong with that? "

Raven questioned which made Shu smile a little, as he would then close his fist tightly

" This doesn't boost your strength like it's meant to, all this does is just cover your fist so you don't get hurt when you punch, but if you solidify the energy, squeeze it tight and penetrate the skin, muscles and veins, you will not only make your fist durable but it'll now have a stronger impact "

Shu explained as his fist would burst into a blue light for a few seconds, only for the light to disperse; no longer was there an aura around his fist but rather a smile line of energy above his skin

" Now, there isn't really a way to train this, it's rather more about concentration, but one always evolves under extreme pressure… "

Shu said, pausing for a few seconds, lowering his hand and then looking over at his children who looked back at him with a confused expression

" Stand up "

Shu ordered, orders which the two followed immediately; standing up like their life depended on it

" Now if I were to do this— "

A sudden pressure crashed against the kids once their father had finished talking; this pressure was so intense the two couldn't stand up straight nor breath, in just a matter of a second their faces crashed against the ground

" Im able to turn the energy I use to enhance my body into pressure; this is a simple technique one learns after mastering the first level of sanctuary control, enhance "

Shu went on as his children simply struggled to stand up, using all the strength they build up that entire week, only to that move a single inch

" Hmm. Okay, training starts now "

Shu said as the pressure he had on the boys then disappeared, allowing the two to breath comfortably and at the very least stand up straight

" Here, you two get an orb of glass "

Shu said as he handed each an orb

" Just how I taught you both to properly enhance your body, I want you two to do the same to the surroundings of the glass "

Shu explained, which left the two boys extremely confused

" Huh!?! How are we supposed to do that? How does one enhance what isn't attached to their body? "

Dio questioned only to get a small cold glare from Shu who then pointed at the swords which were resting beside the tree

" Just like how you transfer your energy from your hand to your sword; it isn't the same of course, but the concept is similar, it should be easy for you two, you boys are prodigies after all "

Shu said, before walking off, leaving the two boys by themselves

" Oh and, if you break the glass with your physical strength, I will beat you up personally; and don't try it either, I'll know if it has been broken properly or not! "

Shu yelled, raising his right arm for a couple of seconds before dropping it, continuing to walk; as they watched their father walk away the boys just sighed and looked down at the orbs they had in hand

" Okay, so first we must learn how to properly enhance ourselves "

Dio said, as the two boys then placed each of their orbs on the ground, looking down at their hands and then over at each other, taking a deep breath before looking away and closing their hands tightly

" Surround your hand with sanctuary energy "

They said to themselves as their hands were surrounded in energy; blue for Dio, and Red for Ean.

" Condense the energy "

They continued as their fists bursted into a bright light; their energies turning into a line above their fists

" Penetrate the skin.. "

They whispered

" And then—-Ahhh!!! "

They yelled simultaneously, as they then dragged themselves all around the ground in an attempt to stop the pain they just felt

" Fuck! It feels like cramps but caused by knives "

Raven yelled, as Dio then punched the ground out of frustration

" That bastard, he walked away because he didn't want to hear us complain about the pain "

Dio said to himself as menacing feeling began to ooze out of him, which terrified Raven who slowly moved away from him.

" They should be alright, I think "

Shu said to himself as he finally reached his destination, which was the dojo, slowly and carefully sitting down by the entrance, sighing a little as he sat there, only to then take a deep breath as he would then cross his legs, close his eyes and begin to meditate as his second son yelled out atrocities about him, whilst trying to be shushed by Raven.