
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Cómic
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43 Chs

10: Evil Spirits.

While the four of them were gathered in front of a bonfire, the rain became much more intense. Still, the water could not fall on them due to the talismans Samus had arranged, which created a much more adequate shelter around them. Still, the arrival of night opened the doors to the realm of the strange and surreal, the fatal attraction of a mark for sacrifice attracted certain entities like flies to honey.

Samus thought about how to introduce herself properly, she didn't give a damn about the continuity of the plot, she especially disliked the concept of causality explained in the Berserk story, so she decided to give a rather clear and explanatory explanation of who she was, as well as where she came from. 

"I am Samus Aran Farnsworth, daughter of a great inventor and a mighty warrior. I am a techno-alchemist who combines modern science with the mysticism of ancient alchemy. Ciri and I come from a different world than yours, a faraway world, a different world." Ciri looked at Samus with some disbelief, words like that were not usually spoken, and although this was more in fiction than anything else, the risks were real.

She didn't know why Samus trusted this swordsman named Guts, she could sense the lingering supernatural aura around the man, as if he had been in contact with many supernatural entities, and even, it seemed, he had been more than in contact with them, if his senses were correct. 

Not only that, but the smell of blood, or the presence of a great deal of murderous intent in Guts, was palpable to her with great perception, no doubt Samus must have felt the same as she did, but trusting her friend, Ciri remained silent, waiting and watching the situation unfold.

She glanced sideways at Guts, trying to understand his reaction, but as the swordsman looked puzzled, Puck glowered at Samus and flew toward her with speed.

"THIS IS GREAT! I KNEW IT WASN'T MY IMAGINATION!" shouted Puck as he danced a strange dance around Samus, who recognized what kind of dance the elf was doing.

"No kidding," Samus thought as she saw Puck's overreaction, especially his dance. How could she forget that dance? 

Then the three humans present saw Puck doing Jojo's Bizarre Adventure torture dance while flying, the smile on his face, full of innocence, made Samus understand that Puck was like in the manga, a being capable of interacting with the fourth wall, although in the real world that could mean indirect contact with things from other universes and dimensions. 

"Could you explain, Puck?" asked Guts somewhat nervously, he didn't like the unknown, not when it seemed important enough to merit a reaction from him beyond his obvious confusion.

"Think of the world we live in as... a barrel, yes, that's an analogy you'll understand. Just as there are barrels of different drinks in a warehouse, there are worlds. So imagine some wine from one barrel mixing with beer from another barrel, that's what's happening here.

I can't explain this concept well according to the education in our world but think of our world as a barrel of beer, and these two come from a world that would be a barrel of mead," Puck replied to Guts, trying to explain abstract and unfamiliar concepts to the swordsman.

Guts then seemed to understand something, he looked closely at Samus and Ciri, noticing how strange their clothes were and how it was the first time he had seen clothes like that, which could be an indicator that Puck was right, these girls came from another 'barrel', another world, one possibly very different from his own. 

"I see..." Just let out the breath he had been holding, this was a lot to take in, especially since even if he had encountered strange and dangerous things, he had never thought he would see visitors from another world.

"So, have you seen the Jedi? My favorite is Yoda," Puck asked Samus, bringing his tiny body close to the blonde's face, making her smile.

"I prefer baby Yoda," she replied, sending the little elf flying again with excitement.

"Well, that proves you're a world traveler and not just another deranged human," Puck muttered, not thinking the three humans present could hear him.

"Yes... well, my name is Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Princess, Traveler of Worlds, and from a world other than Samus', though I've been living in hers for five years now, a pretty incredible place if you ask me. You could reach for the stars," Ciri's introduction made Puck freeze in mid-air, looking stiffly at Ciri, then steadily around.

"I've heard of you, they whisper about you all the time, they say they want to hunt you, they want your power," Puck muttered in fright as he looked around for something, this drastic change in his demeanor caused Guts to grab the hilt of his sword, ready for action.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to follow me here," Ciri said calmly, causing Puck to look at her for a few seconds before the fear left his face and he returned to his usual mood. 

"Oh that's good, very good, there are already too many terrible things in this world, we don't want to kidnap ghost riders," although her words were full of relief, they made Guts look at Ciri curiously.

"Because of the power in my blood, they hunt me all the time, or they did before I met Samus, without her I wouldn't have peace and I wouldn't have the strength I have now," Ciri's thanks made the blonde's cheeks flush and her head seem to smoke.

'She's thanked me before, I don't know why I always react like that,' Samus thought as she tried to calm her excited heartbeat.

"I guess your life has been interesting...that leaves me to introduce myself," Guts placed his weapon on the ground and removed his trench coat from his body, revealing what it hid. 

He was wearing body armor and metal with several knives on his body, the wounds on his skin were completely healed now, and even though he didn't say it, everyone could sense that he was finally not as alert as he was right now. He looked with one eye at the campfire in the middle of the three of them, lost in thought.

No one spoke, waiting for him to break the silence himself.

"I... am Guts, no last name, no parents, former captain of a mercenary band, now a swordsman seeking revenge against those who took everything from me, sullied the most precious thing in my life, and ruined my body," Guts pointed to his missing eye, but did so by showing the prosthetic on his hand, which, though exquisite, was a reminder of his missing limb.

The eternal reminder of what he was willing to do to save those he cared about, even if it would not be fruitful. The bitterness, hatred, and anger in his words explained everything, they vividly reflected all that Guts had suffered and all that he was willing to go through to complete his task of revenge. 

At that moment, the sacrificial mark on his neck began to burn like a hot iron on his skin. The reaction made him grab his neck, staining his fingers with the hot blood that flowed from that terrible mark.

Samus and Ciri noticed the change, feeling a special exoteric signal being released from Guts in an instant, going through Samus' protection and outward. Soon, they saw what the signal was calling, and for the first time, they saw the evil spirits of this world. 

Unlike a certain world where a white-haired narcissist was cut in half by a con man with legs, the evil spirits of this world came from another dimension called the Astral World, where these beings resided. It didn't help that the most powerful beings in that world were inciting them to invade the earthly world.

It also did not help that the God of this world was the accumulation of all the evil that humanity had done and experienced since its emergence, he was so powerful that his mere tears could distort the nature of human beings, and his hand was five divine beings with unknown abilities. 

The shelter was surrounded by skeletons with weapons, and ghosts with strange shapes, and even the surrounding trees changed their shapes to show creepy faces that looked at Guts greedily. They only paid attention to the man, the women were just an appetizer, and the important thing was to eat the blood of this... marked, the sacrifice. 

"You will not be able to flee... you will have no peace... join... fall... stop suffering... pain... pain..." The mixed voices of those beings echoed through the place, containing a temptation that would have been fatal for the weakest, but was not even a nuisance for those present.

Guts has been able to deal with these beings since before he was a marked being. He had fought Zodd, defeated and killed Wyald, and had recently killed the Snake Baron. So he was undaunted, with his strength renewed by the potion he had taken, he grabbed his sword and stood up, ready for action.

Puck flew to his shoulder, feeling that he would be much safer with Guts, even if it didn't seem like it. Even though he knew that Samus and Ciri were mages or whatever a techno-alchemist was, he trusted his partner's abilities more, after all, he had seen Guts fight.

Ciri unsheathed her swords as she stood next to Samus, who had made her Zero Suit appear from underneath her clothes, giving her a rather exotic look. The blonde held her alchemical wand and began to manipulate the energy of the environment, collecting all the oxygen she could from the constantly falling rain.

She could have done something less dangerous or exhausting, like simply raising an energy field around her, but she chose this complex preparation because she wanted to have a powerful weapon before she fought these beings. 

"I knew they would come, I've always wanted to test myself by fighting true supernatural beings, so... don't let me down," with a gesture, the oxygen that was in large quantities was directed forward, where many skeletons were gathered. 

The skeletons' weapons quickly began to rust, but they didn't seem to understand the intricacies of this alchemy-driven chemical reaction, and they simply continued to advance, colliding with the defenses Samus had set up. 

The sizzling sound, similar to dropping drops of water into hot oil, made them realize that Samus' preparations were more than enough, so they were able to confidently approach and hurt those bastards. Guts, in particular, used the exaggerated length of his weapon to move it back and forth, slashing at the skeletons as they piled up. 

Ciri used smoother and more organized movements while moving back and forth, she cut off their limbs before decapitating them, she did not want to run into the classic situation where she knocked down a supernatural enemy and carelessly let him hurt her while he was still moving. That's why he made sure to incapacitate his enemies with each cut. 

Samus, on the other hand, took the oxygen to the strange-looking trees, then pointed her left hand at the campfire, causing a small piece of flame to rise and float in her hand. She looked at the fire in her hand and understood that it worked just as it did in her universe, so she could manipulate it.

From her hand came a jet of fire that slammed into the cloud of oxygen she had created, causing an explosion whose fire spread rapidly under her manipulation. Using alchemy, she directed the flames at the other gathering cursed spirits, even recognizing the incubus that was supposed to give Guts a nightmare in the original plot.

The battle wasn't long, but they knew there was more to come, this would be a complete non-stop until dawn, all because things had changed, and the game suddenly seemed to be leveling out. And while Guts had always been able to prevail against the hordes of ghosts, this was the first time they had been decimated in such a brutal manner.

The changes in the flow of causality attracted a being who had always wanted this to happen, a being who had fought against the God Hand for centuries, a forgotten knight of whom only his bones remained. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts