
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Cómic
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29 Chs

16: I am not a witch, I'm an alchemist!

There was a figure sitting on the stage, enjoying a glass of wine and the bloody spectacle that was taking place, he felt a morbid pleasure at the sight of the decapitated body of the 'witch', he had wanted to eat her as he had done with the woman's relatives, but sometimes seeing the suffering of these filthy 'heathens' also gave him satisfaction. 

But then he felt it, his happiness and pleasure ended, he could feel the anomaly in the air, even though he had transcended humanity to become an apostle, he couldn't stand a situation like this, so he moved his huge body and tried to flee. Poor thing, he didn't know that a girl was dying to see him fly through the air.

"Explode!" a young voice shouted over the chaotic voices of the crowd, stopping him in his tracks, and before he could understand what it meant, a blast of heat hit him before he was engulfed in a terrible flame.

The explosion shattered the entire podium he had been sitting on, the enforcers of the Holy See and that pesky old man who had always wanted to avoid their righteous crusade against the heretics went up in flames, but not him, he had transcended humanity before, this would not affect him. 

Then his body underwent a metamorphosis, returning to its original form, although he did not like it very much, it would frighten his beloved daughter, but that did not matter, he wanted to satisfy his hunger, he wanted to vent his anger, nothing and no one would stop him. And so the man, the Count of these lands, revealed himself to the world in his true form. 

How shall I put it? His form was grotesque, Samus and Ciri felt uncomfortable at the sight of him, the obvious phallic appearance of the monster before them and his strange appendages didn't make him beautiful, they only made him worse. Meanwhile, Guts watched the figure in the smoke and fire with hatred, but this time it was not anger that ruled his mind, but coldness.

Yes, Guts' eyes showed a terrible coldness, the anger, the revenge, the hatred... they had not disappeared, no, they had been tempered, transformed into their current icy expression. Sword in hand, he felt the OD strengthen his remaining arm and legs, he would give his all in this fight.

"Samus, Ciri, give me support... this guy is mine" Guts ran towards the creature with ferocity, his speed was much faster than before, his heavy sword felt light in his hands, and his confidence was also sky high. 

The chaos of the explosion was already subsiding, and as Guts lunged at the Apostle, Samus, and Ciri were surrounded by soldiers in armor. 

"Stop, witches!" shouted a burly man in armor, lifting his helmet to reveal the face of a middle-aged man. 

"You caused that explosion? You will be taken into custody on charges of witchcraft, if you do not resist you will receive some leniency," though he spoke of leniency, his eyes wandered to the chest and legs of Ciri and Samus, revealing their obvious depraved desires.

The soldiers' laughter echoed from beneath their helmets, but it only increased Samus' anger. Ciri didn't look good either, and she would soon show him what she was capable of when she was angry. 

"I caused the explosion, but I'm not a witch," Samus said as she slowly pulled out her alchemical staff, her body covered by her Zero Suit.

Seeing the things Samus was doing, the middle-aged man's face showed some concern, but then he dismissed it, a little obsessed with Samus' figure, even though she was too tall for his taste, he didn't like tall women, he was pleased to see her kneeling in front of him.

"Oh, you make a noise like that and you're not a witch? Besides, you pull things out of thin air, you dress provocatively, you try to seduce me, and it's obvious you've been gifted by demons, so you're a witch," the man's words made Samus feel nauseous and she stopped feeling guilty for involving possible innocents in her reckless action by causing an explosion.

She remembered how fucked up this world was, maybe the only truly innocent people in this world were children, and not even that, there is an Apostle who is a girl.

Without pausing to speak, Samus ran towards the man, looking like a blur due to her incredible speed, and swung her staff at the creepy guy's head, crushing his helmet and smashing his head in. Blood splattered on Samus' face, and with no regard for her appearance, she ran towards another soldier.

Ciri drew her blades and began flashing around the soldiers, attacking them constantly with her blades. Their battle stretched across several streets as the two fought soldiers armed with swords, spears, bows, and even a few crossbows. 

Samus knew how cruel the members of the Church were in this world, and Ciri had heard of the atrocities committed by a religious institution in her original world, so the thought of letting anyone live was never far from her mind.

"Look at what a witch I am, asshole!" shouted Samus, still not able to get the anger out of her, she used her staff to manipulate the energy of the environment, exciting the electrons of the atoms in the air, creating electric arcs that spread through the soldiers in front of her. 

On the other hand, Ciri was constantly working on the archers or crossbowmen, preventing them from effectively harassing the pair and allowing them to fight freely. Blood splattered the streets, the clash of metal echoed throughout the city, and the shouts of soldiers calling for reinforcements or help drew in more men, even from outside the city.

But even if they brought more people, they were just ordinary people against two superhuman beings. Even if they managed to hurt them, the potions Samus made would heal them, and even if they got tired, a few potions would help them recover. 

The battle went on for hours until the soldiers saw their faith falter and finally fled. It took the lives of many dedicated soldiers before they realized they were no match for these two women, and Samus' cry was burned into their hearts.

"I'M AN ALCHEMIST!" the girl shouted as if complaining to someone, before unleashing lightning, fire, and gusts of wind. 

They were also probably suffering from green glow trauma from seeing Ciri flashing back and forth, sometimes with a companion who was fine, before falling with a cut on their neck right after seeing the green glow the girl gave off every time she teleported.

The news of two such powerful and devastating women spread not only among the members of the Church, but throughout human territory, and even a certain Hawk of Light received the news days later, though by that time he had already seen the two women, which made a great impression on him.


On the other hand, Guts saw that damned Apostle, one of those who had participated in that damned darkness and who had taken away one of his few friends. The image of that creature with the two parts of Pippin on his limbs, showing them off like a trophy, made his determination to kill him grow stronger.

"Oh, it's you... a marked one, and from one of the big ones, for a change. I don't know what you want from me. Your death, perhaps, I suppose the constant harassment doesn't leave anyone very well," the creature sneered, craning its long neck to be level with Guts and showing him its mocking face.

"Well, maybe not so much, but at least I'll be alive tomorrow, while you'll die today," said Guts, who ran towards the Count, brandishing his weapon to cut him down.

The monster used one of his strange appendages to smash into Guts' weapon, knowing that his powerful body could withstand any deadly weapon, and even though his body was somewhat scorched from the wounds of Samus' blast, he had plenty of strength, more than enough to deal with a mere human.

But he soon knew the situation was wrong when Guts' sword caused him pain and severed several of his limbs, not only that, but Guts barely flinched from the impact, a crazed grin on his face. 

His one eye focused coldly on his prey, yes, it would be the other way around this time, he would split this guy in two just like the monster had done to his friend. Guts then ran towards the monster again, intending to hit it, this time on one of its legs. 

The Count stepped back and tried to hold Guts up with the limbs protruding from the side of his head, but Guts swung his heavy sword with unexpected speed, slicing off those appendages and making the monster scream. 

The creature's blood seemed to activate something in Guts' weapon, which he found a little strange, but as a good swordsman, he trusted his weapon and took the opportunity to cut off one of the creature's limbs, the very leg he was aiming for, the right one. 

"Damn you, heretic!" the monster called the human a heretic, how ironic that was, but Guts' grin, as well as his somewhat elongated ears, gave the man a certain demonic look, but these are small details.

Guts said nothing as he began to slash at the monster with those pesky tentacles, causing it to lose red blood, not unlike human blood. His attacks became more and more vicious, trying to prolong the suffering of a monster that even at its best would be no match for him, even his Guts could not be strengthened with OD.

"Wait, mercy, I beg for mercy," the man began, his long neck now lying on the ground, his limbs splayed and those disgusting appendages barely attached to his body.

Guts looked at him with the same coldness he had at the beginning of this fight, his sword raised, ready to slit the vile monster's throat when a young girl's scream interrupted the situation.

"Stop! Don't hurt my father anymore!" a young girl dressed in noble robes came running to the scene, panting with sweat, but still, wearily, she stepped between Guts and the Count, raising her arms to block the swordsman's advance.

"Girl, get out of the way, that's not your father, not anymore, he's just a monster," Guts muttered through his teeth, trying to hold back the overwhelming desire to cut through everything and bring the damn thing down.

"No! He's my father, he's a good man, he cares about the city, he cares about me, he's not a monster," the girl said, making Guts uncomfortable, and he hesitated to proceed with violence no matter what. 

It was this hesitation that tried to set the old path of causality in motion, as a benefit fell from the Count's body and his misshapen limbs lined up again, recalling that moment in the minds of Guts and the Count, both of whom knew what it meant. 

The fabric of reality was disrupted as impossible staircases that defied the logic of normal space appeared, surrounding Guts, the girl, and the Count. But just before the domain closed, a purple line interrupted everything, and the whinnying of a horse broke the silence. 

Samus and Ciri took the opportunity to teleport into the incomplete domain, thanks to Skull Knight. While Ciri looked around curiously, wishing she could do the same, Samus focused her attention on the five figures present, especially the one in the middle.

"I believe this is the first time we've met, nice to meet you, I'm Samus Aran Farnsworth," Samus introduced herself with a smile on her blood-stained face.

"Wow, a foreigner, interesting, very interesting," Void, the main member of the God Hand, looked at Samus with interest, sensing the source of the disturbance in causality.

"You're interesting too, you don't have a skull," Samus said 'innocently', but the atmosphere became tense at his blatant mockery.

"What a beautiful body you have," Slan said, looking lustfully at Samus' body, making the blonde shiver a little.

"I'll go that way, but Auntie, you're too old for me," Samus' words made Slan cover her mouth as she giggled, but her eyes glittered with cruelty, even she, a divine being, had a taboo on the subject of her age.

"I wish you were the object of troll breeding in the Qliphoth," Slan said cruelly, making Samus' smile even wider.

"You can't stand the younger ones, you seem very aware of how old you are," Samus said as she jumped aside to avoid a tentacle that came out of the same room and tried to grab her. 

"I don't understand your fondness for tentacles, surely they're what gave you those wrinkles?" Samus' words made Slan touch her face, looking for wrinkles, but her actions made the blonde and two members of the God Hand laugh.

"The girl has a good sense of humor, I like her," said one of them, Ubik, with his characteristic smile on his face. 

"She has style," said Conrad, obviously pleased with the situation.

The God Hand had made their presence known, and they were not so different from humans, it seemed. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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