
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Cómic
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43 Chs

5: Futurama! Today we present A Girl's Life, Part Two.

It was that magical time of year when it started to snow, people got together as a family, shared gifts, ate dinner together, and locked all the doors so Robot Santa couldn't get in to spread his gunpowder Christmas cheer.

Samus didn't remember much about her past life, but she knew that Christmas didn't have to be like that at all, hey, this universe is full of wonderful unknowns, and although she would like to learn more things, she knew she couldn't get too involved with the incarnation of violence of those dates. 

She was ten years old and working in the laboratory her father had built for her. She was holding a worn crystal that had a strange frequency as if it could attract strange signals from the Void itself, something she discovered because she sensed something wrong with this object when she bought it and then checked it with a machine. 

Samus had a good sixth sense and was sensitive to energy, and while she couldn't absorb it like an immortal, she could use alchemy to affect the energy of the environment, though it took a lot out of her as a whole.

When she did an act of alchemy with the energy of the environment, she felt like someone was sticking a straw up her spine and sucking out her spinal cord, leaving her tired and stressed. But interesting things could be achieved, like developing quite a high sensitivity to the environment, a very useful thing indeed. 

"Well, let's see what these signals you keep sending out are," Samus placed the crystal on a small pedestal and then closed a lid, showing that all this time it had been a metal box with some wires connected to a holographic screen. 

After a few seconds, an image appeared on the screen that made her spit out the hot chocolate she was eating. It was a commercial, something normal when you watch TV, but it was a commercial for the new movie of a famous movie star named... Jerry Smith.

Seeing in real life what this iconic character from a show she loved to watch in her past life looked like, she finally realized what this strange crystal was and why it was so foreign to her senses.

"I have to see this with my dad and Zoidberg, they will have fun with me," Samus said before leaving her lab, eager to share her discovery with the two most important people in her life, though they were the only ones.

Soon, the two men arrived, following a not-so-small Samus. Although she was only 10 years old, she was already 1.70 meters tall, which was quite tall, and it seemed that she would continue to grow as she grew.

But her body proportions always adjusted to her growth, without giving her a strange appearance; objectively speaking, her body shape was mathematically appropriate. 

"So you say you have found a way to watch television from other dimensions and universes? That's great!" said Professor Zoidberg as he watched the Professor eagerly flip through the channels.

"Wow! Even though the multiverse theory was confirmed 500 years ago, there was never much you could do about it, other than pissing off a strange organization called the SCP Foundation, so little progress has been made in the field!" the Professor said with a hint of glee before exiting a channel with a documentary on Plumbus.

"Oh yes, I recently sent a prank letter to the Foundation, I hope they don't mind!" replied Samus with a wide smile, full of innocence and light, hiding a joking monster.

In a distant dimension, a certain scientist whose soul is chained to an anomalous necklace was tearing his hair out after reading a letter from this supposed alternate universe. These guys had been pranking them and telling bad jokes for decades, but it seemed like almost five centuries had passed for them.

"How is it possible that this girl wants Shy Boy and that fucking lizard to fight!!!? No, how does she know about them? Are there spies from that universe in the Foundation?" the 'innocent' letter from Samus caused the Foundation to do a self-assessment and find spies from several agencies, such as the Serpent's Hand or the Chaos Rebellion. 

"Anyway, Samus, are you into the whole traveling to other universes thing?" asked Zoidberg suddenly, highlighting a certain EQ he rarely used.

"Oh yeah, but not until I go on some adventures when I'm a little older, maybe when I turn 15," Samus said, knowing that in five years her distant uncle would awaken from his slumber and go on many interesting adventures.

"The multiverse is like space to humanity when humanity was backward centuries ago. You know, Earth was invaded several times, and it wasn't until we developed enough that this situation of constant harassment changed.

If space in our universe is an unforgiving dark forest, the multiverse... it's a constant madness, so I hope that when you decide to take that leap, you're ready," the professor commented with a serious tone after hearing the longing in Samus' voice.

"I'm no fool, Father, I'll prepare myself well, my research is on the right track, and if it goes well, I'll not only have new potions and amulets, but also auxiliary equipment," Samus replied with confidence in her voice, making the Professor feel much calmer.

"Yeah... if you find a Plumbus store, please bring some, I don't know how we're going to live without some," Zoidberg added, making Samus laugh a lot.

"I'll do it, Doc!" 


Personally, Samus had never thought about going to other worlds, yes, it was interesting and would be worth a cool fanfiction novel, but she didn't know if she could do it. First of all, traveling to other universes or dimensions is not that easy, those who manage it are people with incredible powers or equally incredible brains. 

An example in the fiction we all know is a character with superior intelligence that gave him enough capacity to create a machine that allowed him to go not only to another universe but to another dimension...right, we are talking about Jimmy Neutron.

The boy in his lab not only created a portal to another universe, but one with different rules, one where magic exists and beings capable of altering reality are given to children with parental problems. 

Samus knew that even if she had found a crystal that would allow her to see the interdimensional cable, it wouldn't be enough to create a device that would allow her to make a journey of that magnitude. But now she was interested, so she thought about the various things she had in mind for her future development and knew that she had to get going.

"My only regret is that I can't contain the extraordinary energy inside me, goodbye to my dream of throwing a Kame Hame Ha, but..." Samus waved her hand, nothing happened at first, and it wasn't until beads of sweat ran down her forehead that a small piece of quartz appeared in her hand.

Breathing heavily, she looked in wonder at what she had just done, still not used to this new ability of hers to interfere with the energy of the world and transmute matter. As mentioned before, this ability requires a great deal of endurance, as well as mental stress.

But she had done something that could be considered magic, but it was pure alchemy. She remembered the episode where Bender could split himself into much smaller copies of himself, and because of the lack of alcohol in the world, those copies turned all the water on Earth into alcohol.

"If I could go back in time, I could dress up as the Messiah and turn water into wine," Samus laughed, before stopping dead in her tracks, thinking about her earlier joke and coming to a strange revelation.

"Jesus was the greatest alchemist of all time. Not only could he change one substance into another, but he could duplicate not only bread but also living beings. Surely he could heal the sick with alchemy, because alchemy is, after all, a collection of proto-sciences with some mysticism.

Reviving the dead could be a product of some kind of life elixir, walking on water would be easily explained if he froze the water with every step. He could calm a storm, so the subtlety and grandeur of his abilities were enormous. 

This would in no way be against religion, for even alchemy has religious and philosophical elements..." Samus felt the need to grab a Bible and study.

She even thought she should read some Buddhism and Taoism, she might find some interesting things in there. A new wave of excitement ran through her body and Samus burst out laughing. Perhaps this was all part of the miracle of Christmas.

Samus, who was wearing Hypnotoad pajamas, walked over to the window in the building's break room and enjoyed the view of the snow-covered city. The cold wind made her uncomfortable, of course, but the visual spectacle was satisfying.

"I guess I can rest today, watch TV from other realities, and get back to work tomorrow," the girl decided, feeling it was good to take a little break before getting down to business. 

Of course, she didn't get to rest, because outside the window she was using there was a strange flash, and suddenly a human figure fell heavily into the snow, causing her to dismiss all thoughts of rest.

"I guess my luck is running out again," Samus whispered.

Samus first took a thick coat, and a pair of gloves, and went out of the building, it was very early in the morning, and some snowflakes were falling making Samus show a grimace of discomfort due to the cold she felt. Even if she was warm, the discomfort caused by the low temperatures was no longer only physical, but also psychological.

"I hope it's worth it to get you out of the snow, unknown person" muttered the girl as she approached the figure lying in the snow, noticing a few distinctive features about her.

First was her long gray hair, if she were an older person she wouldn't think much of it, but the arms and legs exposed through the ragged clothing showed that she was not only a young person, but also very fit. She noticed also that she was a woman, and if swallowing a little saliva as she looked at her firm ass was any indication, you could tell she had very good attributes.

Shaking off the burgeoning desires and irrational thoughts caused by entering puberty, Samus bent down, to twist the woman's body. She saw her face with obvious exhaustion, as well as a scar on the left side of her face.

Noticing the beauty lying on the ground, Samus felt her body temperature rise a little, but she didn't have time to think about such things, so she pulled off a glove and put her fingers in her mouth to whistle.

Her long, loud whistle attracted a large mechanical dog, which quickly approached and pressed its head against the girl's stomach, making her laugh.

"All right, stop playing and help me get this woman," Samus ordered, then the dog carefully bit one of the girl's legs and began to drag her.

"Careful, don't let her get hit," the girl asked, making the mechanical dog's movements smoother.

"She looks familiar..." whispered Samus as she entered the building.

Samus concentrated, trying to remember what the woman looked like, until at the entrance, a certain character from a game and book she had heard about in her past life popped into her mind. That, combined with the woman's physical appearance and the strange way she appeared, gave her a clear idea of who she might be.

"Damn. Looks like I have to do something to help her, especially find a way to deal with... The Wild Hunt" Samus swears that the atmosphere became much colder as she said those last words.

Her energy sensitivity told her that the place where the girl appeared still had traces of strange energy pulsing in a very peculiar way, and she guessed that it was those pulsations that attracted those strange elves. If she could replicate them, she could not only distract them but also facilitate their plans.

"Looks like I'll have to wait for the New Year in the lab again," Samus said somewhat reproachfully, though a broad smile appeared on her lips, no doubt her luck would have run out to accomplish such a feat. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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