
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Cómic
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29 Chs

4: Futurama! Today we present A Girl's Life, Part One.

Samus hadn't expected to get a book from her father, no, what she hadn't expected was to get a book with what she needed. She felt that with this book she had used up all the luck she had for the rest of the year, something that seemed to prove itself when she couldn't even find a penny on the street, and it seemed that this situation where her exaggerated luck had no effect would last for a long time. 

But she wasn't looking forward to those things, no, now she had a lot to learn, not only about science and technology but also about the subtle ways of what could be called a unique power system of this world. 

Unlike how commonplace aliens with special abilities, intelligent robots, people with superpowers, or mutants in the sewers were, the supernatural element in Futurama had always been very hidden. Aside from a few hints, such as the strange irony of things like animals being sacrificed in the pursuit of science, or the existence of Pazuzu, there were few "supernatural" things.

Yes, there were the robot ghosts, Fry with the mind-reading ability, and her specialty as a being whose mind cannot be read, but there wasn't much supernatural stuff. But she was holding something made by her father that told her there was not.

Mankind has been through a lot on this Earth, even the pyramids were built to worship a race of intelligent cats who tried to steal the rotation of our world. But knowing to become what we might call a 'Technological Alchemist' filled Samus' little heart with excitement.

She didn't hold the book for long, she would do that later. She hugged her father tightly, feeling an unprecedented sense of security in this old, gangly body. She hadn't expected the always amusing fictional character to be a concerned and loving father to her. 

"You don't know how much the existence of ghosts disturbed me! At first, I was excited, you know, it would be a really good way to beat that pedantic Wernstrom, but then I thought of something. 

If you can see these things, they might endanger you someday, and knowing that this vast universe contains threats both known and unknown, I decided to do something for you," the professor said after patting his daughter's furry head, happy that he could do this now before puberty tore his daughter from his arms.

"But creating a new power system like you're the main character in a novel or a comic... that's cool," Samus said as she turned away from the Professor, the foul smell in the room starting to get annoying.

The girl held her nose and made a gesture of blowing out the air with her hand as she took a much closer look at the lab, noticing all the dirty dishes and leftover food.

"Dad, you need a shower and this place needs airing out..." Samus said with a small smile, making the professor's mouth tighten even more.

"Annoying girl, go away, go away," the Professor teasingly pushed Samus out of the lab.

The girl was holding a book, one that would help her do amazing things in the future, so you know what that means... Time Jump!


Years had passed and Samus was now ten years old, things around her hadn't changed much, well, it seemed that way, if you had a good eye you'd notice some things that were different from 5 years ago.

For example, the iconic Planet Express building had expanded even more, and although there was only one ship in operation, it was even better than before, but we'll talk about the changes made to it later.

First of all, the Professor's business had caused a certain boom in the military industry, even if Carol, or MOM, tried to stop it with her influence, she couldn't do much. The weapons and devices created by the Professor sometimes failed, but the ones that didn't... were extremely powerful and incredible. 

These inventions served as a source of resources to not only expand the building but also to obtain exotic materials to aid Samus in her practice.

If you were expecting her to become some kind of elemental wizard, you're wrong. First of all, Samus was incapable of learning magic, which she proved through certain methods, but you don't need magic to do alchemy.

Broadly speaking, alchemy was the use of a person's stamina and mental power to interact with both energy and matter, modifying them, giving them properties, changing them, or taking them away. She couldn't be an alchemist like a certain blond boy who wasn't taller than her, even if she was ten years old.

No, the alchemy she learned mixed well with scientific knowledge and mystical elements to achieve interesting things. From potions in test tubes to amulets and talismans with certain supernatural properties or beyond conventional technology. 

In those five years, she created health potions, physical recovery, mental recovery, regeneration, and even a beauty potion that sold well.

She created a ghost amulet by using Claire, her wraith friend, as a guinea pig. She also asked the church's robot father for an amulet against robot ghosts, learning a lot from him and emulating him. 

She created a teleportation amulet for emergencies, an amulet that created an energy shield around her, and an amulet that allowed her to breathe underwater.

Though she has many ideas for various potions, such as some that enhance her physical or mental abilities, or have the ability to cause various changes in the environment, as well as ideas for various talismans, the research and development of both has been slow.

It's a matter of trying and failing until something is achieved, then it has to be tested and proven, so it hasn't been easy, to say the least. Other than that, she devoted herself to physical training, especially fighting.

Samus was exaggeratedly elastic, she could curl up into a ball and roll around without discomfort or pain, and she didn't get dizzy from such confusing movements, so she wasn't taught a specific style, she was simply taught how to fight.

But to fight by using everything around her, like a little blonde version of Jackie Chan, everything was her weapon, from her body to that innocent pencil. And even though she was ten years old, an adult could hardly resist in her hands, her strength had already surpassed human standards, and she hadn't even entered puberty yet.

There was even a time when she foiled a robbery attempt by a certain deranged robot, but then they became friends because she helped him by repairing his damaged body parts for a small fee.

Now she and the Professor were standing in front of the ship, which didn't seem to have changed much, but as I said, many changes made it radically different.

"You didn't have to take out the bundles of wires I used to put it together, they were special, you know?" the Professor complained as he touched the surface of the ship, feeling the material it was made of.

Alchemy has a lot to do with science, aside from the supernatural aspects, Samus did a lot in the technological area, so she overhauled the ship, and one of the improvements is the metal hull, which was much stronger and lighter than before, a work of her own by the way.

"There was a lot of redundant stuff in those wires, I didn't remove them all, I used them in other ways," Samus said as she wiped her oil-stained hands with a white cloth, getting them completely dirty.

"Sure, not only did you change the engine and make it run on a different fuel than conventional dark matter, but you also added your weapons and a force shield. Tell me, is it a courier ship or a battlecruiser? You even made it capable of navigating at sea or underground!" the Professor complained, waving his arms comically, making Samus laugh.

"Stop laughing, silly girl!" the Professor tried to put his hand on Samus' head, only to find that the girl had run away, using her amazing speed to dodge him.

"You're the one with the weird or always exploding inventions!" said Samus jokingly, pulling her now long hair back into a ponytail as she looked at the ship, proud of her improvements.

"Now, not only does the ship use less fuel, but it will also be able to handle emergencies. Doctor Zoidberg told me about the tetra-dimensional whale if I can find it someday..." Samus' eyes seemed to flash for a moment, but her disciplined mind helped her stay calm. 

"Don't talk to me about that stupid, stinking crustacean that ate those expensive Nyx petals! I'll never forgive him!" said the Professor indignantly, though it was not known whether he was angry with his comrade-in-arms and collaborator, or with his daughter for not letting him touch her head. 

"The Doc is funny, he has interesting stories, you know, like the one about you two being buddies in the army," Samus said in a mocking tone, even raising one of her eyebrows and approaching her father with an extremely unsteady gait.

"Impudent girl! Nobody wants Zoidberg, only in his dreams would we be partners," the Professor denied, causing Samus to burst out laughing.

"Well, then, I won't be inviting you to our garbage lunch," Samus added, causing the poor old man to gasp at the thought of his beloved daughter eating with Zoidberg.

He didn't care that it was in the garbage, just that it was with the overgrown crustacean. As she was about to complain, she remembered a passage she had read in a 'How to Raise Your Child' book.

"Well, my dear, if you want to go have fun, go," the professor said in a softer tone, making Samus stop fooling around and look at him in amazement.

What the hell? was what the girl thought, and she didn't know why, but she felt that going to lunch with Zoidberg wasn't that interesting anymore, so she mentally decided not to go.

A grin appeared on the Professor's face as he watched Samus sink into her thoughts. It was already 2992, and the girl was finally exhibiting the traits of a pre-teen, not a genius researcher or a relentless fighter.

Although he was worried about possible threats in the future, he had no idea why his daughter seemed to be in such a hurry. Humans in this era could easily live to be 200 years old, even longer if they performed certain operations or followed certain methods, so he didn't understand his daughter's urgency, but he still gave her his full support.

"Anyway, this ship is going to be our flagship, the perfect creation for package deliverers all over the universe, isn't it a miracle?" asked Samus after coming out of her thoughts, causing the professor to nod.

"Looks like my teaching has paid off," the Professor commented, blatantly taking credit, which made Samus frown a little.

"Dude, it was me who remodeled it" complained Samus.

"I built it" replied the Professor.

"I upgraded it"

"I built it"

"I GAVE HER SHIELDS, WEAPONS, A BETTER PROPULSION SYSTEM, A BETTER ENGINE!" raised Samus' voice, but the Professor's smile never disappeared when he said his keyword.

"I spawned you" That sentence broke Samus' head and made her look with annoyance at the Professor, who laughed and hid his eyes behind thick glasses, but for sure his look was one of pride.

"Okay, you win old man" Samus surrendered, then left the hangar for her room.

"You're 100 years and then some to beat me, brat" gloated the Professor for a few minutes before receiving a message on his phone.

The screen showed Samus eating a pizza with Zoidberg as they were surrounded by trash, the smile the girl had on her face made the veins in the Professor's forehead bulge.

"SAMUS!" her shout was only a distant whisper that was barely heard by her and Zoidberg, who were enjoying a delicious dinner.

'Thank you to the book How to Annoy Your Parents for this wonderful advice' Samus thanked as she munched on a slice of delicious cheese and pepperoni pizza.

"I think I heard your name, Samus," said Doctor Zoidberg after swallowing a slice of pizza, to which Samus responded with a smile and a wave of her hand, dismissing the situation.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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