
I’ve come out

" He beat all of my men? "

The man in the throne said, only to let out a small chuckle before completing laying back against the throne

" O-Red, go out "

The man ordered, his deep voice echoing across the giant room, for a bunch of other unknown figures to hear, the man with blue skin simply nodded, and stood up.

All of a sudden what seemed to be a gate of energy suddenly opened in front of him, walking into it, seconds later appearing beside Shu with a smile on his face

" Oh hey, long time no see, remember m— "

The man couldn't finish his sentence as Shu had swung his leg backwards in an attempt to blow the man's head off, but he simply reappeared a few feet away from Shu

" I see you're as excited as when I met you "

The man with blue skin said as a smile creeped over his face, which angered Shu a bit more

" Hmm, do you not remember me? "

The man with blue skin questioned whilst pressing his index finger against his lips, looking up at the sky with an innocent expression; annoying Shu even more

" Well if you don't remember, then let me remind you, im O-Red, long time no s— "

Yet again O-Red could not finish his sentence as Shu had dashed forward, thrusting his arm in the same direction, only for the man to disappear and for his punch to release a huge amount pressure

" Oof, that looked like a really strong punch "

O-Red said as he walked out of a portals few meters behind Shu, only to squint his eyes, making it seem like he couldn't see, which of course annoyed Shu a bit

" You teleport, is that it? "

Shu questioned, making the blue skinned man wink a few times, before tilting his head, thinking about wether he should answer the other man or not

" Well not so much teleporting as it is me walking through space, but I guess it sort of is like that "

O-Red responded with complete sincerity and innocence on his face, making Shu squint his eyes

" I fought someone like you two years ago, she had the ability to open two doors out of thin air, one where she could walk in and the other to walk out. Long story short, I beat her to a pulp "

Shu replied, causing the man to blink in surprise whilst Shu simply gave him a glare with those emotionless eyes of his

" Well, hate to break it to ya, but I don't really open doors, I just break the fabric of space and force myself into the emptiness in-between "

O-Red explained, only to see Shu's fist closing in on him, everything seemed to have slowed down, and with a smirk on his face O-Red took a step back, spreading his left arm out, opening his hand and summoning what seemed to be a gate of energy which he walked inside of, dodging Shu's punch completely, leaving the man to punch the air

" Wow, that caught me by surprise, you're really amazin— "

The moment O-Red walked out of the other end of the energy gate, Shu was already there, leaving the man in complete shock, giving Shu enough time to land a blow right into the man's gut, bursting his back open for the world to see his spine, not only that, but he vomited gallones upon gallones of blood from his mouth, which all landed on Shu's right shoulder who simply stared at O-Red with the same eyes as before

" I figured out how to catch you "

Shu whispered, leaving the man completely surprised as he dropped down to a knee

" I'm sure you've heard of Romulus, the one who hosted the Great War seven years ago "

Shu said, as he placed his hand above the blue skinned man's head, petting him a bit only to continue to speak

" Well im just about if not stronger than he was, and I'm sure you know how strong he was—strong enough to destroy this entire planet if he wanted to, of course im sure at full power he could've destroyed our entire galaxy, but luckily he was weakened, isn't that great? "

Shu then patted the man's cheek who simply looked down at the ground, with drops of blood coming down from his bottom lip

" Well, even if I'm as strong as his weakened state, it doesn't matter, you aren't strong enough to tell the difference"

All of a sudden, as Shu continued to talk O-Red was pulled back by a gate of energy that suddenly appeared behind him

" You're as strong as I was back when I was sixteen, or at least that's how i see it, considering I can't sense your energy and all "

Shu suddenly rose his hand, stopping an upcoming bunch targeted at his cheek, that of course came from O-Red who came out of one of his gates

" Did you forget already? I told you I figured out your trick "

Shu said, as he would then tightening his grip on the man's fist, taking a quick look at his body, he seemed to have healed, but it was of no concern to Shu, even he can regenerate, but there was always a limit to it.

" Oh, you can regenerate—no matter "

The white haired man whispered before, pulling the fist he was gripping backwards, in turn ripping O-Red's arm out, making him whine in pain before being sucked back into one of his gates, only to appear a few meters away from Shu

" So you can predict where I'm going isn't that right? "

O-Red questioned, his ripped arm being already healed only to be looked at by a Shu who slowly turned around to face him

" Then I suppose I'll just have to take it up to the next level "

Suddenly the star on O-Red's chest began to glow and so did all the stars that surrounded his hands

" Next level? "

Shu questioned, only to receive a punch straight to his face, which caused a burst of air, sending the man flying into the air, only to be punched back down to the ground, and before he could hit the ground, O-Red was already there, with what seemed to be a gate behind him.

O-Red then punched Shu right in his gut, creating another burst of air, sending the man flying over ground only to appear above him, yet again with that gate behind his back, only to stump Shu on his chest, making him crash against the ground, creating a crater in the process

" What happened to your halo? "

Shu questioned as he stared at the portal floating behind the man's back

" It transformed "

O-Red replied only to pick up Shu, by his hair, throwing him up in the air whilst charging his right fist with sanctuary energy, hurling it toward Shu's face, only for Shu to dodge it and then grab the man's face, using his body's weight to Slam O-Red's head against the ground, but before O-Red could respond Shu simply glared at him and whispered

" I see "

Only to start smashing O-Red's head against the ground, over and over again, so heard and so fast that even O-Red's regeneration began to slow down with each slam; three minutes in and all that was left behind was a opened skull and a crater filled with nothing but blood.

Shu would then look down at his hand filled with blood, only to look toward his right, seeing what seemed to be a man made out of darkness with two giant horns sticking out of his head

" I've come out, now what? "

The demon questioned, with a deep and terrifying voice, to which Shu simply smiled

" Good "