
if the heart calls for it the body would go after it

He moved closer to her, bent her head to the left side and started licking her body

She tried to resist for a minute but she couldn't

They started touching and romancing

Kissing and caressing, she pulled him and dragged him carelessly to the room, pushed him to the bed

She was barely naked at this time

She sat on him and moved 360

Then she stair in his eyes

In a very tempting manner

ABIB couldn't have enough of her

He hugged her so tightly and they both kissed again, and again and again

They made love again, and again and again

BABAJIDE, Samantha husband kept on calling her phone but she had already switched it off

When it was about 7; 35 in the morning

ABIB woke up from sleep and Noticed Samantha wasn't by his side

Samantha, Samantha he called her name a couples times, checked every part of the house but she wasn't anywhere to be found

Abib was left alone in the room with different kind of thoughts and worries, it was like tasting happiness and immediately tasting bitterness on just a switch of seconds

He started feeling really sad and angry again, kicked the bed and screamed Samantha

Going down on his kneels he noticed an envelop by the left side of the bed area

He opened it quickly with so much anxiety

Saw it was a note from Samantha

Opened it and read it. Immediately he got into the shower and quickly freshen up, wore a nice outfit, And a very beautiful perfume

Left the room messy and rushed to his bike

He started it and zoomed off